DTOM wrote:
living in america isn't a right. it's a privilege.
Please explain what this means. What did
you do to earn the priveledge of living here?
The fact is, many of us wouldn't be here if our ancestors didn't break the law to get here.
The first illegal immigrants were Chinese. This is because the first laws against immigrants included the Chinese Exclusion Act.
We brought them over to do much needed labor in the West, but women were excluded (out of fears of prostitution) and the men were supposed to work and go home.
Strangly enough, Chinese communities sprung up in most cities. The conservatives of the day squawked.
An important development was a couple of Supreme court decisions that ruled that the 14th amendment did apply to the children of illegal Chinese immigrants.And so, the second generation of illegal Chinese immigrants became a community of citizens.
If you are of Chinese descent there is a good chance that your "priveledge" to live here is due to the willingnes of your ancestors.
Of course it was not only the Chinese. Many Europeans avoided inspection by coming for agricultural work in Canada and then slipping accross the border. If you had means this was preferrable especially if you were had an undesirable trait like being Catholic (or worse). In 1925 as the INS estimated that there were at least 1.4 million illegal immigrants and said "it is quite possible that there is an even greater number of aliens in the country..."
So what of the question of "priviledge". If you are Chinese, Italian or Greek or Irish, there is a decent change that your privilege stems from the fact that people like me defended the rights of your great grandparents.
As you know, it is very easy for people of "priviledge" to usher harsh judgment on people who are less priviledged.
Millions of Americans today are descended from people who broke the law to get their (this doesn't count the thousands who broke the law to gain freedom from slavery, and were given citizenship as a result)
When people whose priviledge depends on their immigrant ancestors (both legal and illegal) then turn on the most recent immigrants...