Quote:So, you're not just a lowlife bigot, you're actually one of the most dangerous kind - the kind who believes themselves justified in their racist behaviour. N, Herberts - racist humor isn't cool, and it isn't the problem of those who take issue with it - it's your problem...
"Just a lowlife bigot".
One of the hazards of indulging in this sort of debate is that people are hopeless at arithmetic... and are basically dishonest with regard to their own culpability for the very same 'sins' that they would wish to hang me for.
If I make just
one pronouncement of a racist kind - the offended party automatically assumes a further
ten[/i] 'redneck' opinions that can be ascribed to me - despite these not having been stated.
The problem with attempting to 'join-all-the-dots-together' to complete a person's 'redneck' profile is that... you guessed it... this in
itself is preemptive and prejudicial behaviour of the very sort which moves our friend Mr Snood to condemn and lambaste me as a 'lowlife'.
I am not the enemy of your race, snood. But neither am I a fool and a dupe to be soft-soaped into advocating that my national homeland should be swamped by indissoluble aliens so that I can then stand innocent of being called a 'lowlife racist and bigot'.
These are the very same tools which for over 40-years have blackmailed the British people into mutely and meekly accepting that their national homeland should be invaded by millions of blacks and Muslims to form their own communities and racial identity as a people apart from the indigenous Englishman in his own homeland.
The black eye and fat lip gag seems to have upset you, snood - and I hereby acklowledge that because you do not know me you would naturally have viewed this little tickler as being in the worst possible taste - and for this I sincerely apologise, and I accept your condemnation for having been a tad delinquent with this old joke.
Come on, snood... big hug! You too naj!... you too nimh!...