Wed 7 May, 2003 06:52 pm
Well, the oral sex topic was fun. Now let's talk about anal sex. Do ya like it? Is it a regular part of your routine? Or do you prefer to avoid the subject all together?
Never been there and never going there.
<THUD> Nothing like spice to sex things up ... oops that came out wrong ...
Anyone up for a "Rusty Trombone?"
and then an uncomfortable silence filled the room..........
Heh heh...okay, I will push the envelope by explaining: 1 partner gets on all fours while the other gets behind them, reaching around to pleasure them while sticking their tongue in "the bad place".
Hey, they had to call it something...
Must be more than one kind.
Is this something all Canadians enjoy or is it merely a gearbox distraction?
Hey, I just listen to too much Howard Stern...
Well, if we really want to have a proper discussion about anal sex, here are a couple of questions:
For the men: Is it really about pleasure, or is it about domination, or just the satisfaction of saying you got her to do it?
For the women: I haven't met many women who go for anal sex...could some of the reluctance to the act be related to self-confidence issues regarding how your butt looks, or is it just that the guys don't get you hot enough to consider it?
I shud better keep out of this discussion :p
Actually G, you should voice your unique perspective

Besides, BPB started it...we might as well see it through...
Hmmm - more fun in thought than in deed, I say.
Such assumptions about whose idea things are! - and that's all I'm saying.
Just trying to get into the male 'head' so to speak, d- Some guys do think that way, or WANT to feel that way, heh...