Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 03:05 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
Abid wrote:
I think anyone who believes that cr@p is functionally ignorant.

These monkeys dont shave their beards...

Where did the first mammal come from then you geniouses?

Its true monkeys don't shave. Neither do Muslims. Is there a link?

We are allowed to cut the beard a fist below our chin.
You're immaturity in slander shows much about you're character.
Are you some disgruntled schoolboy, maybe from a single parent or foster home?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 03:09 am
Setanta wrote:
heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .

We are the monkey's?


Just take a look at your 'quote'

you are the mindless animals who need to evolve
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 03:22 am
This is ridiculous! No cultural difference can be resolved by the generalization and degradation of another.

Blowing out someone else's cndle won't make yours shine any brighter.

I'm not a Muslim or a Christian, but this offends my taste. Have some character. Nobody should be made to be the representitive of their entire culture, nor shoud they have to bear the ignorance of others alone.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 06:17 am
abid wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:

I oppose Islam because I find many of its strictures thoroughly detestable, not because many of its followers tend to have brown/dark faces.

What do you detest about it so much?
Why all the hate?
Please list and God willing I will try to explain

First I dont hate you or anyone else for being Muslim. Second I find it quite incredible that anyone could take the issue of monkeys shaving seriously and thats why I made a joke, admittedly near the knuckle if you have a sense of humour bypass, but obviously a joke. I will ignore your references to my parentage and background, suffice it to say my mother died from Alzheimers disease in May this year aged 89.

You ask what I dislike about Islam.

I beleive all organised religions to be manifestations of a cultural meme, a harmful and wasteful by product of evolutionary forces - about which I confess to be no expert. [But I can read, and I can think]. Religion should be between the individual and his conception of divinity if he has one, not a public excercise in piety conducted by imans priests or rabbis who dishonestly claim a greater knowledge about that which cannot be known.

I'm not into cultural relativism. I believe some ideas really are bad. Sacrificing children to appease the Sun God is a bad idea. Punishing someone for being what they are is a bad idea. We have moved on and left behind a whole range of gods and goddesses, spirits angels ghosts things that go bump in the night because (and here I will resist the temptation to say thank God) we use our intellect and our ingenuity to actually discover how the world works.

The world is not flat. Irrigation canals are better than dancing.

My specific dislike of Islam is its intolerance and its arrogance. It stems from your insistance that Mohammed was the last prophet of God who through Gabriel gave him his perfect final and unchanging word. Anyone who takes 5 minutes to read about the history of Islam and how it developed (as opposed to what Islam says about itself) will soon come to the conclusion that it is founded in myth and legend, no better than many other religions.

However, more than just about any other religion I can think of, Islam insists on a monopoly of truth. This would be bad enough if it was in defense of a scientific orthodoxy, but in defense of a myth it is ludicrous. Islam brooks no opposition, how can it when it has the final word of God in a book? It is this fundamental assertion of being right, of not accepting that other religions might have some truth within them which turns me off Islam completely.

[It might be worth pointing out here that the oldest copy of the Koran dates from centuries after Mohammed's death. If there was an oral tradition, why did the scribes write down his words? And what happened to all those written fragments? Did they throw away the "perfect word of God" once memorised? It makes no sense even within the terms of Islamic tradition itself]

Specifically why I dislike Islam

Its disgraceful discrimination against women
Cruelty in slaughtering animals
The barbaric practise of mutiliating the genitalia of children.
Islamic "education" amounting to nothing more than child abuse.
Intolerance of homosexuality
Whipping scourging and cutting the body as an act of devotion
Ridiculous rules about clothing, diet, washing, going to the toilet etc etc.
Rejection of Darwinian evolution and cosmology.

In particular I dont like the way political islamists have exploited religion in the armed struggle for control of the worlds oil.

