Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 03:03 am
mesquite wrote:
Abid wrote:
I will never tire from relaying the word of Gog an hopefully save as many people from damnation as possible.

Abid, Why do you suppose Gog would possibly care which foot one of us lowly humans uses to enter and leave the toilet with? #79

Does Gog really care how many times you pull it, and if so what is the significance of the number three? #73.

I gotta tell ya Abid, stones and clods sound like very unsuitable materials for cleaning your butt, and cloth seems just downright wasteful and might even cause plumbing problems. Do you think that if Muhammad had known about toilet tissue he might have approved it's use? Hmm, there's that three again. #68 & #69

Sorry, what has this got to do with Islam being the truth, or it spreading like wild fire?
You arguments have no basis or warrent for discussion.

Soap and the first toothbrushes originated from Muslim countries, so pay a little respect. Very Happy#

Some more information regarding Islamic pioneers in medicine and science

0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 03:11 am
mesquite wrote:
Eorl, Have you seen the movie "As Good as it Gets"? In it Jack Nicholson plays a character afflicted with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). When I look at this set of rules[/u] patterned from observing the life of Muhammad I see signs of OCD throughout.

The truth is Islam is a COMPLETE way of life, and shows people how to complete all tasks however small and inssignificant in your eyes.

It gives a full account on everything permissible, impremissable and best practices that are pleasing to the Creator of All, most High.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 03:14 am
mesquite wrote:
Eorl, Have you seen the movie "As Good as it Gets"? In it Jack Nicholson plays a character afflicted with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). When I look at this set of rules[/u] patterned from observing the life of Muhammad I see signs of OCD throughout.

The truth is Islam is a COMPLETE way of life, and shows people how to complete all tasks however small and inssignificant in your eyes.

It gives a full account on everything permissible, impremissable and best practices that are pleasing to the Creator of All, most High.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 03:20 am
Raul-7 wrote:
Wilso wrote:
Abid wrote:

The sooner you accept that Islam is here to stay the better
Very Happy

That will never happen. The sooner this monstrous idealogy is wiped from the face of the earth the better of everyone will be.

Don't worry, that will never happen.

They desire to extinguish God's Light with their mouths. But God refuses to do other than perfect His Light, even though the unbelievers detest it. (Qur'an, 9:32)

Mas'Allah, very well said,

Orientilist have tried from the very beginning of Islam to try and disprove it.
It was prophesised that people would try their utmost to discredit Islam, and it would still grow.

There is a prophecy that one day There will not be a home in which Islam has not entered.

And Allah (SWT) knows best

Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 03:25 am
just curious, what is the islamic views on Christianity, Jesus, etc?

or should i start a new thread on this? hm...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 04:39 am
Abid wrote:

A few good things to come from Islam, iggnor-anus

The only ignoramus here is you, you worthless piece of muslim filth. Which third world sh!thole did you crawl out of?
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 05:20 am
Abid wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Abid wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Even Texas has its share of retards.

No slander heh?

I detect a hint of anger and frustration in your words
"Retards" isnt that what you call them, those that join Islam? Oh no, that's reverts...well perhaps you missed the humour.

But if you got the anger I'll tell you why. NO-ONE is born Muslim, Christian or any other ism or -ian. A child is a child, a blank sheet on which to imprint ideas. There are NO muslim children, only children of Muslim parents. Have you ever heard of a marxist child? Or a moonie child?

My argument here is with religious branding of CHILDREN, however Muslims seem to take it one stage further. You dare to say that ALL children, me you Adolf Hitler, Karl Marx...everyone is born Muslim. Thus when some leaves Buddhism or Christianity to adopt Islam you use the word 'revert' instead of convert. Such hubris deserves its nemesis.

LOL you've got no argument other then this?

Why do you deny the existence of God when even scientists today are proclaiming nothing could have possibly come around by chance such as the universe, Lefe and all else

About Stephen Hawking and God

Proffessor Keith Moore
I've got plenty of arguments besides the above, which btw I notice you do not deny. I gave you quite a long post yesterday on why a-theism is not more widely understood. Did you read it?

Its not for me to deny God, its for you to give some evidence to support your claim. On the other hand evidence from evolutionary biology is overwhelming. It requires no "creator" but neither is it about chance. You theists claim God made the world comfortable for humans. You dont understand the anthropic principle. If the world and the universe was not as we observe it, we would not exist to observe it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 07:23 am
rockpie wrote:
just curious, what is the islamic views on Christianity, Jesus, etc?

or should i start a new thread on this? hm...

