DrewDad wrote:I think this has more to do with being a text-based message board than any kind of unhealthy dynamic.
A recent study showed that probability of understanding the tone of an E-mail is no better than chance.
It is only natural that folks who converse frequently will tend to understand the nuances behind a conversation better than newcomers.
Frankly osso, it's only in the parenting thread....ditto drewdad....There's been many a time I've wanted to contribute something I've noticed about kids, but I've learned from experience it's most likely going to be disected, critiqued, put back together and found wanting. Then, a few pages later, someone who's around a lot will say basically the same thing, and be applauded.
soz...I noticed long ago you like to jump in and defend...Why? I mean, I think we've all done that at one point or another, but personally, I wait until the people in question get most of their talking done with each other, then, if it's still where I think there's a piece missing, I'll jump in and supply.
Otherwise, I feel we're all adults here, and are totally capable of speaking for ourselves, without an interpreter.
It's like sitting in a room with several people, and you say something, and another person who only casually knows you pipes up and feels they they have to explain to everybody what you just said....It's even more annoying when the others in the room start listening to the interpreter, rather than the original speaker. I've been in situations where I've been asked a question, and before I can get 10 words out, someone starts "helping" me. Sometimes I'll just break back in, sometimes when that happens repeatedly, I'll say to the person, "You know, they were talking to me, not you"....I've also, when I didn't feel like talking anyway, just stopped in mid word and let them take over, sometimes I don't speak again because all of a sudden the dynamics change and all of a sudden, you're not even there anymore....or, sometimes, either the person kindly "helping me" will address me...if it's the "helper" I'll respond, "Well, you seem to be doing a great job on your own, go ahead and contine". If it's another person, before trying to speak again, I'll look at my helper and say, "Well, do you want to answer this for me, or may I?"
Of course I can't speak for anyone else, but I find someone defending or explaining me, well, undesireable.
Perhaps others enjoy relieving themselves of that burden...I don't know.