Who but a **** for brains religious fanatic could believe they were doing gods will by putting bombs on London transport? (And killing a woman who lived not far from here, on her way to work...for the Boy Scouts Association). What other motive than Islamic indoctrination would inspire those boys with inducements of virgins in paradise? [or grapes according to Ibn Warriq Smile]

So yes I have a downer on Islam. Its a set of ideas which overall does more harm than good. The world would be better off without it, but if we cant eradicate it we have to reform it, and engaging in robust debate is part of that process, even if it upsets the finer sensibilites of the religious mind.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 07:03 am
Well expressed Steve.

I'm sure we've said it before....muslims are not really free to "debate" becuase the degree of objectivity required to do so successfully is the antithesis of the requirement of "absolute truth" which they claim. Even internal "debates" between different versions of Islam are "solved" by killing the opponent. I have yet to see after several years on this forum any hint of intellectuality or depth of meaning associated with the tenets of Islam which compare in quality with those of general "spiritual enquiry".
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 09:55 am
fresco wrote:
...I have yet to see after several years on this forum any hint of intellectuality or depth of meaning associated with the tenets of Islam which compare in quality with those of general "spiritual enquiry".
Indeed. I dont know much about Islam. I'm told that among its adepts are many sophisticated people. I have yet to encounter one.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 10:08 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
abid wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:

I oppose Islam because I find many of its strictures thoroughly detestable, not because many of its followers tend to have brown/dark faces.

What do you detest about it so much?
Why all the hate?
Please list and God willing I will try to explain

First I dont hate you or anyone else for being Muslim. Second I find it quite incredible that anyone could take the issue of monkeys shaving seriously and thats why I made a joke, admittedly near the knuckle if you have a sense of humour bypass, but obviously a joke. I will ignore your references to my parentage and background, suffice it to say my mother died from Alzheimers disease in May this year aged 89.

So yes I have a downer on Islam. Its a set of ideas which overall does more harm than good. The world would be better off without it, but if we cant eradicate it we have to reform it, and engaging in robust debate is part of that process, even if it upsets the finer sensibilites of the religious mind.

Sorry to hear about your mother. my comments were out of line but I was upset at the 'jokes' being made at my religions expense. It was not the monkey shaving that riled me up as you very well know.

Allot to respond to so I will get back to you as soon as I can God willing!!!
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 10:23 am
Abid wrote:
Sorry to hear about your mother.
Thanks. Alzheimers/dementia is a terrible illness. Whatever our differences I wish you and your family good health.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 11:01 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
abid wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:

I oppose Islam because I find many of its strictures thoroughly detestable, not because many of its followers tend to have brown/dark faces.

What do you detest about it so much?
Why all the hate?
Please list and God willing I will try to explain

First I don't hate you or anyone else for being Muslim. Second I find it quite incredible that anyone could take the issue of monkeys shaving seriously and thats why I made a joke, admittedly near the knuckle if you have a sense of humour bypass, but obviously a joke. I will ignore your references to my parentage and background, suffice it to say my mother died from Alzheimers disease in May this year aged 89.

You ask what I dislike about Islam.

I believe all organised religions to be manifestations of a cultural meme, a harmful and wasteful by product of evolutionary forces - about which I confess to be no expert. [But I can read, and I can think]. Religion should be between the individual and his conception of divinity if he has one, not a public excercise in piety conducted by imans priests or rabbis who dishonestly claim a greater knowledge about that which cannot be known.

I'm not into cultural relativism. I believe some ideas really are bad. Sacrificing children to appease the Sun God is a bad idea. Punishing someone for being what they are is a bad idea. We have moved on and left behind a whole range of gods and goddesses, spirits angels ghosts things that go bump in the night because (and here I will resist the temptation to say thank God) we use our intellect and our ingenuity to actually discover how the world works.

The world is not flat. Irrigation canals are better than dancing.

My specific dislike of Islam is its intolerance and its arrogance. It stems from your insistance that Mohammed was the last prophet of God who through Gabriel gave him his perfect final and unchanging word. Anyone who takes 5 minutes to read about the history of Islam and how it developed (as opposed to what Islam says about itself) will soon come to the conclusion that it is founded in myth and legend, no better than many other religions.

