What should be done about illegal immigration?

Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 11:07 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:

From CBS News:
Whites Now A Minority In California
Hispanics And Asians Make Major Gains

SACRAMENTO, California, March 30, 2001

well hell, it is california after all. we're kinda different here. Laughing

And broke too. Is that funny as well?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 11:15 pm
Advocate for the master race wrote:

It is cute how O'Moron sets up, and knocks down, a straw man. No one is saying that children should be denied health care.
Bullshit. That is precisely what you advocated in the post that re-ignited this thread.

Here’s a quote:
Advocate for the master race wrote:
Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. [...]These sound fine to me.

This is State sponsored child neglect and child abuse. Such a law could only have a detrimental effect on children, who have done NOTHING wrong. Only an asshole would want this, the richest country in the world, to deny children food or healthcare. Only a bigot would endorse the plan for a demographic that is made up of mostly Mexicans.

But you couldn’t leave well enough alone at proving you’re a bigot. You had to go and remind everyone that you’re an ignorant fool as well:

Advocate for the master race wrote:
Keep in mind that O'Moron believes that the USA can easily accomodate a couple billion more people. He thinks we can easily desalinate ocean water.
My God you are an idiot. How many times will you post those “beliefs” before you figure out they are facts? Let’s break that down for you one more time so everyone here can see what an idiot you are:

1. Accommodate a couple billion more people. If the United States had 2 Billion more people living in it; we still wouldn’t even make the top 20% of countries in terms of population density. We’d remain behind Germany, England, France, the UK, Japan, etc, etc, etc. Currently, we’re not even in the Top 2/3s. Denying easily verified facts is the work of an idiot.

2. He thinks we can easily desalinate ocean water.Laughing Have you heard of Google? Wikipedia? On this, you really couldn’t miss. Desalination technology has been around for Centuries (at least). Thomas Jefferson wrote about how simple it is. Every large ship since WWII uses desalination technology. Tampa’s LARGE SCALE desalination plant has been supplying 10% of the water used there for a couple years now. (25 MILLION gallons a day). I know of only one person stupid enough to deny that ocean water can be easily desalinated. (I could do it myself with nothing more than a clear garbage bag and a few stones.) Again; denying easily verified facts is the work of an idiot.

(When will I learn it’s a waste of time to respond to, let alone provide facts for, the terminally obtuse?)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 11:21 pm
Advocate wrote:

BS! Only children, the disabled, and the elderly are on welfare.
Laughing Google that as well you damn fool.

Advocate wrote:
DC has loads of unemployed blacks. However, the restaurants prefer the illegals, who can be paid less and not given benefits.
Not too many restaurants provide their black people with benefits. Whites either. And yes; in my experience the brown skinned fellas tend to out earn the white man and black man alike. I paid based on value, not color.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 11:45 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:


In the mean time I wish you’d reconsider your apparent endorsement of post that calls for state sponsored child neglect and abuse. It doesn’t reflect well on you.

your attitude on this issue is really perplexing. i find it difficult to reconcile it with your professed right wing beliefs about the war in iraq.

when i first joined in the fun on a2k in 2003, you were one of the people that was in all seriousness ending many of your tirades against the anti-war citizens with the right-wing speak of the day; "why do you hate america"?
The only time I've ever asked anyone why the hated America; was if they said they did... or they habitually made and/or repeated assertions that always seemed to pain the United States in the worst possible light (not unlike what the bigots on this thread do with illegal immigrants on this thread.)
I have professed no right wing beliefs about the war in Iraq. I supported the war because I believed people, both inside and outside of Iraq, would be better off for it. I support the dissolution of border control for the same reason; people will be better off.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
so, i have to wonder why someone with such "america first" beliefs would act as such a strong advocate for people who's first act upon entering your country is an illegal one.
Rolling Eyes I am no hypocrite, and know damn well if my family was suffering on the other side of that border, and that I could ease their suffering by crossing it, I wouldn't hesitate to do so. I feel very lucky for being born in the United States, but I don't feel superior for it. Nor am I so incompetent, or too cowardly, to face additional competition in the work place. I don't need my government to step on another man's neck to compete.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
i guess the real question is; how are you personally benefiting from the presence of illegal immigrants to the point that you are putting your country secondary to your previously stated love of country?
As Ebrown pointed out; this line of argument is pathetic. I happen to believe (am quite certain in fact) that our country is a better place because of immigration. Since 99% of are the descendants of immigrants; I'm awefully glad yester-year's bigots were no more successful than the bigots of today.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
btw, are you still in the restaurant business?
Not for a couple years now. I employ no one; and don't make a nickel off of anything even remotely related to this issue. Do you know what happens when you assume? You make a complete and utter ass of yourself. Here; I’ll prove it to you:
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

ebrown p wrote:
DTOM, I thought you were classier than this.