Islam affirms the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him) calling to the worship of one God. As a prophet of God NOT as the son of God (Or God incarnate).

We also believe in the second coming of Jesus and his battle with the ant-christ (Dajjal)

Please see the below link or open another thread fo rfurther discussion


0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 07:29 am
Wilso wrote:
Abid wrote:

A few good things to come from Islam, iggnor-anus

The only ignoramus here is you, you worthless piece of muslim filth. Which third world sh!thole did you crawl out of?


You're comments wont offend me. They just show your lack of ability to debate in a civilized manner.

Tantrums and name calling are what babies do. You should grow up not assume so much - Who said i am from a developing country?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 07:55 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
Abid wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Abid wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Even Texas has its share of retards.

No slander heh?

I detect a hint of anger and frustration in your words
"Retards" isn't that what you call them, those that join Islam? Oh no, that's reverts...well perhaps you missed the humour.

But if you got the anger I'll tell you why. NO-ONE is born Muslim, Christian or any other ism or -ian. A child is a child, a blank sheet on which to imprint ideas. There are NO muslim children, only children of Muslim parents. Have you ever heard of a marxist child? Or a moonie child?

My argument here is with religious branding of CHILDREN, however Muslims seem to take it one stage further. You dare to say that ALL children, me you Adolf Hitler, Karl Marx...everyone is born Muslim. Thus when some leaves Buddhism or Christianity to adopt Islam you use the word 'revert' instead of convert. Such hubris deserves its nemesis.

LOL you've got no argument other then this?

Why do you deny the existence of God when even scientists today are proclaiming nothing could have possibly come around by chance such as the universe, Life and all else

About Stephen Hawking and God

Professor Keith Moore
I've got plenty of arguments besides the above, which btw I notice you do not deny.

Of course I deny your above statement. When me say people are born Muslim you must understand what the word 'Muslim' actually means. It means 'One who submits to the will of God'. So if you think about it your whole body is Muslim. Your stomach has enzymes and acids which breakdown food from which nutrients are then extracted for sustenance. your eyes produce over 5000 chemical reactions per second in order to deliver a meaningful interpretation to your brain. All these actions are done with or without your knowledge and without your control. All these actions happen by the will of God - So you could say your organs are submitting to Him. Similarly, all stars, the sun, the moon, planets, animals, plants etc. all are Muslim, as they submit to Allah (which is arabic for God).
It is us, the only creature on this earth - apart from the jin (other creatures not seen by us) - who have free will. The ability to obey, or disobey the will of God.
So once we are born, we are Muslim, it is our parents that make us whichever religion they are practicing at the time.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 07:57 am
[/quote] I gave you quite a long post yesterday on why a-theism is not more widely understood. Did you read it?

Sorry i didnt, will read it and get back to you Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 08:29 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
Abid wrote:

OK How does your rationale explain why there are so few atheists in the world, and that so many people embrace religion all the time?

First we have to define atheist. I understand it to mean without the necessity to believe in a god, like a-political or asymmetric means without political afilliation or without symmetry. But if a theist is someone who believes in god, then we need a definition of god, and it seems there are as many definitions of that small word as there are minds on planet earth thinking about it. I've never actually described myself as an atheist, but I have great difficulty describing what the word God means. The nearest I can get is approaching that sense of awe and wonder when I contemplate the beauty of nature and the magisty of the cosmos, to realise that we are literally part of the universe, the atoms that make up our bodies are stardust and will ultimately return to the stars.

So to answer your questions

I think religious belief developed as early man developed. As he moved from hunter-gatherer to primitive farmer two things happened. First he had a bit more time to sit around and think. Second he became more aware of just how vulnerable he was to natural forces over which he had absolutely no control. Crops need water. No rain = starvation. Therefore as something must cause the rain, he defined a rain god who made it rain on the fields at the right time. Clearly if it didnt, the rain god is upset about something. So having a rain god is quite useful. Not only does it explain why it rains, but it presents an opportunity, by keeping Her happy and of warding off drought and starvation. Just how to keep Her happy is the religious ritual. There are thousands of rain gods around the world. And hundreds of Gods and goddesses responsible for just about every feature of life. They were invented by early man as the only way he could of explaining the inexplicable. Parents explain to children, and children, because they MUST to survive, believe. So it goes on. Religious belief becomes a self propagating cultural meme with a character and life of its own. "Give me a child until he is seven years old, and I will give you the man". Very few people manage to escape from the religious indoctrination they received as a child. And those few that did, who stood up for their right to think freely often found life could be both uncomfortable, and brief.

