And You Like This Guy So Much

Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 06:06 pm
Pretty soon they'll have to declare the whole damn country Paranoid.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 06:12 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
If it's paranoia to want the Bush administration held accountable, count me in.

Us damn liberals, wanting accountability ... isn't that just the shits!! As I remember, the Republicans mouthed a lot of talk about responsibility and accountability. Apparently that only holds true as a campaign slogan when running against the Democratic Party, but not when it's being demanded of them!!

As is so often true with the Republicans, they have heavy mouth movement, but do very little in the action side of things. (Other than stealing and lying) All mouth, no action!! They should use THAT for a campaign slogan!!

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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 06:21 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
If it's paranoia to want the Bush administration held accountable, count me in.

Us damn liberals, wanting accountability ... isn't that just the shits!! As I remember, the Republicans mouthed a lot of talk about responsibility and accountability. Apparently that only holds true as a campaign slogan when running against the Democratic Party, but not when it's being demanded of them!!

As is so often true with the Republicans, they have heavy mouth movement, but do very little in the action side of things. (Other than stealing and lying) All mouth, no action!! They should use THAT for a campaign slogan!!

"you are what you do, not what you say" and the same is for politicians. If people took a closer look at what these politicians did and what there policies actually do instead of watching a couple of political comercials inbetween American idle and The Apprentice we would be in a lot better shape.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 06:43 pm
Lash wrote:

It reads to emphasize the President's right not to have to make reports to Congress about who is being investigated. Since everyone leaks everything, I understand the need for it.

I don't want to hamstring my government, so that a repeat of the Moussaoui (sp) bullshit allows more terrorists to murder innocent people. I want them to be armed with the tools it takes to prosecute investigations on people, who have given reason to suspect.

I also, under one very stringent scenario, think torture should be an option. But, the odds that that scenario would ever be in place, are so infintessimal, it would likely never occur. I think Bush wants the same right to use whatever means necessary to save a large group of people from certain death, by inflicting physical pressure on a person, who is known to have the information that could save people's lives.


More about our treatment of prisoners ...

Revealed: the plight of prisoners caught up in US rendition


Three Yemeni prisoners who were apparently seized and held in secret jails by the CIA for 18 months have spoken for the first time about their detention - providing important new details about the systematic "rendition" of prisoners.

The three men, none of whom was ever charged with any terrorism-related offence, were seized in 2003 and then held in four secret locations by "black-masked ninja" US operatives who made considerable efforts to ensure the prisoners did not know where they were being held. They were eventually released about a month ago.

While it remains unclear where exactly the men were held, human rights campaigners who interviewed them believe they were held in Djibouti, Afghanistan and somewhere in eastern Europe. It was alleged last year that the CIA had been operating covert "black site" prisons in Romania and Poland.

There are no charges relating to torture regarding these three men, but here's a question for you ...

How would you liked to be help in prison for just short of three years, no reason given, just because a foreign country WANTED TO??

There are hard cold estimates that 50% of the prisoners at Guantanamo fit this category!! What if you were one of them??

Are you really so scared to death that you can justify the illegal kidnapping and detention of another countries citizens that have nothing to do with terrorism just so you can feel a little more secure?? Can you justify the illegal detention of all those people for no reason at all??

Ash calls me paranoid, yet we do this to innocent people ... just who the bloody hell is paranoid?? It sure isn't me, it sounds like it's the Republican voting chicken-littles of the United States to me that are facing the paranoia problem. You talk to me about 3,000 innocent lives ... would you like to talk about the innocent, yet very dead Iraqi citizens that the American Military has killed because of the Republican desire to control the Middle East??

I think it's time for the United States to look at itself and ask itself if that's who we really are. I've done that, and that's why I've decided it's time for me to get the hell out as soon as health matters permit it.

