Re: Rethinking Homosexuality
Anon-Voter wrote:thunder_runner32 wrote:I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and looking back, I feel like an intolerant prick. Recent events have introduced me to several homosexual people and since then I have continually scrutinized my beliefs. Previously, I was under the false notion that God hates homosexuality... which I no longer believe.
I used logical (logical in my mind :wink: ) reasoning to conclude that the only laws and rules that are worth having, are the ones that help to protect who the heck is going to get hurt by gay people?
Any thoughts to further lead me out of this blind prejudice?
Let's get back on thread rather than stroke someones ego here. For reasons of my own, I hated gays for 30 years. I frankly thought that AIDS was their payback for being "queers". I was very bitter.
It wasn't until around 1990-91 that I came to realize what an "****" I had been. JayBea's (my future wife) brother and his partner came out ot SF to visit. At first, I refused even to meet them. JayBea appealed to my sense of justice, and I agreed to meet them for dinner. I found that all my feelings and thinking about them was unfounded. I found them to be delightful, funny folk that were a pleasure to be around. That started my transformation to understanding.
My next step was winning a client in SF that was run by a gay and a lesbian. They both were fine people, and I had them for clients until they moved to San Diego in 2002.
Another shocker was a dear friend of mine that I had NO idea was gay until JayBea's brother visited again, and the three of us had lunch. After we had all parted, Jimmy mentioned how handsome my friend was and asked if he was attached. Turns out my dear friend was gay, and I had no clue. I was shocked, but not dismayed. It just goes to show you how absolutely wrong you can be.
I let one personal tragedy color my thinking about these kind gentle, genteel people. Thank goodness JayBea woke me up, or I would have missed many close personal friends that I hold very dear!
Welcome to the enlightened!!
Seems that you would like to look at this whole question in very simplistic terms: 'Do I like homosexuals? Are they my friends? Am I nice to them?' which is an entirely different issue than the basis on which you seem to disapprove of my position.
Let me clarify. I like homosexuals.
As I told Sozobe, I love them. Don't care whether you believe it or not, it's true.
I have family members that are homosexual. I have hired and trained homosexuals. I have been employed by homosexuals. I worked for a homosexual at one organization who considered me the most valuable member of the team and who went to great lengths without me asking to keep me in their department. This person told have repeatedly how much they valued my contribution to our organization; and was as professional as you could hope for an employer to be. This supervisor was well aware that I am a Christian and we were very close co-workers for the extended period of my employment there.
Not all homosexuals are 'nice'. Many of them are. The same is true of heterosexuals, not all of them are 'nice'. But many of them are. Some are angry or bitter or spiteful or............. The same is true of heterosexuals, isn't it?
The Christian view of this issue is that homosexual acts are sin. Many things are regarded as sin.
Drunkeness is a sin. That doesn't mean that I don't like people who get drunk. It means I do not want to get drunk and I have taught my kids that it is wrong to get drunk. It doesn't mean that I will take opportunity to be mean to people who get drunk just for meanness sake.
Drunkeness is a harmful behavior, which could explain why God said it is sin. But whether we can see the harm in a behavior or not doesn't draw the distinction for a Christian.
However I have many friends who get drunk. I don't hate them.
Adultery is a sin. Heterosexuals who commit adultery are hurting people. I don't want to commit adultery and I have taught my kids that it is wrong to commit adultery.
Nevertheless, I know and interact with people almost every day who commit adultery. I don't hate them either.
Likewise I have taught my kids that homosexual acts are sin. But I don't hate homosexuals.
I mentioned earlier that I have had professional experience working with suicidal people. A fair percentage of these with homosexual men and women. I didn't hate them. I liked them and they liked me. We got along well. I prayed with some of these folks over the course of our interaction and they thanked me for doing so.
Nearly every Christian I have known over many decades has pretty much the same attitude I do. In short, the caricature which many seem to draw of the Christian's attitude toward homosexuals is just plain fiction in most cases. Is it universal? No of course not. But I also know many non Christians who hold a much lower view of homosexuals than I ever have.
It's convenient for Christian bashers to try to stereotype Christians as 'haters' and monsters of various degree. But in doing so, they are engaging in EXACTLY the type of behavior that they are accusing Christians of.
Think about it.