However, more than just about any other religion I can think of, Islam insists on a monopoly of truth. This would be bad enough if it was in defense of a scientific orthodoxy, but in defense of a myth it is ludicrous. Islam brooks no opposition, how can it when it has the final word of God in a book? It is this fundamental assertion of being right, of not accepting that other religions might have some truth within them which turns me off Islam completely.

[It might be worth pointing out here that the oldest copy of the Koran dates from centuries after Mohammed's death. If there was an oral tradition, why did the scribes write down his words? And what happened to all those written fragments? Did they throw away the "perfect word of God" once memorised? It makes no sense even within the terms of Islamic tradition itself]

Specifically why I dislike Islam

Its disgraceful discrimination against women
Cruelty in slaughtering animals
The barbaric practise of mutiliating the genitalia of children.
Islamic "education" amounting to nothing more than child abuse.
Intolerance of homosexuality
Whipping scourging and cutting the body as an act of devotion
Ridiculous rules about clothing, diet, washing, going to the toilet etc etc.
Rejection of Darwinian evolution and cosmology.

In particular I dont like the way political islamists have exploited religion in the armed struggle for control of the worlds oil.

Who but a **** for brains religious fanatic could believe they were doing gods will by putting bombs on London transport? (And killing a woman who lived not far from here, on her way to work...for the Boy Scouts Association). What other motive than Islamic indoctrination would inspire those boys with inducements of virgins in paradise? [or grapes according to Ibn Warriq Smile]

So yes I have a downer on Islam. Its a set of ideas which overall does more harm than good. The world would be better off without it, but if we cant eradicate it we have to reform it, and engaging in robust debate is part of that process, even if it upsets the finer sensibilites of the religious mind.

Organised religions have bought much benefit to the world although this may be something your not willing to accept. amongst these things are:

Moral values
Thanks and praise to the creator

Yes we know how the world works, and the more closely we study it the more we realize that it could not have been a random chain of
events that allowed life to just occur on its own

Im going around in circles here but i'll say it again
If we were created, what was the purpose?

you're right, sacrificing children for a 'sun' god is bad, when Islam first came, people used to bury their newborn daughters alive!!
But you're assumption that we are leaving behind the idea's of spirits etc. is absurd etc, because last time I checked more and more people are
reverting to Islam.

this is bad and that is bad - You assume to think you know whats best for humanity? Dont you think that God knows best?

The world is not flat. it is oval as stated in the Quran 1400 years ago when they did think the earth was flat.
"And we have made the earth egg shaped". [Al-Quran 79:30]

Islam is intolerant of other religions, but i guess you have to belief in a creator to have any chance of understanding this in the first place
because of you understand there is a God, then you must realise that he would have given a guidance to mankind. its up to you to realise which is right
(which is why you have been given a brain)

Who said that we state other religions have no truth? Islam affirms all the prophets of God that came before Mohammed (saw) there were thousands of prophet's
check it out - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prophets_of_Islam
we believe in the original Zabur (Psalms of David), scrolls of Abraham, Torah of Moses, Injeel (Gospel) of Christ. we affirm the original teachings (worship one God)

Taking 5 minutes to discover Islams history by who's authority? bias websites on both sides wont help. Why not look at what independent historians have said
(i wont bother pasting them again as I have already done so on many occasions.)

