edgarblythe wrote:So speaketh ebrown:
The debate is what to do with the 11 million people who are here.
Specifically, are we going to give people here illegally now the chance to become citizens or are we going to round them up and deport them?

i can't believe you guys are still going off about this part.
nobody is going to call in the 18wheelers and the trains and purge the country of 11-12-20 million people. ain't gonna happen. there's going to be another amnesty. won't get called that, but that's what it's gonna be.
but you're still going around in circles playing "racist".. "am not".."are too"...
and honestly, i see the race thing coming from both sides. cracking on white europeans is every bit as racist as bagging on mexicans.
so move on......
nobody here has answered any of the auxilliary questions associated with those actions. or even made suggestions.
* - what about those who don't register for the programs?
* - what about illegal entry after the amnesty ?
* - what about children born to illegal entrants ?
* - if not fining employers and making them accountable for their crooked hiring practices, what other ways to discourage illegal entry ?
point is, there's a very small number that really want to deport illegals. there's a somewhat higher number that want full amnesty etc. there's a huge number that want the government to crack down on illegal entry, by anyone and from anywhere.