I love your posts.
The sheer impotance of your position fills me with hope and excitement.
As a movement builds that is energizing the Latino community, gaining support from various groups from the Catholic community to African-Americans; all you can do is rant about liberals.
We will know whether you are right, or whether I am by what happens next. If the Right Wing Republicans are able to pass anti-immigrant legislation in a Congress that is still controlled by Republicans... if there are mass arrests... if there is English only legislation passed than I will know that you are right.
But I don't think so.
As Ghandi said about popular movements
Ghandi wrote:
First they ignore you, than they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.
This is more than a fight about illegal immigration. This is part of a broader struggle for what America means.
The Republican Right is launching a war on multiculturalism. The battle is whether the United States is about being English-speaking and Straight and Christian, or whether we truly are a melting-pot of many different cultures who are all respected and who all contribute to something greater.
This is why more and more American citizens from diverse backgrounds-- Haitian, Jewish, Catholic, Irish and Asian are voicing support for this movement. The continued use of the noun "illegal" to refer to a person, attacks on the Spanish language (and thus the Latin-American identity) all help us gain support.
The next couple of elections... and the next session in Congress is going to say whether my view of an inclusive, compassionate, diverse and accepting United States has political support.
I am confident the White Christian legalistic view of America that attacks diversity and puts law-and-order over human decency is on its way out
... but we will find out in the near future won't we.
Just understand that when the Immigrants rights movement gains strength, when the anti-immigrant forces lose political power, and when politicians pass legislation that you don't like... it is not the "illegal" immigrants fault. They have no power.
Politicians are under pressure to follow the will of voters-- American citizens. That is what the politicians from Schwarzenegger to Kennedy to McCain to Spectre to Bush are doing. That is why anti-immigrant legislation in Arizona was vetoed. That is why HR4432 is basically politically dead.
By the way, you win in Georgia. But given their history in the civil rights movement this is not very surprising.