And You Like This Guy So Much

Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 02:06 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
I agree with ebrown about Guliani, just hadn't said it out loud.

Me three!!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 02:08 pm
Lash wrote:

My argument is that it was not for the purpose to torture prisoners.

Yes it is!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 02:18 pm
squinney wrote:
I glimpsed another attack on intellectualism above.

Gawd, wouldn't it be awful if being smart and thoughtful was deemed a good thing for our citizens? We really can't have that, now can we?

Republicans don't care much for the educated ... they're so much harder to fool, or bully ... they pefer the stupid, or tragically ignorant! They make much more suitable subjects !!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 02:19 pm

It reads to emphasize the President's right not to have to make reports to Congress about who is being investigated. Since everyone leaks everything, I understand the need for it.

I don't want to hamstring my government, so that a repeat of the Moussaoui (sp) bullshit allows more terrorists to murder innocent people. I want them to be armed with the tools it takes to prosecute investigations on people, who have given reason to suspect.

I also, under one very stringent scenario, think torture should be an option. But, the odds that that scenario would ever be in place, are so infintessimal, it would likely never occur. I think Bush wants the same right to use whatever means necessary to save a large group of people from certain death, by inflicting physical pressure on a person, who is known to have the information that could save people's lives.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 02:25 pm
Lash wrote:

It reads to emphasize the President's right not to have to make reports to Congress about who is being investigated. Since everyone leaks everything, I understand the need for it.

I don't want to hamstring my government, so that a repeat of the Moussaoui (sp) bullshit allows more terrorists to murder innocent people. I want them to be armed with the tools it takes to prosecute investigations on people, who have given reason to suspect.

I also, under one very stringent scenario, think torture should be an option. But, the odds that that scenario would ever be in place, are so infintessimal, it would likely never occur. I think Bush wants the same right to use whatever means necessary to save a large group of people from certain death, by inflicting physical pressure on a person, who is known to have the information that could save people's lives.

Torture has been approved at the Presidential level, and it has been practiced widely! If you stop reading the party line, and widen your reading material, you'll find the truth, not what you would like to believe because the truthy is so horrible! 9/11 happened because we let it happen, not because we weren't warned!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 02:31 pm

I read a wide assortment of news. I believe one of the reasons 911 happened was the firewall placed by Gorelick during the Clinton administration, which impeded the FBI and the CIA from sharing information, and prevented their ability to act more decisively with Moussaoui. If they could have moved quicker, and, based on what they found in Moussaoui's computer, knocked the **** out of him a couple of times, we could have prevented 911.

I know I'd love to knock the **** out of him. It would be well worth the 3000 innocent lives.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 02:54 pm
"Republicans don't care much for the educated ... they're so much harder to fool, or bully ... they pefer the stupid, or tragically ignorant! They make much more suitable subjects !! "

Strange, almost without exception the conservatives and Republicans of my acquaintance are well-educated in both the formal and informal sense. Of course, my experience does not reach all, or even most, Republicans, or those termed conservative. The distain you show for all those Americans who have and will vote for Republican candidates is one of the reasons that the Democratic Party is unlikely to win the White House anytime soon. Why would anyone you have labeled stupid and tragically ignorant vote for your candidate and policies?

"Torture has been approved at the Presidential level, and it has been practiced widely! If you stop reading the party line, and widen your reading material, you'll find the truth, not what you would like to believe because the truthy is so horrible! 9/11 happened because we let it happen, not because we weren't warned!"

I'm sure you believe that torture as been approved at the presidential level, and even that it has been practiced widely. That doesn't make it so, and a whole lot of people disagree with you. I suppose you believe that those who disagree are somehow lacking in education, are stupid and tragically ignorant. Could it be possible that it is you who are following a "party line", and that the material you've been reading is a distortion of the "truth"? Perhaps the "truth" of the matter is that the president and his administration are doing their level and honest best to defend the country against attack, and that truth is just too horrible for you to accept?

