Soldiers are saying - "Get us Outta Here!"

Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 05:45 am
Re: Soldiers are saying - "Get us Outta Here!"
oralloy wrote:
Zogby may have asked the questions, but they were probably hired out by an extremist group that asked extremely leading and misleading questions in order to skew the results.

From the Syracuse Post Standard:

"[..] according a Zogby-Le Moyne College poll released Tuesday.

Le Moyne faculty helped develop and word the poll's questions, which were given to troops in face-to-face interviews in Iraq, pollster John Zogby, of New Hartford, said.

Zogby said the poll was commissioned by a wealthy war opponent, whom he would not name. Zogby said the man "had no input into the questions or analysis [..]."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 05:49 am
oralloy wrote:
nimh wrote:
Snood, it is one interesting story, and I thought about posting it here too, but then I saw the poll was done by Zogby. Conservatives hate Zogby, so most of 'em wont even bother replying - too easy to blame the messenger. Like, "oh, Zogby <throw away gesture>"


I remember when conservatives loved Zogby and liberals hated them.

Yeah, I know. Funny, innit? Its interesting what a few polls that show you're losing can do to your perception of the pollster.
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 07:27 am
Snood, you never answered my question. How much combat experience do you have?
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 10:49 am
Did you ask me a question? Ooops! Probably because I ignore large portions of what you say, McG.

I was with the 93rd Evac Hospital during Operation Desert Storm. If you can count going to MOPP level 4 when the alarm signaled an errant Scud flying overhead occasionally as "combat" experience. See, I'm a 91Q - a Pharmacy Tech. I have CLS (combat lifesaver) training, and I have to qualify with a weapon regularly, but I haven't been directly shot at, nor have I had to shoot at anyone.

Why (he asked unsuspectingly) do you ask? You got a point?
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 11:36 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
parados wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Whether they do think that or not, and whatever the reason, they're wrong. The invasion was the only way to be certain that Saddam Hussein would not have access to doomsday weapons.

I think we need to invade Iraq again. Saddam could be building a nuke in his jail cell. There is ONLY one way to be certain after all. Right Brandon?

Flawed logic, as usual. At the moment of the invasion, based on the totality of the history, there was a reasonable probability that Hussein was continuing to hide WMD. There is a vanishingly small probability that he is building a nuke in his jail cell.

Funny, you go from ONLY WAY TO BE CERTAIN to "reasonable probability". The only way to be certain you will win at any gambling game is to have the odds 100% in your favor. Even with the odds 99.99% in your favor you can't be CERTAIN you will win. A "reasonable probability" doesn't equate to 100%. The odds of Saddam having usable WMD before the invasion was not 100% as evidenced by the fact they didn't exist. Even at the time of the invasion the consesus in the intelligence community was not 100%. The inspectors were saying there was no evidence of WMD.

The only flaw I see in logic is yours.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 11:49 am
snood wrote:
Man, I gotta hand it to you - you surely blow smoke very well. The case has been made over and over by you rightwingnuts that the military is pro-Republican and pro-Bush. At least you make that case when you think it serves to buoy up your perverted reasoning about why we are taking military action in the first place. And now that there is hard evidence that this military in this war is more against being in Iraq than for - you sidestep and pull a lot of pseudo-authoritative stuff about what "any" fighting man in "any" war would do.

Well, my full-of-BS- Bushophile friend, this isn't 'any' war - this is BUSH's war. This is the war he insisted on - he had to have - he sent Powell to the UN to make a fabricated case about - he changed rationalizations for so many times, no one has accurate count.

The FACT is that most Americans don't want to be there anymore. The FACT is that most soldiers don't want to be there anymore. You can't sell that Lee Greenwood proud-to-be-an-American-and-spread-freedom crap right now, so you try to peddle some other crap about weak liberals.

And please - don't presume to tell me how soldiers think. I should have some idea withut your advice - I've been active duty for 16 years and counting...

When you decided to speak as an authority on behalf of soldiers, i wanted to know what experience you had that would have led you to believe that you were able to act so smugly is all.

I would dare you you lack the credentials to speak for the marines fighting in the front lines as well. Wouldn't you agree? Not to discount your military experience in the least, I am glad you serve with distinction.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 12:16 pm
McGentrix wrote:
snood wrote:
Man, I gotta hand it to you - you surely blow smoke very well. The case has been made over and over by you rightwingnuts that the military is pro-Republican and pro-Bush. At least you make that case when you think it serves to buoy up your perverted reasoning about why we are taking military action in the first place. And now that there is hard evidence that this military in this war is more against being in Iraq than for - you sidestep and pull a lot of pseudo-authoritative stuff about what "any" fighting man in "any" war would do.

