Anon-Voter wrote:snood wrote:Anon:
Quote:I think the military today takes a certain type of person to join it, and I'm pretty sure that I would not want to be around a person that would be comfortable joining todays military. I'm afraid that's true!
What, exactly do you know about the "type of person" who joins the military? You are being shortsighted, and in any case, you don't need to slam the whole military to make a point about military recruiters on college campuses. I mean "I don't think I'd be comfortable around that kind of person"? Shee!
The person who signs up in todays military has to ...
Sign on to take ANY ORDER ... no matter how illegal or immoral
Sign on to support a war ... no matter how illegal or immoral
Sign on to support the torture of prisoners
Sign on to enforce illegal and immoral detainment of innocent people
and that's not even starters ... I haven't even begun!
We have a President who signs a law about torture, and then adds a signing statement that he won't obey it, which makes it all fine and dandy.
Sorry Snood, I guess it just makes me un-American, but I can't support any of those things. I don't care much for people that can.
First of all,I am glad anon is admitting to be a failure himself,after all,he claims to have served in the military also (although I personally doubt that).
Now,on to what he wrote...
Quote:Sign on to take ANY ORDER ... no matter how illegal or immoral
The UCMJ and other military laws are quite clear on that.
If you order me to kill innocent people,or burn down someones house,or any other illegal order,I am not required to obey it,nor am I duty bound to obey it.
I suggest you actually read this,instead of assuming things...
Quote:You might find it educational.
A soldier is not required to support a war he fights in,he is just required to fight.
Not every soldier in WW2 supported it,neither did every soldier in any other war.
But sometimes they have to be fought.
Quote:Sign on to support the torture of prisoners
I am sworn to uphold the laws of war and to honor the Geneva Convention as it is written.
The fact that torture and mistreatment happens is undeniable,but it is not accepted or forgiven.
Those responsible for the acts ARE punished when caught.
Quote:Sign on to enforce illegal and immoral detainment of innocent people
But first,lets define innocent.
If someone points a gun or otherwise attempts to harm or kill American soldiers,or if they are captured on a battlefield carrying a weapon,they are NOT innocent.
If they are sympathizers,guerrilla fighters,or former soldiers,they present a potential threat and can,under the rules of war,be detained.