i haven't been to doctor's or dentist's for years either, seaglass. fortunately am healthy as a horse, so musn't grumble there.
it's less of a big deal today, ironically. i'm just gonna go and wing it. if it's too much i can always say sorry, i can't do this, i'm a political scientist really.
Good Luck Dag, if you decide to do the two towel thing I'll catch the next flight out.
gay guyz? Can I audition as well ?
sure you can! it's today and tomorrow! it's gonna be a hoot! come over, superG!
i decided to do the czech song and if they want, i'll do the frank mills song. that's what feels most comfortable. i'll do the Black Boys if they ask for more (highly unlikely)
please give us all the details when you come back from the tryout. (it sounds like a fun experience)
Nerves aren't necessarily a bad thing. Back when I did these sorts of things, if I didn't feel nervous during a cattle call or a reading, I probably didn't make much of an impression -- especially for something where naturalism wasn't called for (and I don't think it is in your case).
Just don't, like, crap yourself or go up on your lines or make any sorts of puddles on the floor.
Wow, I thought the pic of Dag in the towel was pretty hot.
i may regret this, but eh, whatever. today is The Brave Day. here is an authentic towel photo for you, cj. It is, however, from quite a few years back.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You're very beautiful Dag. I'm sure you are even prettier now.
So, how did it go?
not there yet. it's at 6:30pm. I will surely post all the details of my voluntary public embarassment project.
Will there be any videos available?
I have distribution rights.
Does this mean, I have to be on your good side, in order to see the
OK. I'm in full battle makeup, my blood red nails are drying.... and i still don't know which of the three songs i will go with. can't think about it anymore. i hope there will be just a few people and that it will be laid back enough to relax a bit. i'll go according to the mood i'll be in that second.
dag, for christ sake, these are just a couple of gay guys,
just imagine them in underwear and you'll be able to perform
like a diva.
well yeah. i'd prefer if they were straight, but it just might be more fun this way, eh ;-) ?
Probably! Innocent fun, to say the least.
going soon.... bit nervous. mmmm quite a bit, actually.