It was only with the Renaissance and the development of early scientific instruments and scientific thought that the religious mind set was seriously challenged. Even so there was great danger in speaking out too openly. The battle goes on. Think how Galileo was persecuted. Think how Darwin hesitated for years before publishing his great discovery.

Bertrand Russell wrote:
The immense majority of intellectually eminent men disbelieve in Christian religion, but they conceal the fact in public, because they are afraid of losing their incomes
. Russell of course was speaking in a specifically Christian context, however I believe the same quiet scepticism exists within Islam...where in fact it has to be extremely quiet, think of Salman Rushdie.

So I have spent far too long answering why there are so few "atheists". I'll answer your other questions later.

Thank you for your explaination on your belief's. Im glad at least you understand that there is a God, whatever your definition of the word may be.

Here are the names and attributes of God - Given by Himself in the Quran
There are 99 that we know of that are reserved ONLY for Him

Allah, He who has the Godhood which is the power to create the entities.

The Compassionate, The Beneficient, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and especially for the believers in the hereafter.

The Merciful, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers.

The King, The Sovereign Lord, The One with the complete Dominion, the One Whose Dominion is clear from imperfection.

The Holy, The One who is pure from any imperfection and clear from children and adversaries.

The Source of Peace, The One who is free from every imperfection.

Guardian of Faith, The One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him.

The Protector, The One who witnesses the saying and deeds of His creatures.

The Mighty, The Strong, The Defeater who is not defeated.

The Compeller, The One that nothing happens in His Dominion except that which He willed.

The Majestic, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures and from resembling them.

The Creator, The One who brings everything from non-existence to existence.

The Evolver, The Maker, The Creator who has the Power to turn the entities.

The Fashioner, The One who forms His creatures in different pictures.

The Great Forgiver, The Forgiver, The One who forgives the sins of His slaves time and time again.

The Subduer, The Dominant, The One who has the perfect Power and is not unable over anything.

The Bestower, The One who is Generous in giving plenty without any return. He is everything that benefits whether Halal or Haram.

The Sustainer, The Provider.

The Opener, The Reliever, The Judge, The One who opens for His slaves the closed worldy and religious matters.

The All-knowing, The Knowledgeable; The One nothing is absent from His knowledge.

The Constricter, The Retainer, The Withholder, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdomand expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.

The Expander, The Englarger, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdomand expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.

The Abaser, The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction and raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.

The Exalter, The Elevator, The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction and raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.

The Honorer, He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him; And He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem.

The Dishonorer, The Humiliator, He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him; And He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem.

The All-Hearing, The Hearer, The One who Hears all things that are heard by His Eternal Hearing without an ear, instrument or organ.

The All-Seeing, The One who Sees all things that are seen by His Eternal Seeing without a pupil or any other instrument.

The Judge, He is the Ruler and His judgment is His Word.

The Just, The One who is entitled to do what He does.

The Subtle One, The Gracious, The One who is kind to His slaves and endows upon them.

The Aware, The One who knows the truth of things.

The Forebearing, The Clement, The One who delays the punishment for those who deserve it and then He might forgive them.

The Great One, The Mighty, The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment, Glory, Extolement,and Purity from all imperfection.

The All-Forgiving, The Forgiving, The One who forgives a lot.

The Grateful, The Appreciative, The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience.

The Most High, The Sublime, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures.

The Most Great, The Great, The One who is greater than everything in status.

The Preserver, The Protector, The One who protects whatever and whoever He willed to protect.

The Maintainer, The Guardian, The Feeder, The Sustainer, The One who has the Power.

The Reckoner, The One who gives the satisfaction.

The Sublime One, The Beneficent, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.

The Generous One, The Bountiful, The Gracious, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.

The Watcher, The Watchful, The One that nothing is absent from Him. Hence it's meaning is related to the attribute of Knowledge.

The Responsive, The Hearkener, The One who answers the one in need if he asks Him and rescues the yearner if he calls upon Him.

The Vast, The All-Embracing, The Knowledgeable.

The Wise, The Judge of Judges, The One who is correct in His doings.

