What should be done about illegal immigration?

Reply Mon 21 Jun, 2010 08:12 pm
Last point, given the government's job of issuing leases, they should be prioritizing them and issuing leases where the technological problems are least severe and potential oil and gas reserves may be the greatest. In accordance with this, I think Sarah Palin had a great point,that ANWR should have been developed first, perhaps before the very deep water areas. The responsibility for this bad decision goes directly to Obama, the Democratic Congress, and perhaps Salazar. In other words, we need people with common sense to make these decisions, and right now we do not.
old europe
Reply Mon 21 Jun, 2010 08:22 pm
okie wrote:
In accordance with this, I think Sarah Palin had a great point,that ANWR should have been developed first, perhaps before the very deep water areas.

Reply Mon 21 Jun, 2010 08:26 pm
@old europe,
If properly done, it can be done safely, I believe she is correct that we have the technology to do it safely and efficiently. I would have to find it, but I also believe she is on record for saying we should have or could have gone to ANWR first, which I also agree with.

By the way, what should be done about illegal immigration? Simple, enforce the laws.
old europe
Reply Mon 21 Jun, 2010 08:39 pm
okie wrote:
I would have to find it, but I also believe she is on record for saying we should have or could have gone to ANWR first, which I also agree with.

I doubt it very much. It certainly is her new talking point, now that offshore drilling - which she loudly demanded during the campaign - all of a sudden looks a lot less appealing.

Claiming that offshore drilling is really only happening because those "extreme greenies" were against opening ANWR up for exploitation allows her to distance herself from the current disaster while she can simultaneously continue to lobby for the oil industry.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Jun, 2010 06:10 am
Reagan still LIED about being in combat, yada, yada and YES, I knew he was
a "pretend-a-soldier", which in my opinion, he didn't serve, as even YOU did.
My father fought under the command of Gen. Mark Clark. The Germans they captured were treated better than their captors. My father still had to ride in a train car behind the Germans that were captured. The Germans had Exchange privileges, while Black Americans in uniform, didn't.

A former Tuskegee Airman is a member of my American Legion Post, who tells terrible stories about how he and others weren't expected to be the fighter pilots they are and were! My fathers units captured 37,000 Germans on the ground and the Airmen doubled that, in the air, never having lost a plane.

My husband was up and down the Mekong River, repairing what we now call
"swift boats". As a Tin Can Sailor, serving only on Destroyers, he is part of what was known as The Riverine Force, "Brown Water Sailors". He is still a member in good standing, with the Navy League. He says the incident with the USS Cole, should never have happened, because in Viet Nam, they never cut their engines, even while refueling. My husband also served 22 years as an Army National Guardsman. He was held over from retirement due to the Iraq War. He has served as Post Commander, County Commander, Department Vice-Commander and Department Executive Committeman.
A Life Member and Member also of the VFW.

I am a Life Member of my Auxiliary Unit, having served as Unit President,
County President and Legislation for my state for 8 years, petitioning Congress, to enact laws to give Veterans much needed medical, financial
assistance, from a grateful Nation. I am a Blue Star Mother, Member of the VFW and State Chapeau of the 8 & 40. I'm not just whistling "Dixie" either.
My life is busy helping "homeless veterans" and families in need.

You can think what you want about me, but I help and support Veterans of every ethnic background and creed. Your accusations about me being a racist are just that; accusations. So keep on supporting far right issues about
"small government". You NEED government to help our Veterans alone.
You NEED government to ensure fair and equitable education for all, healthcare for all, freedom from want and freedom to be left alone!
You have a nice day!
Reply Tue 22 Jun, 2010 05:16 pm
teeny, you have never answered my question about what unit your father was in, after you claimed he was a Buffalo Soldier? I don't mean to be nosy, but I think I am justified in trying to determine if he actually was a Buffalo Soldier as you have claimed. After all, the term "Buffalo Soldier" has a distinct meaning, and to make the claim that you have is a rather lofty claim. You have made a number of claims here in regard to many many things, and in general, I have not questioned your honesty, but as I have already pointed out from a simple internet search, the last living Buffalo Soldier died on September 6, 2005, at the age of 111, so yes, I admit to having some doubt about your Buffalo Soldier claim. After all, those were Cavalrymen that fought Indians mostly prior to 1900.

