Republican Congressman Predicts Bush Impeachment

Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 08:20 am
1. The Presidential oath:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Bush flouts the very Oath of Office.

Bush's Oath is to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, Domestic or Foreign.

Bush attacks the Constitution.

Impeach him & Cheney.

Case closed.

Impeach Bush NOW!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 08:33 am
freedom4free wrote:
1. The Presidential oath:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Bush flouts the very Oath of Office.

Bush's Oath is to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, Domestic or Foreign.

Bush attacks the Constitution.

Impeach him & Cheney.

Case closed.

Impeach Bush NOW!

Well, you've stated the law very nicely, but I think you forgot to give an example of a violation.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:19 am
oralloy wrote:
parados wrote:
Multiple counts? Geez. For someone that demands perfect evidence of a lie from Bush you sure like to heap crap when it comes to your claims. Provide the evidence of ONE case of perjury by Clinton that meets the legal standard to be prosecuted.

Here are two:

In the sexual harassment lawsuit, he said he had not had sex with Lewinsky.
Funny thing about that statement Oralley is it wasn't perjury. Provide the evidece that Clinton had intercourse with Lewinsky. Oral sex was SPECIFICALLY REMOVED from the definition used. Even Lewinsky's lawyers agree that the definition didn't include it. Kind of hard to lie about something that the questioner even felt didn't include. If the person asking the question and the person answering both felt that oral sex wasn't part of the question then where is the lie?

In the grand jury investigation, he said he had not fondled Lewinsky's breasts.
You have a evidence he did fondle her breasts? Perjury requires more than testimony of one witness. Simply because you belive Lewinsky doesn't matter. No perjury charges can be brought on testimony of one witness without cooberating evidence of some kind.

parados wrote:
There are instances of Clinton being misleading but misleading doesn't rise to perjury unless the statement is provably false and the question is in no way confusing.

The semen stained dress provided DNA evidence that he had sex with Lewinsky.
Doesn't prove he had intercourse as defined under the definition. In fact No one has testified he did any sexual act other than the one that was REMOVED from the definition.

Lewinsky claims that he fondled her breasts. She is the one with the credible story.
Doesn't meet standards for perjury.

parados wrote:
Obstruction is even more of a stretch. Not much evidence there.

Aside from Betty Currie's hiding of the gifts that Clinton gave Lewinsky, and Lewinsky's testimony that Curry was sent by Clinton to collect the gifts.
And this is obstruction on the part of Clinton how? Currie testified that Lewinsky asked Currie to come get the gifts. No one ever testified that Clinton ordered Currie to do it. Cite the law that would cover it. Show how Clinton broke that law. Your arguments are without any legal merit at this point. No one testified that Clinton told them to lie or cover up anything. You are merely speculating at this point.

And Curry's testimony about what Clinton said when he tried to coach her to lie.
He tried to coach her? LOL. That is a stretch. No one testified he coached her. He asked her a question, that doesn't equate to coaching. Wishful thinking from someone that demands absolutes from others Oralley.

parados wrote:
There can be no obstruction in statements by a defendant in a civil trial if there is not perjury.

That is incorrect. Obstruction of justice is a separate charge that is independent of perjury.
There is no evidence of obstruction other than Clinton's statements. YOu can't obstruct with testimony unless you lie and if you lie than it would be perjury. It is possible to obstruct without perjury but no hard evidence that Clinton obstructed anything.

parados wrote:
There are many instances of Bush making statements that are proven to be factually false. You can no more provide evidence of CLinton's intent to deceive in his testimony than anyone can about Bush's intent to make his factually false statements. Either you have to have the same standard for lies or not. Does a lie require intent? If so then you can't prove perjury that you keep claiming Clinton committed since "intent" is part of the perjury requirement.

So when Clinton said he did not have sex with Lewinsky and did not fondle her breasts, he was mistaken?

I don't think that is plausible.
He didn't have sex with Lewinsky as defined by the court. There is no hard evidence to support him fondling Lewinsky's breasts. You can BELIEVE it all you want. It isn't enough to show he did it. Your standards are no higher than those you are attacking for calling Bush a liar. People have said that Bush KNEW things before he said them. MANY people have said that.

