Uncomfortable connections in Arizona the anti-immigrant movement.

Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 07:13 pm

These two men, arm in arm, says a lot about anti-immigrant politics in Arizona. The man on the left is Russell Pearce, the Republican State Senator who was key in pushing the new anti-immigrant law.

The man on the Right is JT Ready, a man active in the NSM; yep that is the National Socialist Movement. You can see them in action here (he is the second neo-Nazi from the left).


The NSM was behind anti-immigrant rallies in Arizona last year.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 9 • Views: 12,802 • Replies: 95

Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 09:39 pm
Sitting here, waiting for the righties on a2k to appear and tell us that the Nazis and therefore the Neo-Nazis are leftists and that the American right makes necessary outreach to those who promote freedom.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 09:40 pm
Look for JT Ready at the next Tea Totalitarian event.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 12:06 am
@ebrown p,
Obvious ly, if Senator Pearce were associated with nazi despotism,
he 'd have rejected personal freedom (here NOT referring to illegal aliens).

If u can show that Senator Pearce was associated with nazism,
then he 'd be discredited. So far, u have only shown 2 men standing together.

ebrown p
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 05:10 am
The people who made this video put it together quite well. Most of the footage is from a anti-immigration rally that took place in Phoenix last November. The most interesting part is the timeline established in the first minute or so.

Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 12:34 pm
I don't know about you David, but in my life I've done my best never to stand shoulder to shoulder with a nazi. I'd do my best to give them a wide berth if I were a politician or any decent person.
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 03:50 pm
Ceili wrote:
I don't know about you David, but in my life I've done my best
never to stand shoulder to shoulder with a nazi.
I'd do my best to give them a wide berth if I were a politician or any decent person.
Granted that either form of authoritarian-collectivism is loathsome,
as is all socialism, tho in personal relations, I 've had friends of both nazis and commies
with whom I have argued in favor of super-feeble domestic jurisdiction of government,
exalting laissez faire free enterprize, Individualism, libertarianism and hedonism.
I argued in support of the sparrow-fart theory of government.
I don 't need to be afraid of commies nor nazis.

I had an uncle, a draftsman for military projects in the Second World War,
who was caught with a swastika bearing flag in his underwear drawer by the FBI,
but whose pleasant social interaction I enjoyed at family gatherings.
He was an intellectual; articulate.
I abhored communism and nazism, but I loved my entire family, including him.

As of now, my best friends are 2 "liberals" from the 1930s.
William F. Buckley, Jr. was a warm friend of Allard Lowenstein, whose funeral he attended.

As of now, I am very attracted to a woman in Mensa who is emotional in her support of communism.
I like her a lot, drawn to her, personally. I can AFFORD to be magnanimous in victory both over the nazis
in the 2nd World War and over the commies in the 3rd World War.

I agree with u,
as to politicians not being caught too close to radicals in pictures.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 04:23 pm
@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:

The people who made this video put it together quite well. Most of the footage is from a anti-immigration rally that took place in Phoenix last November. The most interesting part is the timeline established in the first minute or so.


After the enactment of each of SB1108 and of SB1070,
I called a friend of mine who emigrated from NY Mensa to Arizona,
where he ran for election to the Arizona House of Representatives.
He is outspoken, of strong views and he is Jewish.
He supports & endorses Senator Russell Pearce, who authored both of those bills.

If Senator Pearce were believed to be pro-nazi,
he 'd have no chance of re-election to the Senate of Arizona.
He 'd surely be expelled from the Senate, if he were deemed to be a nazi.

As a proponent of the SPARROW-FART theory of government,
I 'd vehementaly denounce any commie or any nazi who ran for office.

This video appears to be a vindictive smear of Senator Pearce by pro-Mexican elements.

Let us note that at public functions, anyone can stand near a holder of public office and have his picture taken.
There is no ideological photography test.

Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 04:27 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Let us note that at public functions, anyone can stand near a holder of public office and have his picture taken.
There is no ideological photography test.

true, but nobody should be photographed next a douchebag who wears a national flag as a tie


that fashion statement is just wrong
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 04:39 pm
djjd62 wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:
Let us note that at public functions, anyone can stand near a holder of public office and have his picture taken.
There is no ideological photography test.

true, but nobody should be photographed next a douchebag who wears a national flag as a tie


that fashion statement is just wrong
I KNOW what the American Flag looks like, and

0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 05:29 pm

OK, I just confirmed with Senator Pearce 's office, qua that picture,
that it was only that someone walked up to the Senator in a public place
and a friend took a picture, which happens all the time.

