CalamityJane wrote:May 1, 2006 will be "nothing gringo day" in Mexico and the United States.
It will be interesting to see how much impact this day has on our
economy. My guess is, that the service industry will struggle beyond belief,
and especially in agricultural regions.
Nothing will change in redneck counties, granted, but the rest of
us will feel a tremendous impact, and hopefully will change the minds of
many Americans who have doubted thus far.
Quote:For some, the boycott is fueled not just by debate on the immigration bill, but by long-standing resentment over the perceived mistreatment of Mexicans in the United States.
"We want to show the power we have as Mexicans," said Carlos Chavez y Pacho, vice president of the chamber of commerce in Piedras Negras, across from Eagle Pass, Texas. Chavez y Pacho is also urging Mexicans not to shop in U.S. border cities on May 1, in part to protest what he calls arrogant behavior by U.S. customs officials and border officers.
Rafael Ruiz Harrell, who writes a column in the Mexico City newspaper Metro, predicted the boycott could give rise to a broader, pan-Latino movement.
"If we could get all of Latin America, for one day, to leave the U.S. firms without customers, we would be sending the kind of clear message they seem incapable of understanding," he wrote.
Source: CNN
Remember Y2K?
It was a non-event and so will May 1 be, except for those poor illegal aliens who have been suckered into missing work for a day and who will lose their jobs as a result.
"Nothing will change in redneck counties."
This statement is
enormously revealing:
For some reason Jane has tremendous sympathy for foreigners who are breaking our laws, but thinly veiled contempt for fellow Americans who might object to this lawlessness.
Without question she would rant and rave against the use of "wetback," or "greaser" to describe these illegal immigrants, but she has no qualms what-so-ever about using similarly derogatory terms to describe those with whom she disagrees.
This is the ignorant hypocrisy of the Liberal programmed mind that just drives me nuts.
Mexican officials should be either too ashamed to say a word, or be devoting their energies to making Mexico a place where Mexicans want to stay. Likewise Mexican journalists.
There is no legitimate reason why Mexicans should be scrambling to cross the border into America, come hell or highwater. Mexico need not be the third world country it is. It is not a poor country because it has no resources (physical or intellectual), nor is it a poor country because America is somehow keeping it under her thumb. It is a pathetic excuse for a nation because corruption is systematic, elitism is the norm, and justice is unattainable.
Consider this: If Mexicans (legal or otherwise) or being mistreated in this country, why are they flooding our borders? Do none of these poor oppressed Mexicans ever communicate back to the Motherland that life in Gringo USA is hell for The People?
I am sympathetic to the plight of illegal aliens and support an approach that will enable them to remain in this country and contribute and prosper - under the law, but I have lost all patience with these dishonest and/or insipid charges that the US somehow owes these people something, and that we are systematically abusing them. It is utter tripe!
The notion of a
Pan-Latino movement expressed as a rebuke of America is pathetic, ignorant, and sad. Again, how embarrassed and ashamed would we be if millions of Americans felt compelled to cross the borders of Canada and Mexico to provide for their families and make something of their lives? All of these Latino countries could support the dreams and aspirations of their people and make emigration to America a non-issue. Obviously they will not, and the clap-trap of any member of their Elite criticizing us for the treatment of their citizens infuriates me, and should infuriate not only any American capable of reasonable thought, but the citizens of these two bit, banana republics.