Another issue you talk about, how the black soldiers were treated, I think you can thank Dwight D. Eisenhower for helping integrate the Armed Forces. Later, the same man became the great conservative Republican president of the United States that pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1957, which many Democrats opposed. teeny, you continue to support a political party that has a history of segregation, and as long as you stay on their plantation and obediently vote for them, they will continue to feed you, just as any slave owner would do.
Reply Tue 22 Jun, 2010 06:59 pm
For the record, my dad belonged to the 92nd. You keep writing about the original regiment, which surprises me, that you even know that! The Democrats I've voted for were Northern Democrats like Hubert Humphrey and John F. Kennedy. The Repugs YOU root for are FORMER Southern Dems that changed their party affiliation when the 1964 and 1965 Civil rights Acts were passed and have tried to overturn them ever since! I sent you a link, which you probably didn't LOOK at! You CLAIM to have been in one
of these "made up" wars the Bushes cooked up. Lots of Repugs make claims of military service, and should go to jail for it.

Lyndon B. Johnson did more for the advancement of Civil Rights than ANY
President since Truman. Eisenhower warned against the Military Industrial
Complex! It was Eisenhower under General Pershing that destroyed tents and camps set up on government property during the "bonus riots" in Washington, DC, after World War One, when soldiers were promised a "bonus" for having served, which they never got! It was the only combat action Eisenhower ever got. Sure, he was a General during WWII, but as an administrator, never a combat soldier, after all Eisenhower graduated from West Point.
Reply Tue 22 Jun, 2010 08:26 pm
teenyboone wrote:

For the record, my dad belonged to the 92nd. You keep writing about the original regiment, which surprises me, that you even know that!

If you consider any unit made up of blacks only as Buffalo Soldiers, then you have proven your point, but I do not think that qualifies as the true Buffalo Soldier, which was part of the Cavalry units that fought indians, teeny.
The Democrats I've voted for were Northern Democrats like Hubert Humphrey and John F. Kennedy. The Repugs YOU root for are FORMER Southern Dems that changed their party affiliation when the 1964 and 1965 Civil rights Acts were passed and have tried to overturn them ever since! I sent you a link, which you probably didn't LOOK at!

I recommend the following website to educate yourself on the history of civil rights, teeny:
You CLAIM to have been in one
of these "made up" wars the Bushes cooked up. Lots of Repugs make claims of military service, and should go to jail for it.

Again, an outright lie and total fabrication by teeny. I was in the Vietnam War, and that is an absolute fact. Infantry, teeny, and that is why I know John Kerry lied through his teeth when he testified to Congress. And in regard to Republicans making up claims of service, name names if you have any, and I think the latest I heard of doing that was in fact another Democrat.

Lyndon B. Johnson did more for the advancement of Civil Rights than ANY
President since Truman.

Some that knew LBJ have said he was a racist, teeny, and I recall that LBJ said something once to the effect that lets throw the blacks a bone or something. Also, his Great Society is known as probably one of the primary factors or causes of the disintegration of the black family and the inner cities. In fact, it is precisely what I am talking about when I talk about the Democratic Party Plantation, the Great Society was part of the beginnings of the Democrats will feed you as long as you work for us, continue to be our slaves and deliver your votes for us. You will never be free, teeny, until you have the guts to leave the plantation.
Eisenhower warned against the Military Industrial

Yes, and that is the liberals' favorite thing about Eisenhower, but you people totally ignore the true foundational beliefs of the great president and very conservative Dwight D. Eisenhower. Instead, you continue to skew and attempt to twist what Eisenhower's beliefs actually were.
It was Eisenhower under General Pershing that destroyed tents and camps set up on government property during the "bonus riots" in Washington, DC, after World War One, when soldiers were promised a "bonus" for having served, which they never got! It was the only combat action Eisenhower ever got. Sure, he was a General during WWII, but as an administrator, never a combat soldier, after all Eisenhower graduated from West Point.
Every general has to be an administrator, that is a huge part of their job to organize and oversee the movement, supply, and support of his troops. To accuse Eisenhower of not seeing up close combat action is of course a foolish and unlearned statement, teeny.

By the way, as president, who sent troops to Arkansas to enforce the integration of schools in Little Rock, in defiance of the Democratic governor Faubus down there?
Reply Wed 23 Jun, 2010 06:00 am
As usual, you've twisted History as it is written, not your personal opinion.
Not going to elaborate anymore on my deceased father's service to a country that discriminated against him, while it was okay for him to be killed in the line of duty. Eisenhower was never asked to perform as a ground soldier.

The only fact you have right is, that Eisenhower DID send federal troops
to Arkansas to carry out the Supreme Courts' order that Southern schools were separate and unequal.