We've already covered your misconceptions and doubt about the Qurans authenticity suffice to say BBC covered the story - It was written 19 years after the Phrophet's (saw) death by
a companion (someone who actually knew the prophet).
Ive already stated that if thousands of people memorized it, then you cannot logically assume that it would be corrupted (especially when they were in different pars of Arabia)

Artifacts are lost in time all the time, who knows there maybe families in Arabia with these airlooms in their home who wont come forward due to risk of loosing them

Same old misconceptions
Disgraceful treatment of women
Tut, tut - Islam was first religion to allow women to inherit, marry a spouse of their choice.
States of women was elevated in Islam
Mother of chaldean is very important in Islam
Protected from corruption (cover up to protect their modesty)
Islam makes life easy on them

Cruelty in slaughtering animals

The barbaric practice of mutilating genitalia
Something Jews do aswell and christians had removed from their scriptures at the time of its 'revision' by Romans
Act of worship
Act of cleanliness

Intolerance of Homosexuality
I had a feeling you would disagree with this one.!!!
Well your the evolutionist, you tell me when two men or two women will evolve into having kids of their own...
Take your time.
Condemed by all faiths i think
Disgusting act - Bringer of disease

Prevents cheating
More women than men on the earth
Many men die from war etc.

Whipping body
Not part of Islam and neither are Shia's

Rules about clothing, diet etc.
Not ridiculous
Islam is a complete way of life and encompasses and includes everything

Rejection of Darwinism
Too right!!!!
Survival of the fittest?? - um - Kind of like saying superior race will rule the rest.
Did you know the belief was that the arian race was more evolved than the rest??
Hitlers book title was 'My struggle' - Work it out

We've been over the political aspect and there are nutters in all warps of life all over the world
So atheists are bad because there are soo many serial killers, cannibals peodophiles etc??
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 12:30 pm
will respond later abid



Conform to our society, says PM

Mr Blair urged the public to embrace multiculturalism

People entering the UK must be prepared to be tolerant or not become part of society, Tony Blair has said.

In a speech at Downing Street, the prime minister said that tolerance was "what makes Britain" and warned "we must be ready to defend this attitude".

The threat came not from "generalised extremism" but "a new and virulent form of ideology associated with a minority of our Muslim community".
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 04:12 pm

will respond later abid

.....I like that "later" ...you are wondering how to get down to that level Laughing

(Some great stuff there though...."Polygamy prevents cheating"....straight rationalization of alpha-male animal behaviour ....I can hear Darwin laughing all the way to the bank !)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 06:06 pm
fresco wrote:

will respond later abid

.....I like that "later" ...you are wondering how to get down to that level Laughing

(Some great stuff there though...."Polygamy prevents cheating"....straight rationalization of alpha-male animal behaviour ....I can hear Darwin laughing all the way to the bank !)

I can hear him screaming all the way to Hell.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 06:56 pm
.....Oh dear!... Bubbles rising !.........Are you okay down there Raul ?....... only I havn't brought my diving gear !
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 01:19 pm
Raul-7 wrote:
I can hear him screaming all the way to Hell.
charming. Merry Christmas Raul.

(looka ma face ami bovvered?)
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 07:19 am
ok here is my delayed reply

Abid wrote:
Organised religions have bought much benefit to the world although this may be something your not willing to accept. amongst these things are:

Moral values

You dont have to be a ??????? (insert religion of choice here) to live a decent life. Many people would argue that religions have increased divisions between peoples and brought strife and suffering, not brotherhood. I'll grant that you have to be religious to keep praising God, what I would like to know is does he ever listen or do anything in return? And how many prayers have been said for the destruction of an enemy?

Abid wrote:
Yes we know how the world works, and the more closely we study it the more we realize that it could not have been a random chain of
events that allowed life to just occur on its own

Im going around in circles here but i'll say it again
If we were created, what was the purpose?

You obviously know nothing about evolution. It wasnt chance. But that doesnt imply it was designed either. The natural world might look as if it were designed but its come about as a result of billions of years of evolution. That together with the anthropic principle, that the world/universe is as it is otherwise we would not be here to observe it, is a much better explanation than throwing one's hands in the air... effectively giving up...and saying "We dont know, therefore God did it". [Following the religious line of argument leads to an infinite regression. Who created the creator? The simple answer of course is that man created god, and ascribed to him a lot of the base and unpleasant characteristics of human beings].

