Anon-Voter wrote:
At this point, I have lost faith in the Democratic Party to do anything but blow the opportunity. They just don't have what it takes anymore. They keep feeling that being "Republican Light" can win elections. I've spent way too much time and money trying to change that, but I just don't think it's gonna happen!
I am in a more optimistic mood (for a change). I see a couple of hopeful things happening.
First the issue of a path to legalization for undocumented immigrants is a very bad issue for the Republicans (whether it is a good issue for the Dems is up to them, but they are moving in the right direction).
This has already become a major issue in the Arizona Kyl-Pederson race. Kyl is an anti-immigration Republican. Pederson is challenging him with immigration reform as a key issue.
Of course. Tom Tancredo is a Democrats dream. He has a clearly extremist position on Immigration (i.e. throw out mothers and children and militarize the border). Better yet he has vowed to run against the Republican nominee in 2008 if this nominee doesn't support Tancredo's views. Not only is he great to run against, he has threatened to split the GOP!
Then there are popular ideas that help the Democrats that are growing in the public mind.
One meme that is gaining in popularity (which I happen to love) is "Republicans hate Latinos". A simple message but powerful and ironically it is the same kind of slogan that the Republicans have been using so much against Democrats in the past couple of decades. The "Republican curruption" thread is another theme that has now ripened in the popular mind.
But enough about the Republicans (although this is a "political ugliness thread"
I have been saying for a long time that the Democrats need to come up with programs on their own. I think they are making progress and I have been convinced that their current problems are not atypical for a party out of power.
The Democrats on immigration are positioning themselves as the party with a reasonable solution (i.e. the McCain-Kennedy compromise). In my opinion they are doing this well. They are also getting the "fighting dems" to run (i.e. Iraq veterans who are running for Congress). The Dems have also been getting good traction on stopping terrorism by backing sensible strong proposals. Polls now have Dems equal to the Republicans on national security issues.
The Democrats are starting to do the right things, and many of the races for November will be won on real issues.
But of course it doesn't hurt that the Republicans are getting increasingly loud and extreme as we get near the elections.