PRESS RELEASE (check out the headline! i am a tapdancing slave girl, wheeee!) :
Tap-dancing Romans, Sexy Slave Girls and more in the Gold Dust Orphans' New Funky Fresh Musical
Cleopatra! - opening April 21st!
The mighty AFRODITE stars as Cleopatra in this musical re-telling of the legendary story of passions and politics between Egypt and Rome!
BOSTON, MA - Move over, Elizabeth Taylor. Starting April 21st, Ryan Landry's Gold Dust Orphans will be kicking up their own high heels in their new musical extravaganza, "Cleopatra!", opening April 21st and playing through May 27th, 2006. Cleopatra! promises to be the largest Orphans outing yet, featuring "a cast of thousands" singing and dancing their way out of their minds and into your hearts.
Featuring music ranging from soul to funk, from R&B to vaudeville-inspired tunes, over 100 costumes and sumptuous production numbers, the Orphans vow to make Cleopatra! their most monumental of any show to date. "I promise there will not be a more lavish musical extravaganza in Boston this spring or summer than the Gold Dust Orphans' Cleopatra!" commented Orphans founder/producer, Ryan Landry. "In fact, if I'm wrong, I'll eat my negligee!"
Cleopatra! is an original musical written by Landry featuring music by Landry and Bill Hough, and as always, the glamorous Elliot Norton award-winning Gold Dust Orphans. Starring the legendary Afrodite as Cleopatra, this spanking-new production also includes veteran Orphans Mark Meehan as Marc Antony, Penny Champayne as Octavia, Gene Dante as Octavian, Olive Another as Clamidia and Ryan Landry as Julius Caesar. New Orphans for this production include Cheri Amour as Syphilis, Claudio Day as Ptolemy and Josh Pritchard as Fagonius. Jim Byrne returns to direct his umpteenth Orphans production; all Busby Berkeley-inspired choreography is directed by the ominously talented Sarah Sweetly.
Cleopatra! plays April 21st through May 27th, on Friday and Saturday evenings, 8:00 pm, at the Machine Theater, aka Ramrod Center for the Performing Arts, 1254 Boylston Street, behind Fenway Park in Boston's Fenway Cultural District. Tickets are $25 general admission, and reservations can be made by calling the Gold Dust Orphans Box Office at 617-265-6222. Boston's Weekly Dig is the exclusive Media Partner for Cleopatra!
About The Gold Dust Orphans: The Gold Dust Orphans, founded by writer/performer Ryan Landry in 1995, is a diverse group of local legends with an uncommon goal - to provoke, challenge and entertain audiences with low-budget, high-octane original shows, often based on popular or standard works of film, theatre and popular culture. Gold Dust Orphans, Inc. is a 501c3 fully incorporated nonprofit. They've never accepted a cent from the government. Mostly because the government has never offered.
WHAT: Cleopatra!, an original musical by Ryan Landry and Bill Hough
WHO: The Gold Dust Orphans - Ryan Landry, producer & author
WHEN: Friday and Saturday evenings, 8:00 pm April 21 through May 27, 2006
*MATINEE ON SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd at 3:00 pm.
WHERE: Machine Theater, 1254 Boylston Street
PURCHASING: (866) 811-4111 or
RESERVATIONS: The Gold Dust Orphans box office - 617-265-6222 for pay-at-the-door reservations ONLY