Abid wrote:
you're right, sacrificing children for a 'sun' god is bad, when Islam first came, people used to bury their newborn daughters alive!!
But you're assumption that we are leaving behind the idea's of spirits etc. is absurd etc, because last time I checked more and more people are
reverting to Islam.

Interesting you use that word 'revert' again. It gives a hint of the arrogance and intolerance of Islam.

Abid wrote:
this is bad and that is bad - You assume to think you know whats best for humanity? Dont you think that God knows best?
We all have a natural sense of what is good and bad for us. I cant argue with "God knows best" because that's how you define God. If god really does know best, he has a strange way of showing it sometimes.

Abid wrote:
The world is not flat. it is oval as stated in the Quran 1400 years ago when they did think the earth was flat.
"And we have made the earth egg shaped". [Al-Quran 79:30]

Just looking at my globe and it appears more spherical than egg shaped. The ancient Greeks knew the world was spherical. The Koran was not written 1400 years ago.

Abid wrote:
Islam is intolerant of other religions, but i guess you have to belief in a creator to have any chance of understanding this in the first place
because of you understand there is a God, then you must realise that he would have given a guidance to mankind. its up to you to realise which is right
(which is why you have been given a brain)

Who said that we state other religions have no truth? Islam affirms all the prophets of God that came before Mohammed (saw) there were thousands of prophet's
check it out - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prophets_of_Islam
we believe in the original Zabur (Psalms of David), scrolls of Abraham, Torah of Moses, Injeel (Gospel) of Christ. we affirm the original teachings (worship one God)

I dont understand this. You admit Islam is intolerant of other religions yet seem to claim Judaism and Christianity as part of Islam. As you know very well, Christianity and Islam are completely incompatible to the religious mind. It is the non-believers who have tolerated various dangerous superstitions for too long imo.

Abid wrote:
Taking 5 minutes to discover Islams history by who's authority? bias websites on both sides wont help. Why not look at what independent historians have said
(i wont bother pasting them again as I have already done so on many occasions.)

It is you who offers links to biased Islamist websites. I refer to the work done by John Wansbrough, Michael Cook, Patricia Crone, Andrew Rippin and Gerald Hawting at the University of London's School of Oriental and African studies in the 1970's.

Abid wrote:
We've already covered your misconceptions and doubt about the Qurans authenticity suffice to say BBC covered the story - It was written 19 years after the Phrophet's (saw) death by
a companion (someone who actually knew the prophet).
Ive already stated that if thousands of people memorized it, then you cannot logically assume that it would be corrupted (especially when they were in different pars of Arabia)

The BBC was only recounting the traditional story of the origin of the Koran...as told by Muslims. As for thousands of people memorising a whole book...I would have thought that a perfect recipe for corruption.

Abid wrote:
Artifacts are lost in time all the time...

Smile What even the Original Words of God as given to Mohammed? After the scribes had written them down on pieces of pottery, bone etc etc. dont you think at least Mohammed would want to keep them, as an aide memoire if nothing else? Its well known that Mohammed had a temper. I wouldn't like to be the scribe who lost the piece of bone with a particularly complicated bit of god's revealed will written on it.

Abid wrote:
who knows there maybe families in Arabia with these airlooms in their home who wont come forward due to risk of loosing them

Abid wrote:
Same old misconceptions
Disgraceful treatment of women
Tut, tut - Islam was first religion to allow women to inherit, marry a spouse of their choice.
States of women was elevated in Islam
Mother of chaldean is very important in Islam
Protected from corruption (cover up to protect their modesty)
Islam makes life easy on them

Islam might have been an improvement in the lives of women then, it discriminates and represses women now.

Abid wrote:
I dont even want to pursue this, I find it too distressing.

Abid wrote:
The barbaric practice of mutilating genitalia
Something Jews do aswell and christians had removed from their scriptures at the time of its 'revision' by Romans
Act of worship
Act of cleanliness

Whoever does it, unless for strict medical requirements, its wrong. And for girls its illegal, although it doesnt stop thousands of Muslim girls being sent to "an uncle in Bradford" or somesuch- to the shame of the medical profession who know it goes on but dont speak out against it.

