@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:Did you watch the video?
Yes; then after reading your last post, I re-watched it. I saw that Ready was cheering the USA,
and then recommending that the Arizona National Guard be on the border to stop the Mexicans.
I love that, because when it becomes possible, thay and their progeny will vote leftist,
dragging America away from personal freedom, toward the welfare state.
I think stationing the National Guard on the border is a very fine idea; nothing rong with that.
It was at
THAT point that the camera went to Senator Pearce,
who applauded after Ready repeatedly cheered the USA
and suggested implacing the National Guard on the border.
In other words, the Senator did
NOT applaud anything to do with nazism.
If he had
DONE that, it woud have been nationwide news
and he 'd have been fatally disgraced, ending his career.
If he were a known nazi, then leadership of the quest
for freedom to bear arms concealed with no license
defense from the Mexican invasion woud
have been permitted to rest in his hands, those of a nazi.
ebrown p wrote:In it, Russell Pearce is shown in the front row clapping and grinning for JT Ready as he is speaking.
Ready was repeatedly
cheering the USA
and suggesting that the National Guard be implaced on the border,
both FINE ideas, well worthy of applause and grinning !!!
ebrown p wrote:In the video JT ready praises Pearce as a "Statesmen".
Speaking as a supporter of the
Sparrow-fart theory of government,
antithesis of socialist despotism
(including national socialist and international socialist [communist] despotism)
laud him as an extraordinary
ebrown p wrote:Back in 2007 Pearce publically supported JT Ready
after he was attacked by civil rights groups for his Nazi ties.
I can t comment on that, for lack of sufficient information.
Mr. Brown:
WHERE on the ideological spectrum
do u see the Mexican intruders? Right, left, middle?
In your opinion,
do thay share a political-economic philosophy?