<smile grows>
I seem to have developed this intensely lovely, sly flirtation with the most enigmatic, most pleasantly mysterious man I've ever met.
He's younger than me--my former professor, English comp--he knows more about me than most people, you know, a lot comes out in essays... I also had to submit a horde of very personal poetry and essays to him for scholarships that he coordinates. Oddly, it's safe to say he knows more about me because of these things than any other living person.
In the office, we brutalize everyone, of course, as I can't find one fault with him. Neither can the bloodsucking harpies I work with--this is notable.
He's very artistic, creates pottery, sings at the local haunts, plays the guitar, has impossible blue eyes ... He engages me in a way that's hard to describe. ....tractor beam...?

Anyway, when we're in a clutch of conversationistas, someone says something that causes a subtle reaction from me, invisible, but I've alluded to the issue or something in an essay or talk with him--- and when I look in his direction, a knowing tease crosses his face...raised eyebrows, a tilt back on his heels.
He powered me through an important scholarship application and said some things about me I'll never forget.
It's been a long time since I experienced unspoken communication like that, and admiration from someone
I admire. He's younger than me and very goodlooking. Very. Goodlooking. Very intelligent. A gifted professor. My kind of humor. Perpetually placid.
I'm not open for anything further now, and I don't have any reason to believe he is.
Just this is nice. Quite nice. <small smile>