Your standard seems to be one person's word against another proves perjury but many people's words doesn't prove anything when it comes to Bush. You don't have much standing to demand others live up to a standard higher than you will Oralley
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:26 am
oralloy wrote:
Joe Nation wrote:
The sanction of, and ordering the use of, and directing the execution of torture is a high crime.

That is incorrect. High crimes are those crimes in which the government is the victim of the crime.

It is hard to see how the government was the victim of the torture.
ROFLMAO.. The govt has to be the victim in order for impeachment? That is too rich ORalley, after the way you went off on how Clinton committed perjury in the Jones case. How is the govt the victim in a civil lawsuit? And now the govt isn't the victim if Bush violates the law? Under US law treaties are law.

Joe Nation wrote:
Those being held in Cuba are not being held as prisoners of war and you know that.

Since they are war criminals, they do not have the benefit of Geneva 3.

However, they are still enemy soldiers who were captured and can be legally held until the end of the war.[/quote] WTF? That makes no sense ORalley. If they aren't covered by Geneva than there is no legal document that covers holding them until the end of the war. Geneva is the document that allows for holding people until the end of hostilities.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:26 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
You're just a bunch of crybabies who don't have the good sportsmanship to wait until the next election and try to do better. None of you can provide a decent case that there is a specific law that has been violated, and state exactly what the violation was.

You are the crybaby, always whining that evryone is picking on your hero. Brandon, are you secretly in love with George Bush?

I note that in your posts, you do not, in fact, list any law that he is violated, but, instead, talk only about me.

Brandon, trying to reasons with cultists is a waste of time.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:27 am
Parados, Brandon is one of the most boring posters on A2K. He is soooo predictable. He has his little list of responses from which to select. His most overused one is demanding proof of (take your choice) to everyone's posts.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:28 am
Trying to reason...that is.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:30 am
Re: Parados
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Parados, Brandon is one of the most boring posters on A2K. He is soooo predictable. He has his little list of responses from which to select. His most overused one is demanding proof of (take your choice) to everyone's posts.


That is the problem with this medium. In real life, someone like Brandon would either be ignored or laughed at. Here, someone will always respond to his mantra.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:33 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:42 am
oralloy wrote:
Joe Nation wrote:
Followed by this, since Orally wants the government, and not just us, to be the victim of Bush's High Crimes, it's called Abuse of Power

Abuse of power is a high misdemeanor (but definitely an impeachable offense).

Now all we need is a reasonable charge that Bush has abused his power.

Joe Nation wrote:
Kind of a mushy set of terms but that's how the founders wanted it. Undefined, or more precisely, to be defined by Congress at the time.

High crimes and high misdemeanors have a precise legal meaning. Nothing mushy or ill-defined about them.
And this definition can be found where? Unless you have a supreme court ruling in hand , there is no definition that defines them as they are used in the Constitution.

Joe Nation wrote:
Hello? One, even a President, cannot contravene, violate and overstep the laws of this nation without damage to it's government and it's totality of it's ruling power.

The victim of the crime is the entity that was damaged by it.

For instance, when Clinton went on his rampage of perjury and obstruction, the victim was the courts, which had their proceedings undermined, and the independent council's office, which had their investigation undermined.
And when Bush went around the FISA court and didn't get the warrants required by the law he undermined the court and the legislature. Gee, Both the court and the legislature are government entities.

Joe Nation wrote:
So this particular case is a two step: not only did he violate the laws on intelligence gathering without warrants (Amd IV and the Foreign Intelligence Security Act)

The Fourth Amendment does not prohibit reasonable searches.

Unless you've got a Supreme Court ruling in hand to the effect that these searches are unreasonable, there is no violation of the Fourth Amendment.
False argument. The Courts have ruled that govt can't invade privacy without a warrant. The reverse is actually true. The law enforcement agency is the one that has to prove that there was probable cause.

Joe Nation wrote:
he also acted abusively in the conduct of his powers.

I've not seen any such abuse.
But you can see perjury without any evidence? Rather narrow vision there Oralley.


Joe Nation wrote:
Careful now, Orally, we must stick with 'enemy combatants', they can't be war criminals without some crime being charged unless this really is a Kafka novel.

