anton wrote:Consider the use of DU ammunition used by the US in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq.
In spite of all the evidence of radioactive contamination and warnings from the 1996
UN sub-Commission on Human Rights (They have classified the ammunition as an indiscriminate Weapon of Mass Destruction, and a crime against Humanity)
They are lying when they say that it is a weapon of mass destruction, they are lying when they say that it is indiscriminate, and they are lying when they say that it is a crime against humanity. All those things have specific meanings, which have nothing to do with the use of DU in armor-piercing ammo.
And that commission has no authority to rule on anything related to that subject to begin with. The fact that various UN bodies get hijacked by extremists, who then use them to spew lies about America, is one of the reasons that the international community finds that America refuses to participate in many international treaties.
The UN needs to purge themselves of such extremists if they want us to start being less unilateral.
anton wrote:the US government insists there in no danger from the use of such an evil weapon.
If the US government says that, they are not telling the whole truth.
DU is mildly radioactive, and there should not be prolonged contact with any region around destroyed tanks.
I have long been a proponent of making such cleanups mandatory after wars.
But that line you attributed to the US is far more truthful than the outright lies of the anti-DU fanatics.
anton wrote:Many former soldiers, of all nationalities, who served in Iraq and the Gulf, have been affected and many have already died from cancers and disorders caused by what has become known as "Gulf War Syndrome" which is now believed to have its origin in exposure to radiation from depleted uranium.
That has hardly been established.
anton wrote:Using radioactive weaponry classified as an indiscriminate Weapon of Mass Destruction is certainly a terror weapon
DU is not classified as either indiscriminate or a WMD in the real world.
So far as I know, "terror weapon" is not a term with any meaning.
anton wrote:radiation dust from these vile weapons will remain active for thousands of years
. that's correct! thousands of years.
U-238 will remain radioactive for the probable lifespan of the entire human species.
But the radioactivity is extremely minimal. It is only a problem immediately around destroyed tanks (which as I noted above, I support cleaning up).