This is definitely not who the hell I am!!!!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 08:08 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:

PNAC called for another Pearl Harbor in 1998 ... we got one ... in 2001~~


If you believe this, we are so far from common ground, it is futile to try to discuss it.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 08:10 pm
Asherman wrote:

Maybe you are right. President Bush is evil incarnate, and, though he's clearly an idiot (under-educated, stupid and tragically ignorant), he leads a cabal of conspirators determined to take over the world. He has gore up to his elbows, and probably sneaks into secret prison cells to shock innocent babies with cattleprods for enjoyment. He orchastrated the payment to the "terrorists", to persuade them to go along with his effort to undermine the Constitution and put in its place a Nazi-like dictatorship. Yeah, that's probably all true and the black helecopters are going to drop any moment out of the sky to secretly carry you off to the new concentration/death camps being built out by Area 51 in Nevada.

Enjoy your hallucenations and nightmares. Oh, and don't forget to take your meds.

You are obviously already on some very strong medication, my delsusional old friend. You should go easy on the LSD at your age, especially the srtictnine laced variety. Stick to pot.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 08:13 pm
Lash wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:

PNAC called for another Pearl Harbor in 1998 ... we got one ... in 2001~~


If you believe this, we are so far from common ground, it is futile to try to discuss it.

Wow, Lash disputes this? This is a fact.

Every day here, I become more amazed at the appalling ignorance of the Bush koolaid drinkers.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 08:21 pm
Lash wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:

PNAC called for another Pearl Harbor in 1998 ... we got one ... in 2001~~


If you believe this, we are so far from common ground, it is futile to try to discuss it.

Read their papers Lash, I'm not the one that wrote them, they did! If you don't believe they wrote it, and you're not willing to read their manifesto, there isn't much you can do indeed. It's a case of your wishing to be deluded, and nothing can be done about that!!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 08:57 pm
"Ash put his position out there pretty well the other day. I pointed out that the checks and balances had been defeated at this point and that there were none. His reply, "What's wrong with that"? "

Whoa. You've twisted one thing into another. You're "proof" that our Constitutional system of checks and balances no longer exists was to point out that a Republican sits in the White House, that Republicans hold the majority of seats in Congress, and that the Federal Courts have Republican and conservative judges sitting on the bench.

My reply was indeed, "whats wrong with that?" The American People elected the President and Congress, and judges have been appointed on a fairly regular basis by whatever administration is in office. Democrats still sit in the Congress and on the bench. Congress still has the power to legislate and spend money. The President can still veto legislation and the Courts can and do find certain legislation un-Constitutional. The Executive's administration of foreign policies and War Powers remain intact, subject to the acquiescence of the other branches. The Courts remain independent of both the Congress and the Executive and render opinions uncontrolled by Congress, the Executive or partisan pressures. In short, our traditional checks and balances remain effective, in place and not in danger.

That the Republican Party is more in touch with the electorate is demonstrated by the numbers of Republicans elected to government. That the Democratic Party is not in control of the government is probably a temporary condition that will be rectified once they again appeal broadly to the electorate.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:03 pm
Yes, I'm sure the Democrats will eventually wake up and prositute themselves to gain office just like the Republicans. I can hardly wait.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:14 pm

When they are all one happy Republican family, they don't check each other ... they just all line up and toe the party line ... ALL facets of government ... One big happy Fascist Family!!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:15 pm
Asherman wrote:
"Ash put his position out there pretty well the other day. I pointed out that the checks and balances had been defeated at this point and that there were none. His reply, "What's wrong with that"? "

That the Republican Party is more in touch with the electorate is demonstrated by the numbers of Republicans elected to government.

Nonsense. Recent Republican success can be directly attributed to their ability to organize and run campaigns. They are experts at propaganda and forming simplistic messages that the unwashed masses. Liberal and progressive principles are embraced by the majority of Americans. Other marriage equality, which is a few years ahead of the curve, most people support Dem principles. Poll after poll after poll has confirmed that the people know they made a huge mistake by allowing these thugs in the WH.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:17 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
Lash wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:

PNAC called for another Pearl Harbor in 1998 ... we got one ... in 2001~~


If you believe this, we are so far from common ground, it is futile to try to discuss it.

Read their papers Lash, I'm not the one that wrote them, they did! If you don't believe they wrote it, and you're not willing to read their manifesto, there isn't much you can do indeed. It's a case of your wishing to be deluded, and nothing can be done about that!!


