Momma Angel wrote:I have decided there must be something wrong with me. Elliott and Paris just sucked! Chris was okay but I wasn't that impressed.
I think I am just getting old.
Katherine, what happened girl? That key was not for her at all! I think she could have done an awesome job had it been in a different key.
TAYLOR! HE'S THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS UP DANCING IN MY LIVING ROOM! He may not be the best singer, but he's one heck of an entertainer!!!!!!!!!!
Round two coming up! 
Elliot finally found his groove! A Michael Bublais song was a perfect choice and he was awesome!
Paris, sorry, I just don't care for her.
Katherine was much better the second song.
Chris is losing his voice. He is such a good singer!
I love Taylor's softer side! That was beautiful!
So, what did y'all think?
Okay, after a Mountain Zone viewing and then a nap--was up at 3 am this morning--tonight's performance was interesting.
First the music itself was better than I expected, but I still think some of the song choices were lacking.
I have said from the beginning and I still think the best voice in the competition is Taylor's and I think Taylor did entertain tonight. And I think he is improving bit by bit, week by week.
Elliott also has a great voice and he is thoroughly likeable, but he is adding so much vibrato it was annoying tonight.
Kat and Chris I think peaked some weeks ago and while both remain consistenty good, I don't see either getting better.
No matter what happens to Paris, she will have it made in the music world, but her song choices tonight put her at risk. It will be her or Elliott I think who will leave tomorrow.