Every one of us has a quirky little power. Perhaps not what most think of as a superpower. Probably not flying (unless with an airplane, helicopter or hang glider), x-ray vision or the like. More like day to day superpowers.
And, I say, we can be heroes, if only in our minds. Heroes of bringing in the donuts. Heroes of putting the cap securely back on the magic marker so that it doesn't dry out. Heroes of changing the clocks when Daylight Savings time kicks in.
My superpowers are the ability to recognize a signature from three paces (four if my glasses are on), and the ability to administer an oath. I wield the mighty
Stamp of Truth

and the Embosser Seal of Justice (shown here with its nifty carrying pouch)

So, what's
your superpower?!??!
We can be heroes, if just for one day.