The leaders of the three main parties here and their senior colleagues and advisers are almost all suburbanites.
Whatever consensus is reached will be essentially suburban thinking and any court, supreme or not, which tries to block that consensus can be, if necessary, ie they don't know on which side their bread is buttered, abolished. I gather the US doesn't partake in such a luxury. Nor a BOUNDERIES COMMISSION aka Bounder's. I presume the US has a crude form of gerrymandering with its planning policies.
Suburbia is also media territory. I would guess that at least 95% of Battle of Britain pilots were suburbanites.
To answer Steve's-
Quote: The moderate middle. The majority for whom Blair made his pitch...whatever happened to them?
Contentment Steve. Test matches, lawns, allotments, car preening, gossipping- you know. It's only the discontented who agitate.
Suburbia must not be sufficiently concerned about the issues. If it does become concerned you will hear about it.