Abid wrote:
Intolerance of Homosexuality
I had a feeling you would disagree with this one.!!!
Well your the evolutionist, you tell me when two men or two women will evolve into having kids of their own...
Take your time.
Condemed by all faiths i think
Disgusting act - Bringer of disease
Just another example of a medieval mindset.

Abid wrote:
Prevents cheating
More women than men on the earth
Many men die from war etc.
This is silly, I'm regretting replying now.

Abid wrote:
Whipping body
Not part of Islam and neither are Shia's


Abid wrote:
Rules about clothing, diet etc.
Not ridiculous
Islam is a complete way of life and encompasses and includes everything

Women's Islamic dress code is unnecessary (even within Islam) its impractical, ugly, and gives offense. It inhibits the wearer from doing her job or from carrying out a whole range of tasks.

Abid wrote:
Rejection of Darwinism
Too right!!!!
Survival of the fittest?? - um - Kind of like saying superior race will rule the rest.
Did you know the belief was that the arian race was more evolved than the rest??
Hitlers book title was 'My struggle' - Work it out

This is not why Muslims reject Darwinism. Muslims are quite content believing in their own superiority, look at attitudes to Afro-carribean blacks for example or non muslims...kuffrs I believe you call us. You dare not study Darwinism and evolution because it gives a much better rational explanation of how the world works than the simple ideas in the Koran.

Abid wrote:
We've been over the political aspect and there are nutters in all warps of life all over the world
So atheists are bad because there are soo many serial killers, cannibals peodophiles etc??

I have never said Muslims are bad people. I say some ideas are bad, like the idea that a short cut to paradise is to become a jihadist. That bad idea is religious and unfortunately for you, specifically Islamic.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 04:43 pm
Abid wrote:
The world is not flat. it is oval as stated in the Quran 1400 years ago when they did think the earth was flat.
"And we have made the earth egg shaped". [Al-Quran 79:30]

The above verse reads:

Waal-arda baAAda thalika dahaha

It means (word by word):

And the Earth after that was spread.

Hear are the three famous translations.

YUSUFALI: And the earth, moreover, hath He extended (to a wide expanse);
PICKTHAL: And after that He spread the earth,
SHAKIR: And the earth, He expanded it after that.

Egg in Arabic is "al baiza". There is no similarity between the two words.

In Surah 78: 6 it says:

Alam najAAali al-arda mihadan


Have we not made the earth like a bed?

YUSUFALI: Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse,
PICKTHAL: Have We not made the earth an expanse,
SHAKIR: Have We not made the earth an even expanse?

Arabs used to spread their mattresses (beds) on the floor and sleep on it during the night. In the above verse Muhammad is comparing the Earth to a bed (Mihad) which is spread out. Therefore the translation of the three most reliable interpreters of Quran is correct.

I think this "egg story" is one of the lies of Rashad Khalifa. I heard that from other submitters. Even so, Earth is not like an egg and an egg is not spherical.

Muslims are just desperate to fool themselves and any lie will do.
Abid, rather than go into another rant about Ali Sina, try to find fault with what is written above. A link that gives the entire Quran in all three translations can be found here[/u].

Abid wrote:
Whipping body
Not part of Islam and neither are Shia's

I'll bet that the 100 million plus Shia[/u] of the world would be surprised to learn that they are not part of Islam.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 08:32 pm
Again relying on the biased tafseer (explanation) of an anti-Islamic apostate.

The Arabic word Dahaha means egg shaped. It also means an expanse. Dahaha is derived from Duhiya which specifically refers to the egg of an Ostrich which is geo-spherical in shape, exactly like the shape of the Earth.