you consider it classless to call bullshit when someone has obviously crafted their opinion to jive with what benefits them personally? i'm surprised that you aren't wondering about the guy's bizarre 180 from his previously stated hard right, america first rhetoric. especially considering that you have been so vocal about the iraq war, along with the rest of us, over the years.

Nothing bizarre, no 180, no personal benefit, no bullshit. I still want every Saddam-like ruler exterminated, ASAP. I am not in the restaurant business now, and I wasn’t in the restaurant business when the conversations you’re twisting took place (hell, I wasn’t in the restaurant business 2 years total, you twit.) You owe me an apology for this uncalled for personal attack.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
and that is why you call anyone who believes that, while immigrants are a welcome and important part of the american landscape, they should enter the country through legal means, a racist ? a bigot? a discompassionate monster?
Ebrown doesn’t do that. Neither do I. Those who post or endorse the posting of slanted, bigoted bullshit, however, are fair game. Calls to stop feeding and giving medical care to indigent children constitute bigoted bullshit. How can you possibly disagree?

Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 11:55 pm
ehBeth wrote:

Defending a white supremacist. It really can't get much clearer, can it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 06:52 am
ehBeth wrote:

Defending a white supremacist. It really can't get much clearer, can it.

I'm sure its clear to nearly everyone - Foxfyre herself being one notable exception.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 07:28 am
there really aren't all that many organizations that meself and the lady diane donate too but among them are the Southern Poverty Law Center. We also give to the ACLU, the Nature Conservancy, the New Mexico Wilderness Fund. I suppose that puts us in the catagory of radical-extremists in Foxfyre's book. I am indeed blond andblue eyed and the lady Diane has green eyes. (beautiful green eyes)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 08:42 am
ehBeth wrote:

Defending a white supremacist. It really can't get much clearer, can it.

Where is your evidence that Kevin Lamb is a white supremacist? Where is your evidence that the Occidental Quarterly is a white supremacist magazine?

Does focus on western culture and the virtues contained within in automatically make one a white supremacist? A racist? Should we take English Literature out of college curriculum? How about all studies of the Renaissance and the Reformation or History of Western Civilization? Mostly western stuff there. Does somebody being white now make him or her a sub-human species unworthy of having any of his/her contributions to world culture acknowledged?

I don't know a darn thing about Kevin Lamb other than his bio that I posted--never heard of him in fact until all this nonsense from ebrown cropped up and I have no interest in either commending him or condemning him. After reading up on the SPLC yesterday though, I hardly take their critique as authoritative on anybody as they seem to hate anybody who isn't anti-west, anti-white, pro illegal immigration or pick your politically correct stance of the week.

To condemn somebody based on a single SPLC judgment is as absurd as branding anybody who is pro-enforcement re illegal immigration as bigoted or racist based on that alone. To brand me as racist because I posted a bio of Kevin Lamb by a non-racist, non-white supremacist group that didn't do a hatchet job on him says more about you than it does me.

My comments were strictly in rebuttal to ebrown's assertion that the black community has no problem with illegal immigration. I provided a number of sources clearly showing that not to be the case and also sources showing that the other side was also exaggerating the situation.

Sorry if some of you think that is so offensive.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 08:54 am
At least O'Moron is honest about his stupid beliefs. With all the problems in this country, including inadequate nutrition, healthcare, transportation, clean water, the environment, crime, polution, education, banking, employment, etc., he thinks we can easily accomodate a couple billion more people. He doesn't know that large-scale desalination uses enormous energy, which is in short supply. Moreover, at best it will provide some drinking water, a tiny percentage of all our water needs (sanitation, irrigation, industrial, etc.).

There is nothing in the article I posted that says children should be denied emergency healthcare. However, in general, CA and other states have the right to discourage the invasion of illegals.

And O'Moron calls me an idiot. Wow!
ebrown p
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 08:57 am

I am eagerly waiting to hear your opinion of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 08:58 am
@ebrown p,
Your statements about blacks is very racist. The last time I looked, our president is a black. Moreover, I am in contact daily with fine and highly-employable blacks.