You state that 9/11 was allowed to happen. That implies that the Administration knew that a group of radical Islamic terrorists were going to highjack multiple aircraft and fly them into various American buildings on 9/11 with the intent to kill as many Americans as possible. This seems to be an popular notion amongst the conspiracy theorist set. Of course, only the lunatic fringe believe such drivel in the absence of any credible supporting evidence. Those who make such outrageous claims, point to the lack of evidence to as evidence in itself of a vast government conspiracy to achieve some hazy end.

Now I know that none of this is going to make the slightest difference in your blind hatred of the president, conservatives, the Republican Party, and the U.S. government as a whole. Oh well, I have faith that the American People are not likely to be deceived by your paranoia .... even if they are poorly educated, stupid and tragically stupid.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 03:29 pm
Asherman wrote:
Why shouldn't a conservative be allowed the occasional irrational rant so common from the Left? We are supposed to be above that sort of thing, but ah we are all too human.

The notion that the irrational rant is a feature "so common from the Left" but only occasionally indulged in by a conservative is in itself an irrational rant, however politely phrased.

The postings on this board provide ample examples. The rants fly a plenty from both the conservative and the leftist posters, but I see few conservative equivalents to the integre and thorough approach of left-liberals like Sozobe, Acquiunk, D'Art, Old Europe, Kara, Joe from Chicago, Paaskynen or FreeDuck, social liberals like Fbaezer, Craven or Dagmaraka or classic liberals like Thomas or Einherjar.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 03:53 pm
Asherman wrote:
"Republicans don't care much for the educated ... they're so much harder to fool, or bully ... they pefer the stupid, or tragically ignorant! They make much more suitable subjects !! "

Strange, almost without exception the conservatives and Republicans of my acquaintance are well-educated in both the formal and informal sense. Of course, my experience does not reach all, or even most, Republicans, or those termed conservative. The distain you show for all those Americans who have and will vote for Republican candidates is one of the reasons that the Democratic Party is unlikely to win the White House anytime soon. Why would anyone you have labeled stupid and tragically ignorant vote for your candidate and policies?

For starters, I quoted YOUR PRESIDENT as to who he favored among his continuency. Don't blame me for what his preferences are.

"Torture has been approved at the Presidential level, and it has been practiced widely! If you stop reading the party line, and widen your reading material, you'll find the truth, not what you would like to believe because the truthy is so horrible! 9/11 happened because we let it happen, not because we weren't warned!"

I'm sure you believe that torture as been approved at the presidential level, and even that it has been practiced widely. That doesn't make it so, and a whole lot of people disagree with you.

Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Two know CIA torture prison camps in Eastern Europe, we hand over detainees to 3rd parties for torture when we see fit ... yea, he definitely approved the torture. I've seen in several places where this approval went to the top and was content to disbelieve it until the signing order. When he signed the law, but invalidated it with the signing order, he condemned himself!! The man approved it, and he supports it, and he will use it!!

I suppose you believe that those who disagree are somehow lacking in education, are stupid and tragically ignorant.

Not always, there are the very rich, very educated, very venal Republicans that will do anything perpetrate the Republican ideology on the American People, no matter what it takes!!!! They are more than happy to lie to and control the stupid, and the tragically ignorant. If you want an excellent example of tragically ignorant, ask thethe troops why they think they are in Iraq!!

Could it be possible that it is you who are following a "party line", and that the material you've been reading is a distortion of the "truth"? Perhaps the "truth" of the matter is that the president and his administration are doing their level and honest best to defend the country against attack, and that truth is just too horrible for you to accept?

I don't have a party line, so that ploy doesn't work with me. I don't have hero worship of Clinton, and I hated that Kennedy and Johnson lied us into the war that disabled me for my adult life. I was also a Republican for 20 years before I started voting differently. You'll have to do better than that Ash!!