The Loving, The One who loves His believing slaves and His believing slaves love Him. His love to His slaves is His Will to be merciful to them and praise them:Hence it's meaning is related to the attributes of the Will and Kalam (His attribute with which He orders and forbids and spoke to Muhammad and Musa -peace be upon them- . It is not a sound nor a language nor a letter.).

The Most Glorious One, The Glorious, The One who is with perfect Power, High Status, Compassion, Generosity and Kindness.

The Reserrector, The Raiser (from death), The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.

The Witness, The One who nothing is absent from Him.

The Truth, The True, The One who truly exists.

The Trustee, The One who gives the satisfaction and is relied upon.

The Most Strong, The Strong, The One with the complete Power.

The Firm One, The One with extreme Power which is un-interrupted and He does not get tired.

The Protecting Friend, The Supporter.

The Praiseworthy, The praised One who deserves to be praised.

The Counter, The Reckoner, The One who the count of things are known to him.

The Originator, The One who started the human being. That is, He created him.

The Reproducer, The One who brings back the creatures after death.

The Restorer, The Giver of Life, The One who took out a living human from semen that does not have a soul. He gives life by giving the souls back to the worn out bodies on the resurrection day and He makes the hearts alive by the light of knowledge.

The Creator of Death, The Destroyer, The One who renders the living dead.

The Alive, The One attributed with a life that is unlike our life and is not that of a combination of soul, flesh or blood.

The Self-Subsisting, The One who remains and does not end.

The Perceiver, The Finder, The Rich who is never poor. Al-Wajd is Richness.

The Unique, The One, The One without a partner.

The One.

The Eternal, The Independent, The Master who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in ones needs.

The Able, The Capable, The One attributed with Power.

The Powerful, The Dominant, The One with the perfect Power that nothing is withheld from Him.

The Expediter, The Promoter, The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.

The Delayer, the Retarder, The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.

The First, The One whose Existence is without a beginning.

The Last, The One whose Existence is without an end.

The Manifest, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place. He, The Exalted, His Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.

The Hidden, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place. He, The Exalted, His Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.

The Governor, The One who owns things and manages them.

The Most Exalted, The High Exalted, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creation.

The Source of All Goodness, The Righteous, The One who is kind to His creatures, who covered them with His sustenance and specified whoever He willed among them by His support, protection, and special mercy.

The Acceptor of Repentance, The Relenting, The One who grants repentance to whoever He willed among His creatures and accepts his repentance.

The Avenger, The One who victoriously prevails over His enemies and punishes them for their sins. It may mean the One who destroys them.

The Pardoner, The Forgiver, The One with wide forgiveness.

The Compassionate, The One with extreme Mercy. The Mercy of Allah is His will to endow upon whoever He willed among His creatures.

Malik Al-Mulk
The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty, The One who controls the Dominion and gives dominion to whoever He willed.

Thul-Jalali wal-Ikram
The Lord of Majesty and Bounty, The One who deserves to be Exalted and not denied.

The Equitable, The One who is Just in His judgment.

The Gatherer, The One who gathers the creatures on a day that there is no doubt about, that is the Day of Judgment.

The Self-Sufficient, The One who does not need the creation.

The Enricher, The One who satisfies the necessities of the creatures.

The Preventer, The Withholder.

The Distresser, The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.

The Propitious, The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.

The Light, The One who guides.

The Guide, The One whom with His Guidance His belivers were guided, and with His Guidance the living beings have been guided to what is beneficial for them and protected from what is harmful to them.

The Incomparable, The One who created the creation and formed it without any preceding example.

The Everlasting, The One that the state of non-existence is impossible for Him.

The Supreme Inheritor, The Heir, The One whose Existence remains.

The Guide to the Right Path, The One who guides.

The Patient, The One who does not quickly punish the sinners.

"...There is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things). Qur'an [42:11]
(Arabic transliteration: Laysa Kamithlihi Shayun Wa Huwa As-Sami' ul-Basir)

To me and I presume many other theists,
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 08:45 am

Its not for me to deny God, its for you to give some evidence to support your claim. On the other hand evidence from evolutionary biology is overwhelming. It requires no "creator" but neither is it about chance. You theists claim God made the world comfortable for humans. You dont understand the anthropic principle. If the world and the universe was not as we observe it, we would not exist to observe it.

Ok here we go.

The the strong anthopic principle implies that the purpose of the universe is to give rise to intelligent life with the laws of nature and their fundamental constants set to ensure that life as we know it will emerge and evolve.

