Mon 27 Feb, 2006 04:14 pm
So.... following my panic thread on auditioning for a musical comes this one. I did get into the musical, and I will be soon dancing, singing, tap dancing, and possibly boxing on stage. Or all at once.
The theatre company calls itself Gold Dust Orphans and most of the actors are gay guys who go all the way out. Results are showy, funny, glittery draq queen happenings. This show is called Cleopatra! (including the exclamation point) and I will be one of the lead slaves, or perhaps a warrior.
That means I need to dust off my tap dancing shoes and get back into shape STAT. And figure out a schedule that will fit in a full time job, dissertation writing, preparation for a conference that i'm going to at the end of March (write a book chapter for that one, so about 30 pages paper), tapdancing, and boxing. And a2k, but that one is easiest, it seems. Oh, and rehearsals, when the time comes.
I will blog about the rehearsals and shows, the boyz at the comany and all the mishaps that I will cause or be a witness to.
Daaarling Dag--
Memoirs are such mad, mad fun.
Thank you. It sure won't be dull, methinks. is the theatre compnay's site. i hope i'm not breaking TOS by posting it, then again, i'm not trying to sell anything. i apologize preventively. (preventatively?) eh, in advance.
oh dagmaraka,
you are going to have yourself one hell of a time.
by golly, gosh, darn i think we should form an
A2K Hall of Fame for our stars!!!!!!!
...and then, later, perhaps also a Hall of Shame, if the performance goes all awry*.
*thank you for an opportunity to use that word. I love it, always have, always will, even though I have pronounced it wrong for almost 20 years (oh-ree).
Congratulations Dag, Isn't that you behind the two headed orphan?
Thanks for doing this thread, dagmaraka. I was already hooked on your "panic" thread. Like everyone else, I will be vicariously following your theater experience.
This congratulations is also a book mark. I will be watching with fingers crossed and high expectations.
For a lazy slacker, Dag does manage to keep busy.
Great idea for a thread, dag.
(I think that may be Dag with the headless teddy bear...)
Eh, lion... Aaanybody can be a lazy slacker. But try to be a lazy slacker that has seven things to keep track of and remain a lazy slacker. THAT'S art!
mac, you may have gotten it right. on a bad day. that thing certainly resembles me.
The bad thing is that I won't be able to make it to Chicago for gathering, which I was really really looking forward to. Hopefully they will become an annual tradition.
All the boyz from the theatre are at the Mardi Gras in New Orleans....:-) That means I won't know about rehearsal schedules till next weekend, but I'm so bloody excited I signed up for a tap dance class, starting on Thursday.
I dreamed about this last night, an indication that I'm wildly jealous.
Remember, Dak Diva, you have your fan club at A2K, every member living vicariously.
Dak Diva, little time warp there....
Go Dag! I loved your India diaries, I'm sure I'll love this. (Sooner or later you're gonna have a non-academic book out of all of these adventures...)
I am so thrilled for you! You go girl! I know you will be spectacular, fabulous, marvelous, and every other wonderful word there is! American Idol? What's that?
As I've heard they say in show business, "Break a leg!" That's a good thing to say, isn't it? :wink:
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who looks excitedly forward to living vicariously through Dag's Orphan experiences.
Wow, congrats, that is so exciting. It sounds like sooo much fun.
The Diva Arises .
actually, retires into her chambers right now...
thanks. and good night.
you're so lucky that you have more than one chamber...