I was born and raised in the city. Plantations were in rural, agrarian areas
of most Southern States, so again, when you speak of "getting off the plantation", you MUST be speaking for yourself!

I personally follow the teachings of Malcolm X, who said, that "we should take our freedoms, by any means necessary"! Malcolm was gunned down by operatives of the FBI and CIA, just as JFK, MLK and RFK. Martin Luther King, "tried to make a difference" by using non-violence. Non violence
got him a reservation, 6 feet under, but he is remembered in the
Black Community as the "Soldier of Love" and a "Drum Major for Justice".

Do me a favor, take your twisted view of Civil Rights and American History
and shove it, where the sun don't shine. People like you get their "comeuppance" sooner, if not, later. No, I have no pity for people like you.
If you're not getting yours, you're as stupid as you sound. I'm out!
Reply Wed 23 Jun, 2010 06:18 am
I personally follow the teachings of Malcolm X... Malcolm was gunned down by operatives of the FBI and CIA, just as JFK, MLK and RFK.

Malcolm X,
were all gunned down by operatives of the FBI and the CIA?

I didn't know that. The only source I can find to back up that allegation is a single book, this one http://www.amazon.com/Assassinations-Probe-Magazine-JFK-Malcolm/dp/0922915822#reader_0922915822

Except for this book, how do you account for the fact all official investigations into these deaths came to different conclusions? One coverup I can believe, but 4 of them?
Reply Wed 23 Jun, 2010 06:59 am
Believe as you wish. After 40 years I could care less what any of you
believe. It is what it is. Before these events occurred, there was nothing
I thought that this government could do wrong. I was raised in an era, where
you believed what your parents told you, you did as you were told and never
questioned authority. When a country "allows" the drivel that is printed as truth and is proven to be a liar, becoming a skeptic is a no-brainer.

I still believe that SOME people are genuinely honest, that it's okay to believe
in God, that there IS an afterlife and people mean well. It's how I make it through the day and that the down trodden of this world will find peace.

I didn't realize when I joined these forums that there are truly evil people out
here and I'm still genuinely naive about a lot of things. Leaving these forums
to get on with living. My children are grown with children of their own now.
I did the best I could as a parent and mother. Moving on, so please don't reply.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jun, 2010 12:35 pm
teenyboone wrote:
I personally follow the teachings of Malcolm X, who said, that "we should take our freedoms, by any means necessary"!

That goes a long way in explaining why you post such outlandish, radical, and unreasonable opinions! Malcolm Little was an extreme radical advocating violence, teeny. As is so often the case with extremist revolutionary types like this, he had one screwed up personal life from childhood to adulthood, teeny. Do you realize what ideas and idealogy you are following, and where that places you as a citizen? You are so far out in left field as to not be capable of reasoning with. No wonder few people have any luck here in their attempts to do that.

By the way, wasn't or isn't the Reverend Wright an admirer or follower of Malcom X? And wasn't Malcolm X a follower of Islam, not a Christian as Wright claimed to be? Of course, Wright was a follower of BLT, which throws another twist to the puzzle.
Reply Wed 23 Jun, 2010 12:53 pm
okie wrote:
By the way, wasn't or isn't the Reverend Wright an admirer or follower of Malcom X? And wasn't Malcolm X a follower of Islam, not a Christian as Wright claimed to be? Of course, Wright was a follower of BLT, which throws another twist to the puzzle.

Malcom was converted to Islam and followed it for quite a while but then he started not identifying with the racism and started pulling away from many of the leaders he had surrounded himself with. I think it was they who assassinated him and not the FBI or CIA. Why would the FBI or CIA care about some black man preaching religion? Malcom posed no threat to governmental policy in any way.

It was religion that built Malcom up and it was religion that got him murdered.
Reply Wed 23 Jun, 2010 01:21 pm
Krumple wrote:
Malcom was converted to Islam and followed it for quite a while but then he started not identifying with the racism and started pulling away from many of the leaders he had surrounded himself with.

He stuck with Islam, but rejected the racism of the Nation of Islam in the U.S.


After leaving the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X became a Sunni Muslim and made a pilgrimage to Mecca, after which he disavowed racism. He traveled extensively throughout Africa and the Middle East. He founded Muslim Mosque, Inc., a religious organization, and the secular, black nationalist Organization of Afro-American Unity. Less than a year after he left the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X was assassinated while giving a speech in New York.