The key words here are purpose if something has a purpose than it must be logically presumed that it had been pre-concieved. If it was pre-concieved then it must have been designed. If it was designed it must have been designed for a reason, by something.
The age old, eternal question then reappears - WHY ARE WE HERE!!!!!!!
What would be the purpose of the pre-decree of our creation?
it simply makes no sense that it would be to just play out existence since the attributes of God suggest he is All-knowing, past and present.
The only true outcome after contemplation could be that we were created as slaves for worship.
If we believe we were pre-concieved, then we must also assume that we would recieve guidence.
This guidince comes in the form of messengers from God Almighty.
These phrophets and messenger, performed miricles witnessesd by thousands of people in certain cases.
How could this possibly be fabricated?
How could all these people be duped into believing these pious men were anything but sent by God as Muslims? (Submitters to Gods Will)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 05:59 pm
Abid wrote:
mesquite wrote:
Abid wrote:
I will never tire from relaying the word of Gog an hopefully save as many people from damnation as possible.

Abid, Why do you suppose Gog would possibly care which foot one of us lowly humans uses to enter and leave the toilet with? #79

Does Gog really care how many times you pull it, and if so what is the significance of the number three? #73.

I gotta tell ya Abid, stones and clods sound like very unsuitable materials for cleaning your butt, and cloth seems just downright wasteful and might even cause plumbing problems. Do you think that if Muhammad had known about toilet tissue he might have approved it's use? Hmm, there's that three again. #68 & #69

Sorry, what has this got to do with Islam being the truth, or it spreading like wild fire?
You arguments have no basis or warrent for discussion.

Soap and the first toothbrushes originated from Muslim countries, so pay a little respect. Very Happy#

Some more information regarding Islamic pioneers in medicine and science


Were the questions so difficult that you can only ignore them?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 07:19 pm
mesquite wrote:
Eorl, Have you seen the movie "As Good as it Gets"? In it Jack Nicholson plays a character afflicted with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). When I look at this set of rules[/u] patterned from observing the life of Muhammad I see signs of OCD throughout.

Yup. Certainly wouldn't be the first person to deliver messages from gods that turned out to be mentally ill, and won't be the last.

I think I'd be more surprised if we found out one of them was completely sane.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 07:48 pm
Eorl wrote:
mesquite wrote:
Eorl, Have you seen the movie "As Good as it Gets"? In it Jack Nicholson plays a character afflicted with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). When I look at this set of rules[/u] patterned from observing the life of Muhammad I see signs of OCD throughout.

Yup. Certainly wouldn't be the first person to deliver messages from gods that turned out to be mentally ill, and won't be the last.

I think I'd be more surprised if we found out one of them was completely sane.

Actually, i think the problem stems from the first few generations of followers. I do agree that in the case of Mohammed, you have a truly sick individual. But we can't truly know what he actually dictated as the word of god, because nothing survives from his era--texts of the Quran date from centuries later. You have the same problem with the "testaments" of christianity. In the case of the putative Jesus and the Buddha, you have prime examples of the message being completely lost to people eager to make gods or god-like personages of the founder, and willing to lard any amount of nonsense on to the original message.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 09:34 pm
Abid wrote:
The the strong anthopic principle implies that the purpose of the universe is to give rise to intelligent life with the laws of nature and their fundamental constants set to ensure that life as we know it will emerge and evolve.

The key words here are purpose if something has a purpose than it must be logically presumed that it had been pre-concieved. If it was pre-concieved then it must have been designed. If it was designed it must have been designed for a reason, by something.
The age old, eternal question then reappears - WHY ARE WE HERE!!!!!!!
What would be the purpose of the pre-decree of our creation?
it simply makes no sense that it would be to just play out existence since the attributes of God suggest he is All-knowing, past and present.
The only true outcome after contemplation could be that we were created as slaves for worship.
If we believe we were pre-concieved, then we must also assume that we would recieve guidence.
This guidince comes in the form of messengers from God Almighty.
These phrophets and messenger, performed miricles witnessesd by thousands of people in certain cases.
How could this possibly be fabricated?
How could all these people be duped into believing these pious men were anything but sent by God as Muslims? (Submitters to Gods Will)

Abid you might want to check out this page


Just so we don't have to round and round for 50 pages with the obvious stuff.