Well, my full-of-BS- Bushophile friend, this isn't 'any' war - this is BUSH's war. This is the war he insisted on - he had to have - he sent Powell to the UN to make a fabricated case about - he changed rationalizations for so many times, no one has accurate count.

The FACT is that most Americans don't want to be there anymore. The FACT is that most soldiers don't want to be there anymore. You can't sell that Lee Greenwood proud-to-be-an-American-and-spread-freedom crap right now, so you try to peddle some other crap about weak liberals.

And please - don't presume to tell me how soldiers think. I should have some idea withut your advice - I've been active duty for 16 years and counting...

When you decided to speak as an authority on behalf of soldiers, i wanted to know what experience you had that would have led you to believe that you were able to act so smugly is all.

I would dare you you lack the credentials to speak for the marines fighting in the front lines as well. Wouldn't you agree? Not to discount your military experience in the least, I am glad you serve with distinction.

I didn't pretend to speak for anyone - I quoted a Zogby poll, and shared my opinion. The "smugly" thing sounds like your issue, not mine. But thanks for sharing.
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 12:24 pm
snood wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
snood wrote:
Man, I gotta hand it to you - you surely blow smoke very well. The case has been made over and over by you rightwingnuts that the military is pro-Republican and pro-Bush. At least you make that case when you think it serves to buoy up your perverted reasoning about why we are taking military action in the first place. And now that there is hard evidence that this military in this war is more against being in Iraq than for - you sidestep and pull a lot of pseudo-authoritative stuff about what "any" fighting man in "any" war would do.

Well, my full-of-BS- Bushophile friend, this isn't 'any' war - this is BUSH's war. This is the war he insisted on - he had to have - he sent Powell to the UN to make a fabricated case about - he changed rationalizations for so many times, no one has accurate count.

The FACT is that most Americans don't want to be there anymore. The FACT is that most soldiers don't want to be there anymore. You can't sell that Lee Greenwood proud-to-be-an-American-and-spread-freedom crap right now, so you try to peddle some other crap about weak liberals.

And please - don't presume to tell me how soldiers think. I should have some idea withut your advice - I've been active duty for 16 years and counting...

When you decided to speak as an authority on behalf of soldiers, i wanted to know what experience you had that would have led you to believe that you were able to act so smugly is all.

I would dare you you lack the credentials to speak for the marines fighting in the front lines as well. Wouldn't you agree? Not to discount your military experience in the least, I am glad you serve with distinction.

I didn't pretend to speak for anyone - I quoted a Zogby poll, and shared my opinion. The "smugly" thing sounds like your issue, not mine. But thanks for sharing.

Oh, when you said:
And please - don't presume to tell me how soldiers think. I should have some idea withut your advice - I've been active duty for 16 years and counting...

I led me to believe that you counted yourself as an authority on how soldiers thought. If that is not what you meant, then what is you were saying?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 12:38 pm
snood wrote:
Did you ask me a question? Ooops! Probably because I ignore large portions of what you say, McG.

Believe me, you ain't the only one. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 12:55 pm
McGentrix wrote:
snood wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
snood wrote:
Man, I gotta hand it to you - you surely blow smoke very well. The case has been made over and over by you rightwingnuts that the military is pro-Republican and pro-Bush. At least you make that case when you think it serves to buoy up your perverted reasoning about why we are taking military action in the first place. And now that there is hard evidence that this military in this war is more against being in Iraq than for - you sidestep and pull a lot of pseudo-authoritative stuff about what "any" fighting man in "any" war would do.

Well, my full-of-BS- Bushophile friend, this isn't 'any' war - this is BUSH's war. This is the war he insisted on - he had to have - he sent Powell to the UN to make a fabricated case about - he changed rationalizations for so many times, no one has accurate count.

The FACT is that most Americans don't want to be there anymore. The FACT is that most soldiers don't want to be there anymore. You can't sell that Lee Greenwood proud-to-be-an-American-and-spread-freedom crap right now, so you try to peddle some other crap about weak liberals.

And please - don't presume to tell me how soldiers think. I should have some idea withut your advice - I've been active duty for 16 years and counting...

When you decided to speak as an authority on behalf of soldiers, i wanted to know what experience you had that would have led you to believe that you were able to act so smugly is all.

I would dare you you lack the credentials to speak for the marines fighting in the front lines as well. Wouldn't you agree? Not to discount your military experience in the least, I am glad you serve with distinction.

I didn't pretend to speak for anyone - I quoted a Zogby poll, and shared my opinion. The "smugly" thing sounds like your issue, not mine. But thanks for sharing.

Oh, when you said:
And please - don't presume to tell me how soldiers think. I should have some idea withut your advice - I've been active duty for 16 years and counting...

I led me to believe that you counted yourself as an authority on how soldiers thought. If that is not what you meant, then what is you were saying?

