We just need more GREAT Americans, period. :wink:
But, Momma Angel--people we can identify with--admire--emulate. How often does a great American like Mohammed Ali come around?
Please don't misunderstand. I'm not saying that Mohammed Ali is not a great man. Not at all.
What I am saying is if we all strive to be the best we can be and do what is best for EVERYONE and not just for ourselves, we could all be GREAT.
But, Momma Angel, we need leaders!!
Do you know anyone as articulate and as inspiring as Muhammed Ali?
Bush sets out Iraq security plans
US President George W Bush has set out his strategy to tackle the violence in Iraq, in an attempt to counter American scepticism over the war.
He gave details of coalition attempts to build up the Iraqi security forces and said: "We will not lose our nerve."
And he accused Iran of contributing to the unrest in Iraq by arming militants with improvised explosive devices.
His speech comes ahead of the third anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq on 20 March.
Mr Bush admitted the situation in Iraq "is still tense", but said there was also "signs of a hopeful future".
"Iraqis have shown the world they want a future of freedom and peace and they will oppose a violent minority that seeks to take future away from them by tearing their country apart," he said.
"Signs of a hopeful future?" Where does this guy live?
Yes, we do need leaders. I will not and cannot deny that, mele.
Do I know anyone? Personally? No. I have to think on if I could actually endorse anyone right now as being in the same class as Ali. I'll get back to you.
If I may be so bold, Momma Angel, may I suggest some brilliant Americans who could be listed as true inspirations?
Michael Moore
Dan Rather
Al Sharpton
Barbra Striesand
Sheila Jackson Lee
Barney Frank
Jerry Springer
Jim McDermott
Maxine Waters
and last but not least
Phil Donahue
With inspirational leaders such as the above, there is nothing that the USA couldn't do.
Oh man, are you ever fulla you-know-what.
Perhaps, Snood, but I remain unconvinced of that until it can be proven. I am sure that you can do better than that. Please try!!!! All you have to do is to show that the people I listed are not inspirational leaders.
Don't you think they are, snood?
mele42846 wrote:Perhaps, Snood, but I remain unconvinced of that until it can be proven. I am sure that you can do better than that. Please try!!!! All you have to do is to show that the people I listed are not inspirational leaders.
Don't you think they are, snood?
What do I think? I think you are a bottom dweller who gets his sad kicks from trying to stir up meaningless arguments. I think you try to pose as some sickminded caricature with some exagerrated views that you think will rile someone into arguing with you. I wouldn't be suprised if getting any kind of angry rise out of someone on these forums is one of your foremost sources of joy. And I think that's unspeakably sad.
spiro agnew, richard nixon and robert welch come to mind, mele, do you remember them?
I am sure that you are incorrect, Snood. I have many "sources" of joy.None of them include getting an "angry rise"out of anybody.
When you debate, and facts are given, there should be no "angry rise". The only thing there should be is a dispassionate look at the facts and, if need be, a dispassionate rebuttal using reliable evidence.
I doubt that I am a "bottom dweller" as you indicated. I am most careful of avoiding "bottom dwellers" since I understand they are inimical to your health.
mele, "If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you."
Muhammad Ali
blueflame1 wrote:
Muhammad Ali
met ali once back in the early 80's. he was quite nice.
DontTreadOnMe, great man. The Greatest.
Nice? Nice?Is that all you have to say about one of the most influential men in the United States? Do you know how many yooung people he has influenced? Have you ever attended one of his speechs in which he exorts boys and girls to stay in school.
I am sure that few would admit this but I am convinced that the main reason Muhammed Ali did not go on to election to high office was because of racial prejudice.
A great American that knew when to speak up against the war in Vietnam.
blueflame1 wrote:DontTreadOnMe, great man. The Greatest.
he's done a lot of charity work out here. and it seems like he's done some good stuff back in our shared hometown.
ya know, i was really surprised how soft his hand was when we shook. i expected leather. and didn't have one of those break your fingers grips either.
i guess when ya can make hamburger outta the other guy, ya don't need to get all macho.
Lets get past this insult session and get back to the "survey" for a minute.
I dont know what soldiers were asked the survey,but I do know this.
If you put me,a trained combat medic,into a situation where I am pushing papers,then I would also say I want out.
Soldiers are not trained to be policemen,nor are we trained as social workers.
A soldiers job is to kill people and break things.
When you put a combat soldier into any other role besides what he is trained for,he is going to want out.
So,knowing that,I am a little skeptical of the survey,because I dont know who was asked or what they were doing at the time.
That will make a difference in the results.