Al- Quran 31:29

"Seest thou not that Allah merges Night into Day And He merges Day into Night?""He created the heavens And the earth In true (proportions): He makes the Night Overlap the Day, and the Day Overlap the Night."

Merging here means that the night slowly and gradually changes to day and vice versa. This phenomenon can only take place if the earth is spherical. If the earth was flat, there would have been a sudden change from night to day and from day to night.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 01:16 am
I wondered why an ostrich buried its head in the sand !
Now we know ! Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 01:55 pm
Its no surprise that Islam is the fastest growing religion on Earth. In fact, its old news... :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:10 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
You dont have to be a ??????? (insert religion of choice here) to live a decent life. Many people would argue that religions have increased divisions between peoples and brought strife and suffering, not brotherhood. I'll grant that you have to be religious to keep praising God, what I would like to know is does he ever listen or do anything in return? And how many prayers have been said for the destruction of an enemy?

It is a humans rights o live a good life, for the respect of themselves, and others. It is Gods right to be worshipped, alone. If you put your faith in him, you will be answered. I bear witness to this fact.

Steve 41oo wrote:
You obviously know nothing about evolution. It wasnt chance. But that doesnt imply it was designed either. The natural world might look as if it were designed but its come about as a result of billions of years of evolution. That together with the anthropic principle, that the world/universe is as it is otherwise we would not be here to observe it, is a much better explanation than throwing one's hands in the air... effectively giving up...and saying "We dont know, therefore God did it". [Following the religious line of argument leads to an infinite regression. Who created the creator? The simple answer of course is that man created god, and ascribed to him a lot of the base and unpleasant characteristics of human beings].

Ok, why is there no missing link?
How did mammals suddenly begin to feed their young?
How did life, arrive from nothing?
If a bird came from a reptile, why are there lungs and other organs are completely different?
Why have some species (house fly, mosquito etc) never evolved?
And they teach this crap in schools

Steve 41oo wrote:
Interesting you use that word 'revert' again. It gives a hint of the arrogance and intolerance of Islam.

I already explained that all of our body part, the sun, moon, animals, plants all are Muslim as they submit to the will of God, are minds have the ability to chose not to. So when we chose to listen to what God wants. We become Muslim (submitters to God) again - Just as we were in our mothers womb

Steve 41oo wrote:
We all have a natural sense of what is good and bad for us. I cant argue with "God knows best" because that's how you define God. If god really does know best, he has a strange way of showing it sometimes.
Steve 41oo wrote:
Just looking at my globe and it appears more spherical than egg shaped. The ancient Greeks knew the world was spherical. The Koran was not written 1400 years ago.

Your ignorance is astounding

Steve 41oo wrote:
I dont understand this. You admit Islam is intolerant of other religions yet seem to claim Judaism and Christianity as part of Islam. As you know very well, Christianity and Islam are completely incompatible to the religious mind. It is the non-believers who have tolerated various dangerous superstitions for too long imo.
Steve 41oo wrote:
It is you who offers links to biased Islamist websites. I refer to the work done by John Wansbrough, Michael Cook, Patricia Crone, Andrew Rippin and Gerald Hawting at the University of London's School of Oriental and African studies in the 1970's.

Sir Thomas W. Arnold, Marshall G. Hodgson, Albert Hourani, Ira Lapidus, L.S. Starorianos, Lamartine, Edward Gibbon and Simon Ocklay, Bosworth Smith, Annie Besant, W Montgomery Watt, James A. Michene, Michael H. Hart
If you need references to their work let me know.

Steve 41oo wrote:
The BBC was only recounting the traditional story of the origin of the Koran...as told by Muslims. As for thousands of people memorising a whole book...I would have thought that a perfect recipe for corruption.

I would have thought the more people that memorize something, the harder it would be to loose its meaning. If millions memorize the whole book now as young as 6, then what about the level of those who came before?