Let's put it this way, McG - I have at least as much "authority" on the issue as... oh let me see... YOU do.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 01:06 pm
snood wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
snood wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
snood wrote:
Man, I gotta hand it to you - you surely blow smoke very well. The case has been made over and over by you rightwingnuts that the military is pro-Republican and pro-Bush. At least you make that case when you think it serves to buoy up your perverted reasoning about why we are taking military action in the first place. And now that there is hard evidence that this military in this war is more against being in Iraq than for - you sidestep and pull a lot of pseudo-authoritative stuff about what "any" fighting man in "any" war would do.

Well, my full-of-BS- Bushophile friend, this isn't 'any' war - this is BUSH's war. This is the war he insisted on - he had to have - he sent Powell to the UN to make a fabricated case about - he changed rationalizations for so many times, no one has accurate count.

The FACT is that most Americans don't want to be there anymore. The FACT is that most soldiers don't want to be there anymore. You can't sell that Lee Greenwood proud-to-be-an-American-and-spread-freedom crap right now, so you try to peddle some other crap about weak liberals.

And please - don't presume to tell me how soldiers think. I should have some idea withut your advice - I've been active duty for 16 years and counting...

When you decided to speak as an authority on behalf of soldiers, i wanted to know what experience you had that would have led you to believe that you were able to act so smugly is all.

I would dare you you lack the credentials to speak for the marines fighting in the front lines as well. Wouldn't you agree? Not to discount your military experience in the least, I am glad you serve with distinction.

I didn't pretend to speak for anyone - I quoted a Zogby poll, and shared my opinion. The "smugly" thing sounds like your issue, not mine. But thanks for sharing.

Oh, when you said:
And please - don't presume to tell me how soldiers think. I should have some idea withut your advice - I've been active duty for 16 years and counting...

I led me to believe that you counted yourself as an authority on how soldiers thought. If that is not what you meant, then what is you were saying?

Let's put it this way, McG - I have at least as much "authority" on the issue as... oh let me see... YOU do.

Fair enough.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 01:08 pm
McGentrix wrote:
[Oh, when you said:
And please - don't presume to tell me how soldiers think. I should have some idea withut your advice - I've been active duty for 16 years and counting...

I led me to believe that you counted yourself as an authority on how soldiers thought. If that is not what you meant, then what is you were saying?

McG, you do realize SOME is not the same as ALL, don't you? Snood is right. It seems to be YOUR ISSUE and not his. He never claimed to speak for all nor did he claim all soldiers think alike.
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 01:19 pm
parados wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
[Oh, when you said:
And please - don't presume to tell me how soldiers think. I should have some idea withut your advice - I've been active duty for 16 years and counting...

I led me to believe that you counted yourself as an authority on how soldiers thought. If that is not what you meant, then what is you were saying?

McG, you do realize SOME is not the same as ALL, don't you? Snood is right. It seems to be YOUR ISSUE and not his. He never claimed to speak for all nor did he claim all soldiers think alike.

I agree Snood does not have ALL the ideas.
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 01:33 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Actually, Fedral, I think you will find that soldiers ALWAYS want to come home, but do NOT always think they should "get out of there".

I think of my uncle's letters from England during WW II, where he flew bombers over germany...especially the letter sent on D Day, as he waited to take off on what he obviously knew, as always, might be his last mission.

Sure, he wanted to come home, but he also clearly felt that what he was doing was worth the horror, and was deeply frustrated that others were flying while ha was still on the ground.

Maybe its because the people and press at home weren't tearing the war effort down continuously, or finding allied conspiracies under every tree.

Do you actually believe that the news and information they get is the same as what you see? I wish there were someone here who was actually in Iraq, so that they could tell us what news they get. I would be willing to bet it's filtered through the government lens.

In other words, your contention is nothing more than a pile of horseshit you've come up with to convince yourself that you're right.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 01:47 pm
I bet there are liberals in the military, take Snood for example. I will be willing to bet that some of even the front line soldiers are allowed to surf the internet and see what is going on at home. They probably receive email, letters and other assorted forms of communication that allow them to hear what is going on at home. They hardly live in a bubble.
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 01:54 pm
Really, McG? Then how do you explain the fact that, as the article states, "85 percent of troops in Iraq still think they're fighting "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9-11 attacks."?
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 01:58 pm
I have no idea. I ignore polls.
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 02:03 pm
McGentrix wrote:
How much of that has been in combat Snood?

Typical snide hatefulness--how much combat time did you log, wise guy?
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 02:07 pm
Setanta wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
How much of that has been in combat Snood?

Typical snide hatefulness--how much combat time did you log, wise guy?

Go squat in someone elses pond, I have no time for you.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 02:12 pm
Translation--you have no combat experience, but you want to sneer at Snood on that basis.
0 Replies

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