McGentrix wrote:Go take a look in the mirrior Set. I am through with your childish antics.
You are the one in need of a mirror.
You came in here and sneered at Snood, asking how much combat time he had. When i ask you how much you've got, you get typically hateful. You don't come to this site for any other purpose than to attack those with whom you disagree politically. You don't post in any other forum, you don't respond to any other type of topic than political, and your stock in trade is the sneer, the bilious, invidious characterization of those whom you see as your opponents.
You launched a sneering attack on Snood because it galls you that he would suggest the troops are not behind the war and the Idiot in Chief on Pennsylvania Avenue. When the very terms of your sneer get turned back on you, you try to divert the topic with personal attacks.
If it was germane to ask Snood how much combat he has been through, then it must be germane to ask you the same thing.