Should illegals be barred from working in restaurants, etc., citizens, including whites and blacks, would be employed. They would be paid somewhat more, which would have only a very minor effect on prices.
ebrown p
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 09:01 am
I asked you a simple question...

What is your opinion of the Southern Poverty Law Center?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 09:26 am
Foxy said;
Sorry if some of you think that is so offensive

0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 02:55 pm

DontTreadOnMe wrote:


In the mean time I wish you’d reconsider your apparent endorsement of post that calls for state sponsored child neglect and abuse. It doesn’t reflect well on you.

your attitude on this issue is really perplexing. i find it difficult to reconcile it with your professed right wing beliefs about the war in iraq.

when i first joined in the fun on a2k in 2003, you were one of the people that was in all seriousness ending many of your tirades against the anti-war citizens with the right-wing speak of the day; "why do you hate america"?
The only time I've ever asked anyone why the hated America; was if they said they did... or they habitually made and/or repeated assertions that always seemed to pain the United States in the worst possible light...

which i have not done here, or irl. so you either misunderstood what i did say, or assumed that i hated america.

I have professed no right wing beliefs about the war in Iraq. I supported the war because I believed people, both inside and outside of Iraq, would be better off for it. I support the dissolution of border control for the same reason; people will be better off.

it looked to me as if you were. at that time, it wasn't the anti-war folks asking the question, "why do you hate america?"

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
so, i have to wonder why someone with such "america first" beliefs would act as such a strong advocate for people who's first act upon entering your country is an illegal one.
Rolling Eyes I am no hypocrite, and know damn well if my family was suffering on the other side of that border, and that I could ease their suffering by crossing it, I wouldn't hesitate to do so. I feel very lucky for being born in the United States, but I don't feel superior for it. Nor am I so incompetent, or too cowardly, to face additional competition in the work place. I don't need my government to step on another man's neck to compete.

i understand the motivations. and i feel for those who are caught up in all of this ****. they aren't the people that i hold responsible for the mess. i'd most likely do the same thing too. but all the empathy in the world isn't going to correct the problem.

and the problem is simply the question of legalities. the accusations of racism and bigotry may be valid in the cases of some, but certainly not of all, or even most who feel that there are right ways and wrong ways to do things. and i can say from personal experience that the only way anarchy works well is when it's an interesting logo on a tee shirt.

i would have been fine with the mccain-feingold thingy. even though i'm a little sceptical that the government would do it any better after the '86 amnesty.

and lastly, since i've been self employed for a decade, i took responsibility for putting food on my family ( Very Happy ) a long time ago. so no snarky comments about standing on someone else's neck should be directed my way.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
i guess the real question is; how are you personally benefiting from the presence of illegal immigrants to the point that you are putting your country secondary to your previously stated love of country?
As Ebrown pointed out; this line of argument is pathetic. I happen to believe (am quite certain in fact) that our country is a better place because of immigration. Since 99% of are the descendants of immigrants; I'm awefully glad yester-year's bigots were no more successful than the bigots of today.

once again you fail to grasp that the debate is not about immigration and immigrants, but rather the way that they have entered the country. what's annoying is that many insist on conflating the two separate values. i guess you are one of them.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
btw, are you still in the restaurant business?
Not for a couple years now. I employ no one; and don't make a nickel off of anything even remotely related to this issue. Do you know what happens when you assume? You make a complete and utter ass of yourself. Here; I’ll prove it to you:
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

ebrown p wrote:
DTOM, I thought you were classier than this.

you consider it classless to call bullshit when someone has obviously crafted their opinion to jive with what benefits them personally? i'm surprised that you aren't wondering about the guy's bizarre 180 from his previously stated hard right, america first rhetoric. especially considering that you have been so vocal about the iraq war, along with the rest of us, over the years.