You state that 9/11 was allowed to happen. That implies that the Administration knew that a group of radical Islamic terrorists were going to highjack multiple aircraft and fly them into various American buildings on 9/11 with the intent to kill as many Americans as possible.

Yep, There are reams of evidence that shows it. We were warned at every level, by ourselves, and by other countries. Keep trying Ash, you may get something right if you keep trying!!

This seems to be an popular notion amongst the conspiracy theorist set. Of course, only the lunatic fringe believe such drivel in the absence of any credible supporting evidence. Those who make such outrageous claims, point to the lack of evidence to as evidence in itself of a vast government conspiracy to achieve some hazy end.

NOT a conspiracy theorist ... I, unlike your Republican brethern, can read and comprehend what I'm reading!!

Now I know that none of this is going to make the slightest difference in your blind hatred of the president, conservatives, the Republican Party, and the U.S. government as a whole. Oh well, I have faith that the American People are not likely to be deceived by your paranoia .... even if they are poorly educated, stupid and tragically stupid.

Not Blind, not at all!! My hatred of the President, and Republicans has been well earned by them and what they have done to totally fubar this country!! I don't include all conservatives per se in that group although they are largely responsible for this disaster!!

You, for all your fine words and your educated approach, won't be around long enough to pay for your fukup!! It's going to be my children, and my grandchildren. Luckily, I have the money to put them out of harms way, but not everyone does!!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 03:56 pm
Lash wrote:

I read a wide assortment of news. I believe one of the reasons 911 happened was the firewall placed by Gorelick during the Clinton administration, which impeded the FBI and the CIA from sharing information, and prevented their ability to act more decisively with Moussaoui. If they could have moved quicker, and, based on what they found in Moussaoui's computer, knocked the **** out of him a couple of times, we could have prevented 911.

I know I'd love to knock the **** out of him. It would be well worth the 3000 innocent lives.

I wish I had all the Interactions I ran on this when 9/11 actually happened. I wasn't around to save them when Abuzz bit the big one! Bush had so many warnings that the only way to describe his actions are "criminal intent"!!

PNAC called for another Pearl Harbor in 1998 ... we got one ... in 2001~~

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 04:05 pm
You might as well stop trying.
Anon blames Bush for everything from 9/11 to the explosion of the Challenger.
If something bad has happened in the world since Bush 1 was born,it is the fault of Bush.

WW2...Bush started it.
Mao's revolution...Bush financed it
Castro's rise...Bush allowed it
The mine explosions in China...Bush set the explosives


EVERYTHING bad on the planet is the fault of Bush,according to anon.
Nothing will change that.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 04:34 pm
Lash wrote:

It reads to emphasize the President's right not to have to make reports to Congress about who is being investigated. Since everyone leaks everything, I understand the need for it.

I don't want to hamstring my government, so that a repeat of the Moussaoui (sp) bullshit allows more terrorists to murder innocent people. I want them to be armed with the tools it takes to prosecute investigations on people, who have given reason to suspect.

I also, under one very stringent scenario, think torture should be an option. But, the odds that that scenario would ever be in place, are so infintessimal, it would likely never occur. I think Bush wants the same right to use whatever means necessary to save a large group of people from certain death, by inflicting physical pressure on a person, who is known to have the information that could save people's lives.

Regarding leaks Rolling Eyes , Just for you Lash my love!! Razz

In Court Filings, Cheney Aide Says Bush Approved Leak


Now if you don't like the NY Times, I could get you a newspaper from Chicago, or Dallas, or maybe even Fox News, if you would like for me to!!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 04:50 pm

Maybe you are right. President Bush is evil incarnate, and, though he's clearly an idiot (under-educated, stupid and tragically ignorant), he leads a cabal of conspirators determined to take over the world. He has gore up to his elbows, and probably sneaks into secret prison cells to shock innocent babies with cattleprods for enjoyment. He orchastrated the payment to the "terrorists", to persuade them to go along with his effort to undermine the Constitution and put in its place a Nazi-like dictatorship. Yeah, that's probably all true and the black helecopters are going to drop any moment out of the sky to secretly carry you off to the new concentration/death camps being built out by Area 51 in Nevada.