Steve 41oo wrote:
Smile What even the Original Words of God as given to Mohammed? After the scribes had written them down on pieces of pottery, bone etc etc. dont you think at least Mohammed would want to keep them, as an aide memoire if nothing else? Its well known that Mohammed had a temper. I wouldn't like to be the scribe who lost the piece of bone with a particularly complicated bit of god's revealed will written on it.

Where are you getting your information from? Mohammed (saw) was the best of humanity in terms of manners, trustworthiness, kindness and compassion.
Here is a hadith that some this up well
One old woman made a habit of throwing rubbish on Prophet Muhammad (SAW) whenever he passed from her house. Muhammad (SAW) had to pass that house daily on the way to the mosque. Even when the old woman threw rubbish on him, he would pass silently without showing any anger or annoyance. This was a regular, daily event.One day when Prophet was passing by the woman was not there to throw the rubbish. He stopped and asked the neighbor about her well-being. The neighbor informed the prophet that the woman was sick on bed. The prophet politely asked permission to visit the woman. When allowed he entered the house, the woman thought that he had come there to take his revenge when she was unable to defend herself because of sickness. But the prophet assured her that he had come to her, not to take any revenge, but to see her and to look after her needs, as it was the command of Allah that if any one is sick, a Muslim should visit him and should help him if his help is needed.
The old woman was greatly moved by this kindness and love of Prophet. By the example of greatness of Muhammad (SAW), she understood that he was truly the Prophet of God and Islam was the true religion. She accepted Islam at once.
Steve 41oo wrote:
Islam might have been an improvement in the lives of women then, it discriminates and represses women now.

Then explain why women in the US are reverting at a rate of 4 to 1

Steve 41oo wrote:
Whoever does it, unless for strict medical requirements, its wrong. And for girls its illegal, although it doesnt stop thousands of Muslim girls being sent to "an uncle in Bradford" or somesuch- to the shame of the medical profession who know it goes on but dont speak out against it.

Its forbidden in Islam for a women to be circumcised

Steve 41oo wrote:
Just another example of a medieval mindset.

What is homosexuality Evolution??? 

Steve 41oo wrote:
This is silly, I'm regretting replying now.

The only thing silly is your inability to look at the bigger picture.
Men cheat more. There are more women then men. More men die in wars. All facts

Steve 41oo wrote:

Free will is a b!tch!!!!!

Steve 41oo wrote:
Women's Islamic dress code is unnecessary (even within Islam) its impractical, ugly, and gives offence. It inhibits the wearer from doing her job or from carrying out a whole range of tasks.

Islam liberates the women. She isn't a sexual object to be leered at. Women of today are pushed into thinking they will not be happy unless others find them attractive? Why should they care? Take wearing perfume for example. Why do it? Why must you smell like this, attracting unnecessary attention to yourself? What is the need?
I think that you perverts who gawping and leering at women walking down the street don't help.
The Hijab is beautiful, as is the modesty of the women wearing it. And before you say that they are forced to do so, they do it out o respect of themselves, their spouses/family and most importantly as it is a command of God. Muslims at the time of Moses and Christ also wore the Hijab.
Women don't need to work it is up to the man to provide for his family as women have other responsibilities (I know what your going to say "Now the men are being discriminated against!!!)

Steve 41oo wrote:
This is not why Muslims reject Darwinism. Muslims are quite content believing in their own superiority, look at attitudes to Afro-carribean blacks for example or non muslims...kuffrs I believe you call us. You dare not study Darwinism and evolution because it gives a much better rational explanation of how the world works than the simple ideas in the Koran.

Im sorry what about afro-Carribeans?
I did study evolution in school. (Its funny how a theory is taught as though it was a law!!!

Steve 41oo wrote:
I have never said Muslims are bad people. I say some ideas are bad, like the idea that a short cut to paradise is to become a jihadist. That bad idea is religious and unfortunately for you, specifically Islamic.

LOL. Ok, there are specific times and circumstances in which jihad can be fought (none of which exist today). For more information you will need to do your own research as I do not know much on the subject

And Allah knows best!!!
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