CoastalRat wrote:Set, I've come to no conclusions about why they commit suicide.
Jeeze, i just doesn't sink in with you, does it? I am not referring to the reaons why homosexuals might commit suicide. I am referring to whether or not homosexuals have any significantly greater rate of suicide than other descriptions of persons. The only plausible evidence i have ever seen for rates of suicide are that they are highest in adolescents of any descriptions, and lowest among middle-aged black women. I know of no other demographics on the subject which were plausibly based.
Quote:I'm sorry if you cannot comprehend that someone who may be against gay marriage can actually want to inform himself about something like this.
I made no comments about your attitudes toward gay marriage, and that is not the topic of this thread, nor has it any type of referrant to my remarks. Therefore, you snotty remark about what you are sorry about does not apply to me--i can comprehend quite well that people who are compassionate or simply just curious might entertain bigoted attitudes towards those who are different, but if has no reference to the remark i made. You are the one here is making assumptions about what others doe or do not believe.
Quote:The reasons that anyone has to commit suicide should be a concern to all, regardless of the sexual orientation of the person committing suicide. I fear you and Lash have greatly misjudged me in some manner.
The reason someone commits suicide formed no part of my remark, and is, as i've already pointed out more than once, nor relevant. Your fears not withstanding, i did not judge you--i simply made an observation about a possible misunderstanding on your part.
It is noteworthy, however, that when i've not made the least reference to either the causes for someone attempting his or her own life, nor to gay marriage, you hammer on those topics. Perhaps your obsession arises from your own discomfort with the subjects.