I have these hemmed pants you can you use....just don't catch your eye in the zipper.
Thanks, Chai.
I am honored.
(Wait 'til Kicky hears that I'm in your pants!)
Iffy said loudly that March was not a suitable month for gardening, but I went out and raked oak leaves off my bulbs anyway.
Iffy was Not Amused.
I can usually kill a thread by posting on it, (but not the thread which is about killing a thread by posting on it,) but still with some great regularity, especially my own topics.
[size=7]I am SO tempted not to reply now![/size]
The might wielder of the Powerful Parentheses has spoken!
And Iffy might have a point there. Isn't anything that doesn't get her extra naps or some sort of meat to eat a waste of time?
And Iffy might have a point there. Isn't anything that doesn't get her extra naps or some sort of meat to eat a waste of time?
She's not quite that limited. She also enjoys extra TLC and an occasional dog fight.
A girl's gotta expand her horizons.
Iffy's current ambition is to chaperone skunks.
Iffy's current ambition has been--and will be--thwarted.
I am able to give a cat a pill!
Excellent (and probably very necessary) protective gear. Outstanding!
Thanks, I should have the full use of my right arm back in a few days.
Actually, I am good at doing that. Lulu had to get a pill every day for a couple of years. We both got used to this routine.
It's best to do it after they eaten something, their throat is more open or something.
I'd start by putting the pill between my lips, so I had the full use of both hands.
You make your approach, pick up, flip so she's belly up, like you're holding a baby, sit down on the couch, swivel the cat so the head is on your knees and butt and feet are by your stomach, take pill from lips with right hand, while cradling back of cats head gently but in a "no nonsense from you missy" manner with your left hand. (she should be face toward the ceiling, glaring at you.)
Take pill and push it at the right side of her mouth, which will cause her to open her mouth to tell you to go f*ck yourself, and you drop the pill in so it plummets clear to the back of her throat.
Quickly move right hand around cat's muzzle, closing her mouth, while she becomes momentarily round eyed in surprise and confusion.
Stroke neck until you feel this little gulp. Release cat into low orbit as she just figured out you picked her up.
Once you've got it, the whole operation takes 15-20 seconds.
I'm currently learning how to brush a cats teeth.
I can fix problems with computers and mobile phones...i have no real knowledge..i just fiddle around with them long enough and then somehow, it's up and working again....
I can make drab houses look fresh and inviting...
i get into the psyche of the guests

before i cook...i like to customize my dishes....
do i qualify???
But of course, oh Dish Customizer Gal, wielding the Spatula of Love and the mighty Whisk of Liberty!!
Don't forget Grinder of Mysterious Eastern Spices!
Roland the Cat has recently developed a superpower!
He is able to produce a hole the exact size of his body in a solid dome of Gerber Daisies!
Pretty impressive, huh?
I am Latin Quote Guy!
Possessor of linguistic skills many centuries out-of-date.
oh george...
easy one for you...
please translate "abandon all hope"
I want to put that over my office door.
well as long as your at it...the whole thing...abandon all hope ye who enter here...is that it?