Enjoy your hallucenations and nightmares. Oh, and don't forget to take your meds.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 05:01 pm
Always the Meds joke ... I keep telling you folks that my meds are just fine. Maybe the problem is that you AREN'T taking yours!!

or maybe you're taking too many ... are you hitting too many oxycontin Ash??

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 05:04 pm
Whew - You had me goin there for a minute, Asherman... Til you got to the part about shocking innocent babies.

No such thing as an innocent baby. Don't you know that we are all born with sin???
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 05:11 pm

Ash put his position out there pretty well the other day. I pointed out that the checks and balances had been defeated at this point and that there were none. His reply, "What's wrong with that"?

If the scales were tipped the other way where all the checks and balances had been defeated to the liberal side, I imagine he could find plenty wrong with that!! It's all in ones perspective you know Smile

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 05:17 pm
Bush has about as much to do with running the country as Ronald McDonald has to do with running McDonalds.

The same entities that are in control of the country will stay in power. They'll just change figure heads, They'll poll us till they get the right reaction. Then when they bankcrupt the country they'll walk away
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 05:38 pm
Amigo wrote:
Bush has about as much to do with running the country as Ronald McDonald has to do with running McDonalds.

The same entities that are in control of the country will stay in power. They'll just change figure heads, They'll poll us till they get the right reaction. Then when they bankcrupt the country they'll walk away

They've got a great start at bankrupting the country! They're stealing every dime they can get their hands on, and then some!

Iraq still wants to know what the U.S. did with the 20 Billion the Iraqis had that disappeared when we invaded and took over the country. Bush and his cronies just shrug their shoulders and act like the Iraqis are nuts, but guess what ... The money is gone ... and WE were the only ones with access to it. That kind of limits the possibilities, doesn't it!!

Oh well, it must just be my paranoia that Ash is talking about :wink:

Speaking of paranoia, isn't it the Republicans that are so scared shitless that they keep voting for Bush and his budget requests for more money to Iraq. If the Demos dare vote against it, they are 1) UnAmerican 2) Soft on Terrorism 3) Not supporting the troops 4) Traitors 5) Putting the country at risk 6) Islamo-Fascists

Along with all the supporting Republican soundbytes to keep their chickenshit continuency quaking in their boots???

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 05:49 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
Amigo wrote:
Bush has about as much to do with running the country as Ronald McDonald has to do with running McDonalds.

The same entities that are in control of the country will stay in power. They'll just change figure heads, They'll poll us till they get the right reaction. Then when they bankcrupt the country they'll walk away

They've got a great start at bankrupting the country! They're stealing every dime they can get their hands on, and then some!

Iraq still wants to know what the U.S. did with the 20 Billion the Iraqis had that disappeared when we invaded and took over the country. Bush and his cronies just shrug their shoulders and act like the Iraqis are nuts, but guess what ... The money is gone ... and WE were the only ones with access to it. That kind of limits the possibilities, doesn't it!!

Oh well, it must just be my paranoia that Ash is talking about :wink:

Speaking of paranoia, isn't it the Republicans that are so scared shitless that they keep voting for Bush and his budget requests for more money to Iraq. If the Demos dare vote against it, they are 1) UnAmerican 2) Soft on Terrorism 3) Not supporting the troops 4) Traitors 5) Putting the country at risk 6) Islamo-Fascists

Along with all the supporting Republican soundbytes to keep their chickenshit continuency quaking in their boots???

Then when the country catches them stealing they say "A-ha, We cought you. boy we showed you" and they say "Boy you sure did show me, Later sucker".

American are becoming the biggest pushovers in history. As long as everything looks good on T.V. everything must be O.K.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 06:04 pm
If it's paranoia to want the Bush administration held accountable, count me in.
0 Replies

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