One would think that ANYONE posting to a political forum would have at least a cursory knowledge of current events.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:21 pm

The Pubs did a great job kicking ass this last election with their gay-hate campaign in 2004. It was a master stroke to get 11 states to get anti-gay measures on the ballots so they could get all their bigots out to the polls in strength. In time, it will snap them in the ass, but in 2004, hate politics worked like a champ for the bigot party!!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:24 pm
The Republicans have gained ascendancy preying on man's baser instincts. We find much of the public in sympathy with that, because we live in a time of great retrogression, where morality is soft against hucksterism and degrees of banditry. Many Democrats are getting drawn in with it, because they fear getting left out of the process. A true liberal will stand up for the right, no matter how many votes do or do not go his way. It took a great Depression and a world war, to shock Americans into adopting all out liberalism. Something akin to getting meteor-struck. It may be two or three lifetimes before it happens again.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:25 pm
Bigots, party of five. Bigots, party of five. Your table is ready. Tonight's special, "Crow."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:26 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Lash wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:

PNAC called for another Pearl Harbor in 1998 ... we got one ... in 2001~~


If you believe this, we are so far from common ground, it is futile to try to discuss it.

Read their papers Lash, I'm not the one that wrote them, they did! If you don't believe they wrote it, and you're not willing to read their manifesto, there isn't much you can do indeed. It's a case of your wishing to be deluded, and nothing can be done about that!!


One would think that ANYONE posting to a political forum would have at least a cursory knowledge of current events.

Not only tragically ignorant, but happy and proud to be so!! No fighting that!! Like I said, education is the enemy, knowledge is bad! Get the ones that can be fooled all the time ... he should have also said the ones that WANT to be fooled all the time!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:32 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
The Republicans have gained ascendancy preying on man's baser instincts. We find much of the public in sympathy with that, because we live in a time of great retrogression, where morality is soft against hucksterism and degrees of banditry. Many Democrats are getting drawn in with it, because they fear getting left out of the process. A true liberal will stand up for the right, no matter how many votes do or do not go his way. It took a great Depression and a world war, to shock Americans into adopting all out liberalism. Something akin to getting meteor-struck. It may be two or three lifetimes before it happens again.

After watching the Americans in action over the last five years, it's hard to care what happens to them. At this point, they deserve just about anything bad that stirkes them ... they've earned it!! The crass disregard they have for mother earth and the world as a whole is pretty disheartening!

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Reply Fri 7 Apr, 2006 05:05 am
McCain Takes on DeLay Accomplice

The Washington Post reported yesterday that McCain had hired Terry Nelson to be a senior advisor to his political committee, the Straight Talk America PAC. Who is Terry Nelson? George W. Bush's national political director in 2004, for one. It's just the latest example of McCain's strategy of taking what he can of Bush's money infrastructure - as the Post reports, he's been busily recruiting Pioneers, Rangers and Super Rangers from '04.

But there's one crucial, telling detail about Terry Nelson that the Post leaves out. And that's his role in the money laundering scheme for which Tom DeLay is being prosecuted down in Texas.

Nelson was the deputy chief of staff of the Republican National Committee in 2002 when the alleged crime occurred. His role was crucial, although he hasn't been charged. He's named right there in the indictment.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Apr, 2006 05:46 am
revel wrote:
McCain Takes on DeLay Accomplice

The Washington Post reported yesterday that McCain had hired Terry Nelson to be a senior advisor to his political committee, the Straight Talk America PAC. Who is Terry Nelson? George W. Bush's national political director in 2004, for one. It's just the latest example of McCain's strategy of taking what he can of Bush's money infrastructure - as the Post reports, he's been busily recruiting Pioneers, Rangers and Super Rangers from '04.

But there's one crucial, telling detail about Terry Nelson that the Post leaves out. And that's his role in the money laundering scheme for which Tom DeLay is being prosecuted down in Texas.

Nelson was the deputy chief of staff of the Republican National Committee in 2002 when the alleged crime occurred. His role was crucial, although he hasn't been charged. He's named right there in the indictment.

An ass kisser AND now hiring part of the crime syndicate. You gotta love those Republicans, they sure keep it in the family. That must be the family values they keep talking about Laughing

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