Immigration and Racism in Britain and USA

Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 05:18 pm
herberts wrote:
The BNP provides a ready pool of Useful Idiots whose votes can be harvested to smoke-screen the Trojan Horse of my own political party.
Ahhh...this explains all. Well I wont be voting. And its quite likely the BNP will do well. But not well enough for us to have to start practising our "Heil Herberts!"
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 05:21 pm
(Herbert)... quite a nice chap

You'll never live that down. Very Happy I'll make sure you drag that around with you like a dead-cat from now on...

Whatever must snood be thinking? Shame, McTag! SHAME!
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 05:56 pm
Historically, the introduction of 'multiculturalist policy' to appease the sensitivities of burgeoning immigrant populations has always heralded the demise of nations and empires and political dynasties.

As a consequence of 40-years of demographic transmigration from Third World Islamic societies into Europe - 'Eurabia' is fast on-track towards challenging the status quo of the ancient and traditional white Judeo-Christian societies of a dozen European and Scandinavian countries.

Allow this toxic seepage of Islamic culture into Europe and Scandinavia via continued refugees and immigration policy for just another 50-years - and you can kiss the arse of Western cultural sovereignty goodbye forever.

Just by sheer weight of voting-numbers and excessive birthrates you silly British turkeys are the instrument of your own national demise. And a people who no longer have the will to defend their nationhood and their inherent culture do not deserve to survive the incursion of other more aggressive cultures.

Steve - you may very well lampoon me with 'Heil Herbert!' now - but it will be your grandchildren who may very well be part of the European dhimmitude who will be living under the majority-vote of those who are given to parroting 'Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!' at every opportunity.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 10:45 pm
herberts wrote:
I have no issue with the blacks in the US - snood and his Afro-Americans have my full blessings and support in all of their endeavours. They arrived 400-years ago and are as fully legitimate Americans as any white man.

...white of you to say so...
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 10:56 pm
As a consequence of 40-years of demographic transmigration from Third World Islamic societies into Europe - 'Eurabia' is fast on-track towards challenging the status quo of the ancient and traditional white Judeo-Christian societies of a dozen European and Scandinavian countries.

"Ancient and traditional white Judeo-Christian societies of a dozen European and Scandinavian countries"? The ancient and traditional societies of "European and Scandinavian countries" (and one would have thought that Scandinavia is European) were pagan. The Juedo-Christian tradition, which came to Europe relatively late, has its roots in, horrors!, the Middle East.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 11:04 pm
Okay, who screwed up and didn't inform anybody in Europe, the US, or the Middle East that there is no such thing as "race?"
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 11:09 pm
I've been to Waltham Abbey and prayed at the tomb of the last English king.

I totally agree that every indigenous Britisher should call back those glorious days.

Unfortunately, my anchestors lost the national and patriotic feelings as well ... at some time before 1286, when they surrendered to the Franks became Christians. (I mean, it was totally okay that they came here some dozens years before and "cultivated" this country ...)

Reading herberts' responses is always like looking through our "1000-years-Reich"'s history.
Crying or Very sad
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 11:48 pm
The more I travel the more I find posts/attitudes like Herbies to be ironic and offensive.

So, Brits are scared their fair shores will be muddied by the insidious foriegners. And yet... for centuries, borders and nations were considered porous and meaningless in the ungodly march to the never ending sunset. Give me a break. You get what you dealt. Live with it.
Besides, England has never been a homogeneous, unified land, ok...maybe once, just after all the big chunks of ice melted. But that doesn't really count now does it???.
And if you can't take the heat, I guess you run off (emigrate), land on someone elses shore (poor bahstads) and then bitch from afar about the old country. If only we had all the answers. Shocked
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 11:54 pm
I really like this conclusion (from an interesting report in the Guardian/Observer:

It is strange though that the fiercest critics of the migration - those who panic most about a supposed loss of identity - often paint themselves in the most patriotic terms. Yet for patriots, they don't seem to have much confidence in their own country's ability to influence those who travel to its shores.
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 11:57 pm
Walter - I can appreciate and sympathise with your own delicate position vis a vis issues of nationalism. But you, like most everyone else confuses Hitler's expansionist 'lebensraum' nationalism with plain ordinary domestic nationalism which has no agendas for enslaving people in neighbouring sovereign states.

