PDiddie wrote:
If you'll page back a bit and look at CC's response to my last word on the topic, you'll note what I have found to be a classic rebuttal technique from the Right: discredit the source.
You will find nothing of the sort, you will find me asking you to substantiate your opinions with more effort than cut and paste. I said finding someone else's writings does not make you have a point. I did not discredit any source, I commented on the lack of intellectual curiosity that makes some think debate consists of cut and paste.
PDiddie wrote:
In all my years of debate training and coaching the most convincing evidence that could be presented was from a published, knowledgeable source advocating your POV (or the POV you were assigned to argue).
Sounds very boring, finding quotes and sources isn't as fun as having an opinion and defending it yourself.
PDiddie wrote:
"published" and "knowledgeable", especially online, are themselves debatable terms, however. I gave up justifying my sources but won't quit citing them; I just do my best to screen them myself for bias.
This isn't about which sources, it's about my complete disinterest in reading someone else's writing when you try to validate your opinions, I can read and do so quite frequently. Nothing is more tedious than links to old op-ed pieces when the owner of he POV is too lazy to come up with his/her own thoughts.
PDiddie wrote:
CC also takes his argument personal when it no longer stands on its own intellectually.
Boy, I have never seen that happen before.
Ironically, when I accuse your POV of intellectual bankruptcy you say I made it personal yet have no qualm in doing exactly the same. You have odd criteria.
PDiddie wrote:
(aside to Craven: I believe the part about not bothering if I couldn't do any better at making my point was the part that made me realize how far down my throat was the fishing pole. It's amazing how quickly and effectively the gag reflex works sometimes.)
And there is no actual refutation of the points I made, despite CC's coming to the opposite conclusion. Invective, yes, but no factual rebuttal ("You make this sound worse than it is", blahblahblah).
Please read what I said again, I said you had no point. And no, cutting and pasting an article does not give you a point, it just demonstrates the ability to cut and paste.
PDiddie wrote:My first response is always to grit my teeth and begin muttering. What that should tell me is that this is actually not a conservative's problem but a liberal's; we have all said to ourselves, "Why can't they--(cons)-- see/understand/get this?" which typically leads to "they are ignorant/stupid/uncaring" etc. Perhaps we can agree that calling one another dumb does not advance the discourse, but as Craven has learned--and taught--it helps to see the other person's POV once you have felt a bit of their pain. (Real conservatives are not capable of this much empathy, but I digress. :wink: )
My hat is off to you, Craven. I'm glad we agree on so much because I wopuld hate to oppose you on a regular basis. You would make me work too hard--something REAL conservatives rarely do.
Many gratuitous insults to conservatives therein, I will not bother, it's a waste of time.