snood wrote:Fedral wrote:I'd venture a guess to say that if, after a couple of years of sustained combat, you had asked soldiers fighting ANY war if they want it over and want to come home, the answer would have been a resounding YES.
Being in combat isn't fun.
Soldiers don't LIKE killing people. (No matter WHAT you Liberal friends say.)
NO ONE wants to be away from their friends and family for long periods of time.
If you read any NON fiction about the soldiers in World War One, Two, Korea, Vietnam and the First Gulf War, you will find a common thread through all them.
We are TIRED and we want to come HOME !
That doesn't mean that they are allowed to, just because they WANT to.
That's why the military isn't a Democracy...
The people above you decide when it is over.
If they ran the military any other way:
1) Half your troops would vote to go home after their first fire fight.
2) Most of the rest would decide to leave the Theatre of Operations within a year.
3) No Army would ever achieve their stated abjectives because everyone would 'vote' to go home.
4) The cart doesn't pull the horse and soldiers don't get to vote whether to go home or not.
5) Doing things any other way leads to anarchy and an ineffective military.
Man, I gotta hand it to you - you surely blow smoke very well. The case has been made over and over by you rightwingnuts that the military is pro-Republican and pro-Bush. At least you make that case when you think it serves to buoy up your perverted reasoning about why we are taking military action in the first place. And now that there is hard evidence that this military in this war is more against being in Iraq than for - you sidestep and pull a lot of pseudo-authoritative stuff about what "any" fighting man in "any" war would do.
Well, my full-of-BS- Bushophile friend, this isn't 'any' war - this is BUSH's war. This is the war he insisted on - he had to have - he sent Powell to the UN to make a fabricated case about - he changed rationalizations for so many times, no one has accurate count.
The FACT is that most Americans don't want to be there anymore. The FACT is that most soldiers don't want to be there anymore. You can't sell that Lee Greenwood proud-to-be-an-American-and-spread-freedom crap right now, so you try to peddle some other crap about weak liberals.
And please - don't presume to tell me how soldiers think. I should have some idea withut your advice - I've been active duty for 16 years and counting...
Look Child, there is NO way for you to know that UNLESS YOU have asked EACH ONE!
HOW many blogs written by our service people IN IRAQ DO YOU READ?
I doubt it is as many as I read.
How many blogs written by our service people who were there do you read?
I doubt it is as many as I read.
And it is NOT (As anyone who has sufficent knowledge knows) BUSH"S WAR!
I am NOT a BUSH fan, I HATE his pushing his religion and some of his other policies. I am an Atheist and an Independent so do not be so ignorant as to say I am a Neo-Con or a Republican.