Nothing bizarre, no 180, no personal benefit, no bullshit. I still want every Saddam-like ruler exterminated, ASAP. I am not in the restaurant business now, and I wasn’t in the restaurant business when the conversations you’re twisting took place (hell, I wasn’t in the restaurant business 2 years total, you twit.) You owe me an apology for this uncalled for personal attack.

and yet you have no qualms about assuming that i endorse cruel treatment of children. that i'm a racist and a bigot?

so now you are 0 for 2; you assumed that i "hate america" and you assumed that i am a "bigot and a racist". wrong on both counts.

now, about the restaurant question; 1) i remembered that you were in the business, that you mentioned moving to open a new restaurant.

i asked if you still were in that business. it's a valid question in the context that i asked it in.

and if you consider asking a question a personal attack, it is you, bill, who is acting a twit.

but if you say you're not, i take it as truth and withdraw the question.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
and that is why you call anyone who believes that, **while immigrants are a welcome and important part of the american landscape, they should enter the country through legal means, a racist ? a bigot? a discompassionate monster?
Ebrown doesn’t do that. Neither do I. Those who post or endorse the posting of slanted, bigoted bullshit, however, are fair game. Calls to stop feeding and giving medical care to indigent children constitute bigoted bullshit. How can you possibly disagree?

**what part of this do you not get, bill? if you've been paying attention to anything i've said, you'd realize that this is my position in a nutshell. nothing more, nothing less.

if the things you list are what you use to identify bigotry and racism, then you shouldn't even suggest that i'm a bigot or a racist. as you say, when you assume...

or maybe it hasn't occured to you that labeling someone a racist/bigot, even if only through inference, when it is untrue is a personal attack?

Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 03:17 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

ehBeth wrote:

Defending a white supremacist. It really can't get much clearer, can it.

Where is your evidence that Kevin Lamb is a white supremacist? Where is your evidence that the Occidental Quarterly is a white supremacist magazine?

uhh, foxy... take a look at the o.q.

this is from the interview with michael walker;

"TOQ: The Occidental Quarterly is especially concerned with cultivat-
ing young nationalists. ... "


the shield and nordic hammer are both used extensively by the white power groups. in the same interview walker talks about being nudged into "radical nationalist / racial politics".

and then this note from the editor;
From the Editor
2009: Year of Crisis
Michael O’Meara

"Prepare to fight to the finish, or your kind will vanish."

In the last year, one crisis has followed another. First there was a housing mortgage crisis, then a liquidity crisis that led to a banking crisis, then a dollar crisis, then a credit crisis, then a geopolitical crisis, then an energy crisis, then a crisis of consumer confidence, and finally a political crisis at the highest level of the state, involving a crisis of meaning that brought a negro to power"a negro symbolizing everything against which the American once defined himself, and thus symbolizing a transvaluation of the very basis of the American's original being.

The burning question today is: are these cascading crises "conjunctural" (i.e., due to a combination of circumstances) or are they "structural" (inherent to the system's nature)? If the latter, then the "American System," which has governed the world since 1945 and which has programmed the end of European man, faces a potentially systemic rupture whose implications are catastrophic. If only conjunctural, the news is still good, for it cannot but highlight the system's anti-white nature, of which most white Americans are still clueless.

not to mention that the word "occidental" refers to westerners, as in europeans. and ostensibly, most of whom are white.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 03:27 pm
I see O'Bill is taking his wrath even out on you in regard to his bigotry campaign. I guess he is obsessed with it, I don't know. The only thing I can figure out is he must have some kind of a guilt complex about being born here and he wants to open the border to anyone unfortunate enough to live anywhere else.

I wonder if you would invite every man on the street or homeless person into his home? After all, if its good enough for a nation to do it, it ought to be good enough for him to do it personally.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 03:34 pm
I scanned some articles and critiques of the OQ before I made my comments. It is a magazine that I've never subscribed to or never read an article from before now. It is definitely devoted to research, study, commentary, and history re western civilization, but as I previously stated, what's wrong with that? Are we just supposed to exclude western civilization because it is made up of a white majority?

I checked out the publisher who definitely is one of those who believes the white race will disappear if it continues to have a declining birth rate and continues to intermarry with non-white people. A most politically incorrect point of view, yes, but white supremacist? I couldn't make that leap to the extent of a group like the KKK being white supremacist. Is he wrong? No. Is he beating up on non-white folks as somehow inferior? No. He's just politically incorrect for vocalizing his opinion.

From what very little I researched in the OC, I could not find those views reflected there. Can't say there aren't some but they were not immediately obvious which makes me believe that the publisher is not dictating editorial policy. (Most publishers don't.)

Is there any doubt that there are anti-white sociopolitical stances out there? Might not be classy to notice that, but right or wrong it is a fact.

