mysteryman wrote:Dookiestix and others,
Lets see what you would do...
You are charged with negotiating with Iran,to try and get them to stop their nuke production.
Since you dont like how it is being done now,what would you say to Iran to get them to stop?
What would you offer them?
What carrot would you offer?
How would you get them to stop making nukes,and ensure they kept their promise?
What should the consequences be if they didnt?
You are the negotiator,so tell us all what you would do.
What would I do? For starters, what WOULDN'T I do?
I wouldn't invade a sovereign country that never threatened us...
I wouldn't have p*ssed off the world by invading a sovereign country that never threatened us
I wouldn't have squandered the unity this country, and the world experienced after 9/11
I wouldn't have used the local tribesman in Afghanistan in trying to hunt down bin Laden
I wouldn't have used ridiculous terms like "crusade," and "bring 'em on," or "Axis of Evil" in demonization these nations and compelling them to start building up their nuclear capabilities
I wouldn't have rewarded Bush administration incompetence with Medals of Freedom
I would have fired the planners of this failed war in Iraq
Oh, the list just goes on and on. Unfortunately, until Bush is out of the White House and we have some semblance of checks and balances in Washington (as well as something that resembles competency), I don't see much happening at all right now in regards to dealing with both N.K. and Iran. America has lost so much credibility in the world as we destabilize the Middle East and alienate our neighbors that we are becoming more and more isolated. China holds much of our debt, Americans are in more debt than ever, the housing market is cooling significantly, gas prices are on the rise, inflation is threatening as well as a possible recession, and we are spending BILLIONS on a failed war that has so far cost the lives of over 2,600 American troops, and countless innocent Iraqi lives.
This is the enormous 800 pound monkey on our shoulders and Bush is holding the leash. Until we remove the incompetence of our foreign policy leaders, we will merely see more of the same.
Until America makes good with her allies and gets the world back on our side, there ain't much we CAN do right now. But of course, the rightwingers have already suggested the usual knee jerk solutions; bombs, bombs, and more bombs.