... the tomb of the last English king.... I totally agree that every indigenous Britisher should call back those glorious days.

Nice try.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2006 12:02 am
herberts wrote:
But you, like most everyone else confuses Hitler's expansionist 'lebensraum' nationalism with plain ordinary domestic nationalism which has no agendas for enslaving people in neighbouring sovereign states.

Obviously, you are really one of those unknown experts to this subject.

herberts wrote:

... the tomb of the last English king.... I totally agree that every indigenous Britisher should call back those glorious days.

Nice try.

No, no try, but true: there've even been photos of this, somewhere hidden within the pages of A2K (and deep in my own photo archive).
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Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2006 12:10 am
So, Brits are scared their fair shores will be muddied by the insidious foriegners.

Yes, the Brits.

And the French, and the Dutch, and the Germans, and the Danes, and the Swedes, and the Spanish, and the Italians, and the Greeks, and the Austrians, and the Swiss, and the Belgians, and...

Check out some of the news sites coming from these countries and you'll see that most of the bad news for the past 5-years has revolved around the fact that these countries are now playing host to a troublesome and criminal plague of immigrants, refugees and second generation migrants of Islamic background.

Time for you to trash those rose-coloured glasses for something which can give you a more realistic perspective.
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Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2006 12:39 am
Obviously, you are really one of those unknown experts to this subject.

Doesn't it say something that almost every response to my many comments on this subject elicits nothing more than feeble and sneering attempts at ad hominem insult - with hardly anyone addressing the various points themselves.

So far kitchenpete and Lord Ellpus have given me some sort of run for my money. I can respect the fact that they candidly admit they couldn't give a rat's arse if Britain should happen to sink beneath the waves - just as long as they can still find their way to an Indian restaurant for a plate of curried sewer-rat -- and just as long as they can still have access to some of the Homies' clubs on the edge of the ghettoes where they can do the bebop and get down 'n dirty with some of the local yardies.
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Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2006 12:58 am
Herbert, could you tell me how the hell everyone became sh!t-scared to say/do/think anything that might possibly remotely have any racist tone to it (whatever the definition of racism is, that is).
In my opinion Britains current government and beurocracy is weak and pathetic. How did the nation which held 1/4 of the world land mass in its power degrade to what it is now?

Yeah, yeah, all you people can snipe about your communist "everyones equal" anti-nationalist bullsh~t, but when the day comes when your a minority people in your own damn homeland, and the immigrants take over power - thats when you'll be thinking "Oh sh~t, what the hell have we done".
And for those who keep saying they find other people offensive - dont worry im sure they find you equally if not more offensive.
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Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2006 02:57 am
And there was I hoping we could have a reasoned and balanced discussion on an important topic.

I said I had some worries about the behaviour of some muslim groups in Britain. I refer in part to the practice of sending male youths to "madrassars" in Pakistan which are supposed to be religious colleges but seem to teach a very militant and politicised version of Islam. (Why do they do that? They can't get an acceptable islamist education in this country? Seem odd to me.) Pres Musharraf (?) has tried recently to ensure that no foreign children are sent to them...I don't know how successful he has been.
This fosters a contempt for the host country, leading to all sorts of unpleasantness and undesirable results.
Then again, I do not know how widespread this practice is (that is what I hoped discussion might uncover) but one suicide bomber is one too many.

My view in general is that foreign nationals should try to integrate. If they do not want to integrate, do they have a right to come? (I am aware that Jewish groups, and others, have a separate and peaceful and productive and self-sufficient life in this country) At the least, they should not come with the attitude that the country is corrupt and in their eyes, ungodly.
Then we might have a chance of a peaceful co-existence.

