Eureka Gus.
Take down your blinds/curtains Kicky. Spread them out on your floor and get some lumidecent paint. Paint a rude sign on the outside. and put them back up. Keep your curtains closed for a day or two. See how you go
What is wrong with no blinds ?I have no blinds in my laregest window , however no one can look in.. Ya Ya I know. Why do you not just put a sign up saying you need blinds I do not need to see you all the time. you also could ask them by means of a sign to post a sign when they will not be home and you can just walk around like they say - a blue jay.
I am waiting until the end of this weekend. That will be two full weeks since they moved in. Two weeks is enough time to get some blinds, right? If they haven't gotten them by now, they definitely need a little push, don't you think?
It's not just the blinds thing now either. Now it's the f*cking noise too. There has been a constant stream of little f*cking kids yelling and laughing and screaming and running around over there until well past midnight every night this week. Non-stop, from the moment I get home until the moment I leave, I have to hear them. They are ALWAYS THERE...
I'm a-gittin' me gun...
Or ear plugs?
C'mon Kicky...some deep diaphragm breaths....lemme give you a little neck and shoulder massage...burn a little soothing essential oil...give you a brimming tumbler of 20 year old single malt scotch.
Hmm? Oh, don't mind if I do....just put it there...I will sip it while I give your neck a rub.
Back in our sorta honeymood cottage, we had an aged couple (oh, probably younger than I am now) living next door and they took in the wife's nephew. Spawn of satan from my then point of view. Our houses were eight feet apart and he played amplified guitar with no melody or consequent sequence to be discerned for hours on end at high volume. Decibels matter, and yelling kids don't make it there.
Yes we called the police, several times, yes he batted the aunt around, yes they didn't press charges, yes, he played more. We started looking for a new place to live, and - looking back, maybe we should have, were interested in a place was next to/next to what is now the site of Frank Gehry's own to-be house, but .... we decided to hang in. And the boy moved on. I do wonder if he ever got any peace on his own.
I might work up some kind of filmic screen, a graphic on mylar, whatever, maybe even tack that on to shoji type screens that are slideable.
Alternately, I think, why is this your problem? Talk to your neighbors and neighborhood association. I do NOT MEAN to scare those folks out of there.. and would avoid heartily getting into anything with intimations of that.
Talk, just to establish privacy.
dlowan wrote:Or ear plugs?
C'mon Kicky...some deep diaphragm breaths....lemme give you a little neck and shoulder massage...burn a little soothing essential oil...give you a brimming tumbler of 20 year old single malt scotch.
Hmm? Oh, don't mind if I do....just put it there...I will sip it while I give your neck a rub.
Aaaaah...your bunny paws are like magic...why don't you get yourself a Scotch while you're at it...
Alright Kicky...I got the answer for ya...
1. Go buy some drapes, tasteful, expensive drapes. Walk them over to the apartment next door and present tham as a house warming gift. If you have too, buy the curtain rods to go with them. Be sure to match their Make mention of all the wonderful things you've noticed about THEIR about the kids. lol, Especially that "CUTE" LIL girl they have wondering you'd LOVE to babysit sometime....that you've WATCHED them and feel as if you know them! That oughta do it! (Better yet, tell them you can read lips and repeat something that you think they would have said)
2. Ok, now your desperate, but you don't want to hang drapes of your goes: Go to a Autoparts store, you see, they have this window tinting that has the shiny silver side to it, you can see out, but they can't see sure to buy that plastic paddle with it, to get those seams smoothe, we don't want wrinkles. Waaa Laaa.....instant privacy, chic and
3. Resort to Aluminum foil and duct tape. Just get the Reynolds out and roll out the desired length, take the duct tape and press to the edges. No one sees in...and you don't see out. For the noise, I would suggest ear plugs, or a move.
I already did.
Fur not tickling?
tickling just right. A little lower please...
A LITTLE lower, sure.
Remember what Bunnies do to naughty men, though.
Exasperated SIGH~~~~~~~ Are you two through yet?
makemeshiver33 was a GENIUS when she wrote:...Make mention of all the wonderful things you've noticed about THEIR about the kids. lol, Especially that "CUTE" LIL girl they have wondering you'd LOVE to babysit sometime....that you've WATCHED them and feel as if you know them! That oughta do it! (Better yet, tell them you can read lips and repeat something that you think they would have said)...
Yeah! Drop in on them several times a day for awhile if necessary. Invite the little girl to sit on your lap while you're there. Then when you're sure the adults are paying attention, ask the wee one if she's ever tasted scotch...tell her it's really yummy, and Uncle Kicky has plenty of it over at his place. Then pass out matchbooks to the kids.
You could do this, Kicky. I know you could.
Depends on where through is to.
What was I thinking? Not matchbooks...BIC lighters.
Have you set up an altar in your window yet...with big black candles and a pentagram? Well, get busy!!!
No need for nudity.
Even the speedo alone might do the trick....

...Eva Called me a GENIOUS! LOL
Alright Bunny! I've seen you Rabbits mate, its a Wham Bam...and then you pass out and fall over.....
TIME! :wink:
Desperate times call for desperate measures, Deb.
That guy in the speedo kinda turns me on....hummm