So, while I'll agree that it is probably viewed as politically incorrect in this day and age, and it isn't my cup of tea, I still maintain that so far nobody has shown that the OC is white supremacist.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 05:20 pm
I thought American history showed that the immigrants shoved the ones in residence to one side and marginalised them.

Is that not right?
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 05:20 pm
Rich Immigrants Are Behind $18 Million to Force Passage of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens This Year

By Roy Beck, Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 12:34 AM

Born in 1930 and 1934 (in Hungary and Iran) and moving to the United States in 1956 and 1958, two immigrants are at the heart of a massive flow of money into groups intent on forcing a vote this autumn to grant amnesty to 12 million or more illegal aliens.

Is there something just a little unseemly about immigrants using their good fortune to try to radically change the country that adopted them?

The Soros Foundations Network and Carnegie Corporation are two of the key money sources backing all the groups that are insisting on a giant amnesty for illegal aliens this year.

Both are led by immigrants who apparently like America so much that they will spare no expense in changing it as rapidly as possible through immigration.

I get a call from at least one news reporter a day asking what we are going to do to stop what looks to the journalists to be an invevitable vote this autumn on a giant amnesty.

To each one, I say that it makes no political sense at all to vote to give 7 million illegal-alien foreign workers permanent access to U.S. jobs while 12 million Americans are trying to find a job and can't find one (and 8 million more have had to settle for part-time jobs).

But the reporters respond back that the pro-amnesty groups have so much money that they believe they can force the vote.

How much money?

Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times interviewed a large number of the pro-amnesty leaders and wrote this:

To bolster their cause, advocates are planning an $18-million media and grass-roots campaign for the fall. The funding is coming primarily from liberal foundations, including one founded by billionaire activist George Soros.
Soros was born in Hungary in 1930. He moved to New York City in 1956.

Amassing billions as an international financier, he spends profusely on projects to open the United States to residency for the rest of the world.

Another foundation committing millions to the pro-amnesty effort is the Carnegie Corporation which has made rewards for illegal immigration one of its top projects. Carnegie openly touts its decision to be a central organizing leader to pull foundations together in a consortium to ensure amnesty and increased future immigration.

The open-borders leadership was begun at Carnegie under its new president, Vartan Gregorian.

Gregorian was born in Iran of Armenian parents in 1934 and received his secondary education in Lebanon.

He moved to the United States in 1958 (two years after Soros) to study at Stanford and apparently never left.

Now, they exercise control over incredible fortunes, and they are using that control to promote their agendas of massive U.S. population growth and a globalized U.S. labor market.

Not all immigrants treat their adopting country like Gregorian and Soros do.


The question is whether enough of the people of America (native-born and foreign-born) love their country enough to stand up and fight for it as hard as Gregorian and Soros intend to fight to overwhelm it with out-of-control immigration.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 05:48 pm
spendius wrote:

I thought American history showed that the immigrants shoved the ones in residence to one side and marginalised them.

Is that not right?

Yes that happened among many other things as people from other places settled here. I know one old Albuquerque neighborhood who are distressed that their culture and atmosphere is being destroyed by New Yorkers and Californians moving in and trying to do a complete make over. The old timers are convinced those types already ruined Santa Fe.

Seriously there are humorous sides and some quite unhumorous sides to our immigration history both past and in the making. It would be wonderful if the USA could just feed, clothe, house, and provide medical care for all the world's poor and we do a whole lot of that. The fact is that as rich as we are, we cannot feed, clothe, house, and provide medical care for the 6 billion people on Earth. Who is to decide that one poor person is more deserving than another? But we can do much more to help a lot more if we enforce our laws and keep our economy strong and thriving. We won't help anybody if we become too much like the places the folks coming here want to escape from.

I wonder how much of their own fortune are involved by those screaming racist and bigots and you want to starve kids at those of us who believe it is in the best interest of everybody for us to enforce our own laws? Are they writing out big checks and sending them down to Mexican or Guatamalan or Columbian missions to help feed the hungry and buy shots for the kids? Are they on the band wagon to shout down the thugs and thieves and scoundrels who keep Mexico's people poor? Who keep the people in other countries poor? Are they moving their businesses and jobs to poor nations to help the people help themselves?

Or do they just scream racism and bigotry and unconscionable accusations at the rest of us who simply want to enforce our laws, many of us who ARE writing out checks and participating in efforts to help our more unfortunate neighbors.

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