On April 19, Malcolm X completed the Hajj, making the seven circuits around the Kaaba, drinking from the Zamzam Well and running between the hills of Safah and Marwah seven times.[121] Malcolm X said the trip allowed him to see Muslims of different races interacting as equals. He came to believe that Islam could be the means by which racial problems could be overcome.


Talmadge Hayer, a Nation of Islam member also known as Thomas Hagan, was arrested on the scene.[158] Eyewitnesses identified two more suspects, Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson, also members of the Nation. All three were charged in the case.[159] At first Hayer denied involvement, but during the trial he confessed to having fired shots at Malcolm X. He testified that Butler and Johnson were not present and were not involved in the assassination, but he declined to name the men who had joined him in the shooting.[160] All three men were convicted.[161]

Butler, now known as Muhammad Abdul Aziz, was paroled in 1985. He became the head of the Nation of Islam's Harlem mosque in New York in 1998. He continues to maintain his innocence.[162] Johnson, now known as Khalil Islam, was released from prison in 1987. During his time in prison, he rejected the teachings of the Nation of Islam and converted to Sunni Islam. He, too, maintains his innocence.[163] Hayer, now known as Mujahid Halim,[164] was paroled in 2010.
Reply Wed 23 Jun, 2010 01:51 pm
He also found that the Nation of Islam didn't practice what they preached.
Elijah Muhammed, the then Islamic Leader was found to be having illicit
sex with many other women and for Malcolm, this was the straw that broke
the camel's back, in his opinion. Elijah Muhammed had it in for him, not to
mention J. Edgar Hoover's distaste for not only Malcolm but MLK, also,
whom he called, "the most dangerous man in the US", had his home bugged
and also found MLK having an affair, which he recorded and sent MLK a tape of it and told him to "kill" himself or he'd expose him, which he did.

Hoover also hated JFK and Robert Kennedy went along with the bugging because Hoover had the dirt on JFK too! As we all know, Hoover turned out to be a "cross-dresser", (in the closet), had a male companion until he died and was reported to be part-black, which is why he hated blacks so much. In all of the Southern States, you could appear to be white, but if you had
"one drop" of Black blood, then you were Black and nothing else, which is why many light-skinned Blacks left the South and "passed" in other States.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jun, 2010 01:56 pm
Here's what else I've found:


Yep! J. Edgar is the butt of many a joke since his death.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jun, 2010 03:35 pm
All you need to know about Rev. Wright


Now do you believe your lying eyes?

Reply Wed 23 Jun, 2010 09:29 pm
Teeny, I've now read your last few posts about Wright, Hoover, etc., and here is my conclusion. You are way out in left field if you follow the radical and violent teachings of Malcolm X. The man was one screwed up individual, teeny. Secondly, the Reverend Wright was also one very bigoted man filled with hatred, and I think you know this. Your linked article does nothing to change that. In regard to J. Edgar Hoover, yes, you are probably correct, he was probably a very strange guy, but admit the fact that the Kennedys used him to spy on people like Martin Luther King, because of their suspicions of communist ties to King. Do not just blame Hoover, there were presidents where the buck stopped, and if Hoover had power over the presidents because of the dirt he had on them, the problem then was perhaps the Kennedys, don't you think? The Kennedys were known womanizers, and apparently JFK had an affair with a German spy woman. All of this simply points out that presidents personal lives do matter, contrary to what all the Democratic defenders of Clinton claimed during the 90's.

If any of this can talk some sense into your head, why not start with the conclusion that we need to elect honest and decent people that are not extreme radicals and that have not followed extreme radicals, that instead we need to elect good, sound, and solid American citizens with proven upstanding principles? People like your father that risked his very life for this country deserve that much. We do not need radicals in office that are bent upon destroying the fabric of this country, and that hate the institutions and principles that made the country as great as it is. And remember one thing, Abraham Lincoln is an example of a Republican and of a political party that believed in freedom and liberty, and still does, and hundreds of thousands of white people gave their last drop of blood to free your race, and don't forget it, teeny. I think you would be well advised to turn loose of the hatred and resentment you continue to carry around with you.

And finally, you can choose to leave the Democratic Party plantation, it is your choice. If you can use a good example, Martin Luther King was a Republican. For the umpteenth time, I am going to provide you with this link, because I think there is hope for you.

Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2010 06:57 am
You NEED to take your own advice for one. No. 2, I read your link and didn't say if I agreed or not. I don't! Didn't you think G. W. Bush was honest, albeit, it took the Supreme Court to TAKE the office from the man who got the POPULAR vote?