Nobody objects to a bit of ethnicity and celebration of our differences; London Welsh Rugby Club, Ukranian Folk-Dance Societies, Caledonian Club, Polish Ex-Servicemen's Club, Sons of Erin, our Moldovan Settlement, Chinese New Year celebrations in our Chinatowns, etc etc etc. We are a mongrel race of course. But let's have a bit of tolerance and balance.

But, Herberts, pulling up the drawbridge is no sort of solution. That would bleed the country- white.
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Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2006 04:13 am
Ceili wrote:
The more I travel the more I find posts/attitudes like Herbies to be ironic and offensive.

So, Brits are scared their fair shores will be muddied by the insidious foriegners. And yet... for centuries, borders and nations were considered porous and meaningless in the ungodly march to the never ending sunset. Give me a break. You get what you dealt. Live with it.
Besides, England has never been a homogeneous, unified land, ok...maybe once, just after all the big chunks of ice melted. But that doesn't really count now does it???.
And if you can't take the heat, I guess you run off (emigrate), land on someone elses shore (poor bahstads) and then bitch from afar about the old country. If only we had all the answers. Shocked


I absolutely agree with you. At the risk of giving herberts more reason to count me in his "top 40" most wanted list, I think we Brits do owe something to the descendents of those countries which our ancestors once governed for Britain's profit. How else would such a small country be so powerful, even today? Only recently has our GDP been overtaken by China and India - c.60m brits versus >1000m in each of those!

I'm glad that herberts has found somewhere else to be so he doesn't pollute our genuinely progressive society (and yes, we can still learn from Canada on certain multicultural issues). I suppose that the more recent "White Australia" policies are still reflected in certain elements of the society there and herberts fits right in. I just pity the decent Aussies who reject such offensive neo-Nazi c.r.a.p!

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Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2006 04:30 am
A side issue:

I come from a society in the west of Scotland where there was a lot of Irish immigration. Those immigrants were predominantly Roman Catholic.
The catholic clergy demanded separate schooling for catholic children and to my mind this has deepened the problems in a divided society. Yes, there were Scottish catholics too, the original religion of course, at least from the days of St Columba. But to my mind, the deliberate division of schoolchildren has perpetuated the sectarian divide, which still festers today and is a blight on Scottish society.

This I think should inform our actions now, in relation to new waves of immigration.

To me, society works better when religion takes a back seat.
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Nicole Page
Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2006 04:33 am
Bloody hell, have the waters become so muddied in Britain that you guys now actually believe that wanting to preserve the culture of a nation is racist?

I can't speak for Britain, but I can speak quite specifically about what is happening in my homeland -- Australia. And I keep myself up to speed to know well enough that Australia isn't isolated to this experience, as a western country.

Before I start talking about some of the specifics that are happening in my country, why don't you folks take a long hard look at these charts:


Take a good look . You will see that Lebanese and Vietnamese, along with our mates from the Pacific Islands, are far more crime prone than, say, Italians, Americans, or Greeks.

So why the hell should Australia be importing Lebanese and Vietnamese, if they're far more disposed than the rest of the population towards crime and violence? Give me one good reason?

These aren't figures from some right wing nationalist party, ladies and gentlemen -- they come from the Australian Institute of Criminology.

Take in to account the fact that 24% of people currently languishing in Australia's jails are -- wait for it -- born overseas. Why should my country be importing people who are disproportionately committing crimes?

Then go and have a look at my countries welfare queues...again, we see the usual suspects.

Take a look at the folks who are being arrested in Australia's major cities for plotting to bomb ****...who could these folks be? Well I'll give you a clue ... they ain't Seventh Day Adventists.

Why don't children now pause in my old high school on the 11/11 anymore to remember our fallen? Well, ladies and gentlemen, remembering Aussie soldiers who fell at war might offend someone...so we don't do that anymore either.