They were fighting without a proper uniform. That is enough to deny them Geneva 3, and charge them with war crimes.
You aren't familar with the Geneva convention it seems. There is no uniform requirement in Geneva. It only requires an insignia for regular troops. Citizens that take up arms when an opposing army invades does NOT require any insignia. When the US invaded Afghanistan ALL persons whether they had insignia or not would have been covered under that section.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:52 am
(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party; and

(1) On a semiannual basis the Attorney General shall fully inform the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence concerning all electronic surveillance under this subchapter.

I don't think there is any doubt that Bush authorized warrantless wiretaps of US person in violation of the law and he failed to inform the Congressional COMMITTEES as also required by law.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 10:13 am
The Federal wiretapping law states this....

a certification in writing by a person specified in section 2518 (7) of this title or the Attorney General of the United States that no warrant or court order is required by law, that all statutory requirements have been met, and that the specified assistance is required,

I am curious as to what certification the telephone companies got from this administration and does that certification claim that they met all the statutory requirements. Such a statement would be false based on the FISA if the are monitoring US persons.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 10:18 am
If Congress was doing its job it should be pretty easy to get all the paperwork.

The AG was supposed to submit a statement to the court concerning procedures for warrantless wiretaps. That statement was supposed to follow the law.

The AG was supposed to submit in writing to the communication companies that if he didn't have a warrant that the warrantless request followed the law.

Did the AG submit the paperwork as required by law and did that paperwork follow the law as required? Easy for Congress to subpeona the paperwork if they felt like doing their job.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 08:49 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
oralloy wrote:
High crimes and high misdemeanors have a precise legal meaning. Nothing mushy or ill-defined about them.

All of us would like your source for this precise legal meaning.

I got it from a bit of research the Democrats did in 1974.


Joe Nation wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Abuse of power is a high misdemeanor (but definitely an impeachable offense).

Now all we need is a reasonable charge that Bush has abused his power.

Asked and answered.

Asked, certainly. But I'm still waiting for someone to provide the answer.

(I'm not holding my breath.)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 08:50 pm
freedom4free wrote:
Bush flouts the very Oath of Office.

. . . .

Bush attacks the Constitution.

I've seen no evidence of these two alleged events.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 08:53 pm
oralloy wrote:
freedom4free wrote:
Bush flouts the very Oath of Office.

. . . .

Bush attacks the Constitution.

I've seen no evidence of these two alleged events.

But the problem with you "seeing evidence" oralloy, is that if George Bush walked up and peed on your leg, you wouldn't see evidence of anything but that it was a little damp out that day.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:04 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
You're just a bunch of crybabies who don't have the good sportsmanship to wait until the next election and try to do better. None of you can provide a decent case that there is a specific law that has been violated, and state exactly what the violation was.

You are the crybaby, always whining that evryone is picking on your hero. Brandon, are you secretly in love with George Bush?

I note that in your posts, you do not, in fact, list any law that he is violated, but, instead, talk only about me.

Brandon, trying to reasons with cultists is a waste of time.

You present your case, and then simply insult anyone who disagrees. No matter how you spin it, it's improper debate, and not very good behavior.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:06 pm
Re: Parados
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Parados, Brandon is one of the most boring posters on A2K. He is soooo predictable. He has his little list of responses from which to select. His most overused one is demanding proof of (take your choice) to everyone's posts.


You're even more repetitive than I am, and to boot, you mostly post links, rather than use any of your own words.

Imagine the nerve of me to ask people to provide evidence for their assertions. Something like that certainly has no place on the Politics board!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:07 pm
Re: Parados
Roxxxanne wrote:
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Parados, Brandon is one of the most boring posters on A2K. He is soooo predictable. He has his little list of responses from which to select. His most overused one is demanding proof of (take your choice) to everyone's posts.


That is the problem with this medium. In real life, someone like Brandon would either be ignored or laughed at. Here, someone will always respond to his mantra.

And you respond even to polite, dignified disagreement with insults.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 09:30 pm
But somehow Brandon fails to address the cited laws at the top of the page after he spent so much time demanding that we cite them.
0 Replies

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