Setanta wrote:Are you sure about that? I'm not disputing that you know better than i, i was just surprised by such a contention.
I just looked it up in the
CIA World Factbook, which is a useful compendium of such data. It turns out that it depends on a heavy stretch of my word "about". If you compare per capita GDP adjusted to purchasing power, Mexico's is $10,000, Poland's $12,000, Germany's $30,000, and the US $42,000. (Rounded to thousands as my short term memory is too leaky to hold the hundreds.) So while there is a great discrepancy within Europe and my assessment wasn't total fantasy, the numbers do confirm some of your skepticism. (The difference shrinks even more when you look at the smaller new EU countries.)
Setanta wrote:Additionally, Mexico is conduit for people from all over Latin America--is that so with the former Warsaw pact nations? Many of the people here focus on Mexico and Mexicans, but this not soley an issue of Mexicans. Many from nations such as Guatamala, El Salvador or Nicaragua claim that their nations' economies and societies were destroyed by US support for repressive regimes, as well, and it happens to be a good argument. Finally, the Mexican border is a major smuggling area, and especially as regards drugs. Do these situations apply with the EU?
Well, kind of. We have a lot of Ukrainians, Belarussians and Russians. But the legal barriers are higher for them than they are for EU citizens, so the direct immigration from EU members dominates the conduit effect. I'd have to look up the precise numbers though, and I'm not sure where.