snood wrote:
Nobody's acting offended, "Fedral". I don't care what you think. And what the f#$$ do you think we're talking about, if not solving the problem. Either in the short term or in the long term, we need to get the hell out of Iraq. And the baby wouldn't have drowned if not for your fearless president and his glorious plan.
That's the problem, you are so sure that you are 100% right that you don't want to listen, nor do you care about any opinions other than your own.
You think you know me, but you do not, you think because I support the President, that I agree with everything he does. (Just FYI, I supported President Clinton as the representative of our country. I hated him, I didn't vote for him, I wished everyday that he was out of office, but I supported him as my President.) There is a difference between support and agreement.
Your comment of:
Quote:And what the f#$$ do you think we're talking about, if not solving the problem.
Nowhere in this thread did I see even ONE constructive post as to how to get us out without leaving behind utter anarchy.
All the postings were more of the same old
'We shouldn't be there', 'We need to leave', 'George Bush is to blame for everything'.
Not a decent solution to the problem, just more of the same.