Sadly, I was also informed that, contrary to my urging,
his wife will not let him run for President of the USA.

ebrown p
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 06:13 pm
Did you watch the video?

In it, Russell Pearce is shown in the front row clapping and grinning for JT Ready as he is speaking. In the video JT ready praises Pearce as a "Statesmen".

Back in 2007 Pearce publically supported JT Ready after he was attacked by civil rights groups for his Nazi ties.

Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 07:28 pm
@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:
Did you watch the video?
Yes; then after reading your last post, I re-watched it. I saw that Ready was cheering the USA,
and then recommending that the Arizona National Guard be on the border to stop the Mexicans.

I love that, because when it becomes possible, thay and their progeny will vote leftist,
dragging America away from personal freedom, toward the welfare state.
I think stationing the National Guard on the border is a very fine idea; nothing rong with that.
It was at THAT point that the camera went to Senator Pearce,
who applauded after Ready repeatedly cheered the USA
and suggested implacing the National Guard on the border.
In other words, the Senator did NOT applaud anything to do with nazism.
If he had DONE that, it woud have been nationwide news
and he 'd have been fatally disgraced, ending his career.
If he were a known nazi, then leadership of the quest
for freedom to bear arms concealed with no license
defense from the Mexican invasion woud NEVER
have been permitted to rest in his hands, those of a nazi.

ebrown p wrote:
In it, Russell Pearce is shown in the front row clapping and grinning for JT Ready as he is speaking.
Ready was repeatedly cheering the USA
and suggesting that the National Guard be implaced on the border,
both FINE ideas, well worthy of applause and grinning !!!

ebrown p wrote:
In the video JT ready praises Pearce as a "Statesmen".
He IS.

Speaking as a supporter of the Sparrow-fart theory of government,
the antithesis of socialist despotism
(including national socialist and international socialist [communist] despotism)
I laud him as an extraordinary STATESMAN.

ebrown p wrote:
Back in 2007 Pearce publically supported JT Ready
after he was attacked by civil rights groups for his Nazi ties.
I can t comment on that, for lack of sufficient information.

Mr. Brown: WHERE on the ideological spectrum
do u see the Mexican intruders? Right, left, middle?
In your opinion,
do thay share a political-economic philosophy?

ebrown p
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 07:51 pm
JT Ready wrote:
The entire immigration issue, both legal and illegal is about race, like it or not. One race is being supplanted by others. Not the other way around. Racist Jews who wish to see the Whites dispersed into a minority prior to annihilation brainwash the susceptible Whites into fratricidal wars, miscegenation, and other means of self-destruction along with massive non-white immigration into their homelands. The non-white racists understand this fact more than the gullible Whites do themselves. The non-whites naturally love their race of origin and openly work to promote their dominance over the other races. Only the Whites are made to feel guilty for what is natural and healthy in all other races. We are not, after all, being invaded by hordes of blond-haired, blue-eyed Swedish nuns. It is only the non-white third world which is encouraged to swarm over us. And it is sickly Whites who oppose the strong amongst us who wish to preserve our heritage, culture, language, and race.

This was written by J.T. Ready, the friend of Russell Pearce.

source: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t607702/
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 07:55 pm
David is in denial.
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 07:57 pm
It does appear they have their arms around each other's waists.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 07:59 pm
A revisionist to the bloody end.
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 09:25 pm
plainoldme wrote:
A revisionist to the bloody end.
Your allegations r denied, rejected and dismissed without respect, Plain.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 09:26 pm
plainoldme wrote:
David is in denial.
With good reason!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 09:31 pm
@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:
JT Ready wrote:
The entire immigration issue, both legal and illegal is about race, like it or not. One race is being supplanted by others. Not the other way around. Racist Jews who wish to see the Whites dispersed into a minority prior to annihilation brainwash the susceptible Whites into fratricidal wars, miscegenation, and other means of self-destruction along with massive non-white immigration into their homelands. The non-white racists understand this fact more than the gullible Whites do themselves. The non-whites naturally love their race of origin and openly work to promote their dominance over the other races. Only the Whites are made to feel guilty for what is natural and healthy in all other races. We are not, after all, being invaded by hordes of blond-haired, blue-eyed Swedish nuns. It is only the non-white third world which is encouraged to swarm over us. And it is sickly Whites who oppose the strong amongst us who wish to preserve our heritage, culture, language, and race.

This was written by J.T. Ready, the friend of Russell Pearce.

source: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t607702/
Mr. Ready appears to be a nazi.
As a freedom lover, I 'd vote against him,
but that has nothing to do with Senator Pearce, who u are trying to smear.

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