Moishe3rd wrote:Yes. I know you do. And that's why you're such a likeable curmudgeon, in spite of yourself.
But really. I favor logic. Reason. Intelligent deduction.
Now, I must admit to my personal quirks on what I have finally settled on as the most rational explanation, but still, I have threshed the points out over my life and I find G-d makes sense.
I would be interested in your take on this "geometric progression" in some what of a more mathematical or visual formula.
I can still go "hmmm, that makes sense," even as I stick to my happy delusions.
However, with my limited math ability, I still cannot grasp a geometric curve that would act along the timeline of Homo Sapien or hominids...
Seriously. A little help. Please.

I am delighted that Terry is here. She will do a much, much better job of answering your questions than I.
As for the timeline that gets us from primordial ooze to where we are suggestion would be to stop thinking of "where we are now" with some objective that "existence" had "in mind" at the time of the primordial ooze.
We happen to be here...but "where we are" is a fairly random place. We could be many, many other things than what we are...and given an infinite number of starts from primordial ooze...with the passage of a similar period of time...the "end" could be quite different.
See if this (admittedly defective) analogy helps with understanding that.
If you were to take a randomly shuffled deck of cards and record its order...and then reshuffle and continue the record of the order...and do that 1000 would have a list of order of cards 52,000 in number.
It was arrived at randomly.
If someone were to look at that list and see its complexity...and conclude that randomly duplicating that list would have odds of billions to one against it happening...that would not change the fact that this original list WAS arrived at randomly.
While the chances of events going randomly from primordial ooze to what now exists here on planet Earth are suppose that it cannot happen randomly because of those astronomical odds is a mathematical and logical error.
Essentially I am saying that if evolution or progression is somehow a naturally occurring thing...then evolving and progressing ooze will eventually end up somewhere. To look at the "somewhere" and suppose that because the number of steps to arrive from that beginning to this "end" is could not occur simply illogical thinking.
I am not going to get very deeply into this, Moishe. I know the limits of my abilities in these areas...and I will leave it to Terry to deal with some of the questions you have. And I honestly have come to the conclusion that most of the "believing" being done by thesist is not predicated on intellectual and logical musings at all....and all the logic and intellectualization in the world is going to change some of the "beliefs" borne by people arguing here. (Maybe not you!)