shhhhh. it's still not official. but littlek would tell you i'm going berserk with all the anticipation. when will they write? will they take me? what if 60 other people came to the auditions after me and all were much more brilliant? arrrrgggghhh.
You were first and got that kind of reaction? Not to worry, then. The only worse position would be the last, when they'd already made up their minds.
I really like Dagnabit, but it just doesn't sound showbusiness.
Tallulah Bogdanovich would make a mighty fine stage name...
tallulah bogdanovich... hmmm, i like that. or shadow tamara.
how about Tamara Manana?
dagmaraka! have you received any confirmation from the theater group?
nooooo (whine, sniff). they perform, thu,fri, and sat, so i don't expect to hear from them until sunday if that. grrrrrrrrr. <pulling hair out>
Your anxiousness is understandable. But still, you did a great job at the tryout.
(you mentioned you like shadow tamara and tamara manana....................shadow manana would make the initials careful about that!)
(That could fit right in...)
I love "Afrodite". (The star of the show that Dag will... ahem "hopefully"... oh what the heck "will"... be in.)
Tamara Manana (esentially 'tomorrow, tomorrow')is especially good for a procrastinator of my format. You need to pronounce it with a mean Bostonian accent.
Nom de Guerre? Hassles & Hips.
...still haven't heard from them. hopefully tomorrow (well, today, as it is 2am now). they had performances every night. if i won't hear from them by tomorrow night, i'll give them a call. i need to hear it confirmed, one way or another.
Tapdancer/boxers who can carry a tune are Very Rare Animals.
grrrr... still no word....
5 minutes and the weekend is officially over. i think i can call them tomorrow - they were suppose to write during the weekend. then again, they are all artists. gay at that. they're probably worse than me at this sort of a thing, so i should show more understanding for people not doing something on time. i hate being on the other end though. usually I am the one that is being waited for.
And let this be a lesson to you, young lady!
<sorry, it's my mom reflex, overactive lately, gotta see the doctor about that...>
(Hope you hear from 'em soon!)
i just left a message on one of the guys' cellphone. i hope that will speed things up a bit.
....what lesson? oh, not to be late? there were maaaaany many lessons in my life on that topic already. i try, i really do.