We've got Islamist bookshops running library lending services which suggest it is a Muslim's religious duty to smite Christians, Jews, and infidels. We have polygamy. We have Usman Badar, the president of the University of New South Wales Muslim Association, just two weeks ago saying that democracy has no place in Australia, that Australia should be under the Sharia, & that it is impossible for Muslims to respect secular society, because that is putting Allah beneath the position of men.

We have the Grand Mufti of Australia saying that 911 was "God's work". We have the President of Australia's Islamic Friendship Society (one Mr Keyser Trad, who has 6 kids and a welfare benefit that would make your average clapper green with envy) labelling white Australians "the criminal dregs of white (British) society).

We have ethnic ghettos in Sydney where white people quite literally won't go. Where Ambulance Officers get beaten up. Where no teacher will teach. These places are simply too dangerous, and too violent.

On and on and on it goes. This has absolutely nothing to do with racism. I frankly couldn't give a toss if someone is black as the ace of spades, white as an albino, or any shade in between.

What I care about, is the fact that my country is being overrun by people who have entirely different values to mine, who choke our welfare queues, who run our illegal drug industry, who are crime prone, and who have absolutely no respect for the traditions or customs of their host nation. No respect.

I believe in Australian (Western) values, traditions, and culture. I want those things respected and preserved.

That ain't racism. It's survival.

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Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2006 04:54 am
And there was I hoping we could have a reasoned and balanced discussion on an important topic.

You don't have a clue do you McTag? So far you've done little more than play the pompous ass from the side-lines while such as I have been doing the hard work of constructing a fairly lucid presentation of my personal opinions - post after post after post.

With the exception of a couple of worthy contributions from kitchenpete and Lord Ellpus mostly the responses I have been getting has been the usual series of bleatings and brayings about 'racism' and me being a nazi.

Where this thread has lacked 'balance' and 'reasoned discussion' is that mostly people would rather insult and abuse me rather than argue the points I have made.
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Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2006 05:18 am
Nicole Page wrote:
We have ethnic ghettos in Sydney where white people quite literally won't go. Where Ambulance Officers get beaten up. Where no teacher will teach. These places are simply too dangerous, and too violent.

On and on and on it goes. This has absolutely nothing to do with racism. I frankly couldn't give a toss if someone is black as the ace of spades, white as an albino, or any shade in between.

What I care about, is the fact that my country is being overrun by people who have entirely different values to mine, who choke our welfare queues, who run our illegal drug industry, who are crime prone, and who have absolutely no respect for the traditions or customs of their host nation. No respect.

I believe in Australian (Western) values, traditions, and culture. I want those things respected and preserved.

That ain't racism. It's survival.



I have only quoted part of your post, because this starts with the part which to me highlights the difference in view. A world in which we fear those who are different and place them in ghettos because they are not accepted elsewhere is one in which these people feel the need to struggle against oppression.

Fear and hatred only beget fear and hatred. Learning about each other and treating each other as equal human beings, albeit with different cultural traditions and religions, is the essence of this. The freedom to express what is important to "another" is to me just as important as my own freedom of expression.

What you express is akin to racism, though perhaps not based on colour. I don't know if you would consider anti-British/anti-French sentiment "racist" but it is bigotry and prejudice nonetheless.

The Australian ("Western") values you seem to champion arrived with the imperialists only 200+ years ago - why should it be more valid to practice those Christian/Capitalist values than any other? Why should others who have arrived in a huge country with significant natural resources not have the same chance to shape it using their own values and traditions.

I am ashamed that it was the British who were predominantly the killers of the aboriginal peoples of Australia (and America, come to that) but I'm also ashamed that those who left European shores to live there (whether voluntarily or not) have left decendents who have not moved on in their views as most of the British have.

Clearly herberts is not alone in Australia in his views on separation and differentiation by origin/religion/race.

What a shame. Sad
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