You assume there must be a purpose. Not true.
You make a whole lot of other false assumptions also, but since they all stem from this one....they are all invalid anyway.

The popularity of a belief has no relationship to the truth. Was the world ever flat? Did the sun ever revolve around it?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 06:14 am
mesquite wrote:
Abid wrote:
mesquite wrote:
Abid wrote:
I will never tire from relaying the word of Gog an hopefully save as many people from damnation as possible.

Abid, Why do you suppose Gog would possibly care which foot one of us lowly humans uses to enter and leave the toilet with? #79

Does Gog really care how many times you pull it, and if so what is the significance of the number three? #73.

I gotta tell ya Abid, stones and clods sound like very unsuitable materials for cleaning your butt, and cloth seems just downright wasteful and might even cause plumbing problems. Do you think that if Muhammad had known about toilet tissue he might have approved it's use? Hmm, there's that three again. #68 & #69

Sorry, what has this got to do with Islam being the truth, or it spreading like wild fire?
You arguments have no basis or warrent for discussion.

Soap and the first toothbrushes originated from Muslim countries, so pay a little respect. Very Happy#

Some more information regarding Islamic pioneers in medicine and science


Were the questions so difficult that you can only ignore them?

What questions?
Why does the right or left matter?
why three?
Why do we have 5 fingers on each hand?
Why two hands, feet eyes etc...?
Why do we grow facial hair?
Why do only women have milk?
Why does the sun have an orbit?
Some questions doent have answers. We should trust that God know what is best for us.
Muhammed (saw) did not speak of his own accord.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 06:30 am
Setanta wrote:
Eorl wrote:
mesquite wrote:
Eorl, Have you seen the movie "As Good as it Gets"? In it Jack Nicholson plays a character afflicted with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). When I look at this set of rules[/u] patterned from observing the life of Muhammad I see signs of OCD throughout.

Yup. Certainly wouldn't be the first person to deliver messages from gods that turned out to be mentally ill, and won't be the last.

I think I'd be more surprised if we found out one of them was completely sane.

Actually, i think the problem stems from the first few generations of followers. I do agree that in the case of Mohammed, you have a truly sick individual. But we can't truly know what he actually dictated as the word of god, because nothing survives from his era--texts of the Quran date from centuries later. You have the same problem with the "testaments" of christianity. In the case of the putative Jesus and the Buddha, you have prime examples of the message being completely lost to people eager to make gods or god-like personages of the founder, and willing to lard any amount of nonsense on to the original message.

you are talking without knowledge and if you cannot be bothered to do your research into history to find out how the prophet Mohammed (saw) lived and acted in his life then you really should speak.


the Arabs were a nation who memorized more than they wrote.
At the time of the prophets (saw) there were THOUSANDS of companions.


HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY BELIEVE THAT ALL THESE PEOPLE, who memorized, could believe something that was not there to begin with!!!!
Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 06:38 am
Abid wrote:
mesquite wrote:
Abid wrote:
mesquite wrote:
Abid wrote:
I will never tire from relaying the word of Gog an hopefully save as many people from damnation as possible.

Abid, Why do you suppose Gog would possibly care which foot one of us lowly humans uses to enter and leave the toilet with? #79

Does Gog really care how many times you pull it, and if so what is the significance of the number three? #73.

I gotta tell ya Abid, stones and clods sound like very unsuitable materials for cleaning your butt, and cloth seems just downright wasteful and might even cause plumbing problems. Do you think that if Muhammad had known about toilet tissue he might have approved it's use? Hmm, there's that three again. #68 & #69

Sorry, what has this got to do with Islam being the truth, or it spreading like wild fire?
You arguments have no basis or warrent for discussion.

Soap and the first toothbrushes originated from Muslim countries, so pay a little respect. Very Happy#

Some more information regarding Islamic pioneers in medicine and science


Were the questions so difficult that you can only ignore them?

What questions?
Why does the right or left matter?
why three?
Why do we have 5 fingers on each hand?
Why two hands, feet eyes etc...?
Why do we grow facial hair?
Why do only women have milk?
Why does the sun have an orbit?
Some questions doent have answers. We should trust that God know what is best for us.
Muhammed (saw) did not speak of his own accord.
Sounds like Islam is a recipe for ignorance. The rest of us are actually interested in the world and the universe around us, and we've found out a great deal about it. Certainly a lot more than was know in Mohammed's day. Why do you continue to immerse yourself in medieval myth and nonsense?
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