The hamsters are probably cavorting...
Glitterbag, big hugs from here too..
Mine was outpatient and I did OK. I would rather be home than in the hospital because there is a less change of a screwup with the meds.
Amen to that. Thanks ossobucco, how is Pacco doing?
He's fine, Glitter, is getting more of a white muzzle as time goes by.
Hello Drama,
I just wanted to mention that my surgery was a breeze. I was a tad uncomfortable in the recovery room, but only for a few hours. I'm guessing that my Doctors were more in tune with what needed to be done. But I have to say that it was nothing compared to childbirth (natural), gall stone attacks and subsequent surgery, back surgery and all of the malignant lumps removed from my breasts. Chemo was way more difficult......and I am sorry that your experience was so traumatic. Here's hoping that you will never have to experience difficult pain in the future. And again, thanks for your helpful suggestions.