How honest was that? The Supreme Court was NOT set up to decide Federal Elections. It was set up to make straight, the rights of citizens, not corporations, don't you agree? Individuals. Individuals pay the majority
of the taxes. Corporations avoid taxes like the plague.

I'll assume you are a Caucasion and believe what YOU were taught. As I am
African-American and believe the truth! The truth as I judge for myself to
be truth. Discrimination was a horrible truth for me, growing up in the South, albeit I am a Baptized Catholic and believe in the Supremacy of God, alone. You cited Clinton, while avoiding Nixon, the lyingest liar, that ever
graced the White House, that Bush followed, winning by any means necessary
even when the polls predicted Gore winning Florida!

What a laugh! Even a fourth grader, could understand that! Rev. Wright
served his country dutifully instead of running to Canada! He withstood the hatred of racist officers and was discharged honorably. Truth dashed to earth, rises eventually and those racist Democrats turned Republicans since Civil Rights, don't fool an old Southern woman like me.

You can send me ALL of the revisionist Republican history you want. Before 1964, any Black person that was a Republican, was one out of respect for Lincoln. To blend those Black haters with abolitionists, is an insult and a disgrace to ALL Black people, living now! Why else do you think Obama won? Keep kidding yourself. No one in their right mind, believe you.
Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2010 10:41 am
teenyboone wrote:

You NEED to take your own advice for one. No. 2, I read your link and didn't say if I agreed or not. I don't! Didn't you think G. W. Bush was honest, albeit, it took the Supreme Court to TAKE the office from the man who got the POPULAR vote?

How honest was that? The Supreme Court was NOT set up to decide Federal Elections. It was set up to make straight, the rights of citizens, not corporations, don't you agree? Individuals. Individuals pay the majority
of the taxes. Corporations avoid taxes like the plague.

Surely you don't need a Civics lesson to learn that elections are determined by electoral votes, not popular vote. Also, the Surpreme Court in fact prevented Gore from stealing the election by cherry picking certain precincts and by trying to prevent the count of military votes.

I'll assume you are a Caucasion and believe what YOU were taught. As I am
African-American and believe the truth! The truth as I judge for myself to
be truth. Discrimination was a horrible truth for me, growing up in the South, albeit I am a Baptized Catholic and believe in the Supremacy of God, alone. You cited Clinton, while avoiding Nixon, the lyingest liar, that ever
graced the White House, that Bush followed, winning by any means necessary
even when the polls predicted Gore winning Florida!

Yes, I am white, I had no say over who I was born to. I did grow up near a town that had a segregated park, north side of a street vs south side of a street, also separate swimming pools and drinking fountains, and I remember it seeming strange to me even as a kid. My parents were Democrats, but after the 60s never voted for a Democrat ever. The party left them, as Reagan said about the Democratic Party. My parents never taught us to be racial in any way at all. It was not until my college years and military service that I had the opportunity to meet and know many black people. Not to try to be too detailed here, but my best drill sargeant in training was a black man, and the worst was a white man. If I have learned one thing in life, teeny, character is unique and not related to race. Another thing I learned, I met racists of both black and white heritage, including trainees, drill sargeants, and officers.

What a laugh! Even a fourth grader, could understand that! Rev. Wright
served his country dutifully instead of running to Canada! He withstood the hatred of racist officers and was discharged honorably. Truth dashed to earth, rises eventually and those racist Democrats turned Republicans since Civil Rights, don't fool an old Southern woman like me.

You can send me ALL of the revisionist Republican history you want. Before 1964, any Black person that was a Republican, was one out of respect for Lincoln. To blend those Black haters with abolitionists, is an insult and a disgrace to ALL Black people, living now! Why else do you think Obama won? Keep kidding yourself. No one in their right mind, believe you.

I am not trying to fool you, I am merely trying to convince you that you shold listen to an alternative view, that there are other black people out there that see the Democrats and Republicans totally different than you. You can think for yourself, do not swallow the line that Republicans are against you. The Demcrats will continue to pander to the black community in order to get your votes, but that does not mean they care about you. And does Obama care about you or is he even a black person at his roots, teeny, ask yourself that? I hope you didn't vote for him solely on the basis that his skin was slightly black and he knows how to talk Chicago jive talk and play basketball. I probably played far more basketball than Obama ever did, in fact first team in High School. We weren't super good however, we had no black kids in our school. Later, I loved it when my college played Langston University, a black university in a little town of Langston, Oklahoma, and were they good, teeny. And their bands were lively. I loved to go to the games when we played them.

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