Chumly wrote:Hi-yah blatham,
To address your queries directly: I have no concrete way of making direct comparisons between various US administrations as to which have operated more secretively and which have not. Precisely by what barometer do you make such (presumably) objective assessments?
It is always worrisome as per excess consolidation of media, but (due to my technology / knowledge base arguments) whether that is at present a real-living-breathing-serious long term trend that will choke-off free expression is an open question indeed, of which (I again remind you) you have yet to supply fuel for your views.
For example: I argue newspapers and magazines are already to some fair degree passé, and that trend (as per the decline of traditional media) will increase exponentially.
You do like the word "exponential". And apparently, you do hope or trust that some mathematical formula will deliver you from human nature. You recognize, I'm hoping, that there is the serious whiff of utopianism in your faith here.
As regards secretiveness/manipulation of information by this administration, others have given you some information. Much else has been offered up previously on this thread and I'll leave you to do some research and reading if you choose to take the time.
You make a claim (or a range of claims perhaps) which suggest an inevitable, inexorable and logically necessary relationship between technological advance and reduction in information suppression/manipulation, thus, you imply, a commensurate lessening of any need for citizens to worry about the matter. Suggestions that we still ought to worry you label 'fear mongering'. I submit to you that I see no problem if you personally do not worry.
Earlier, you mentioned the influence of reportage of Viet Nam and how that dissemination of information (press and tv) increased transparency and acted to limit government/military structures designed to hide or color information. That's true, of course. But Viet Nam was, in terms of information technology, a very long time ago. Yet new and very effective structures have been built up provide the very same functions. And, in a modern and completely Orwellian twist on this, those structures or strategies are now complimented by a media system (Fox et al) which very successfully misinforms citizens (citations earlier).
Where in Vancouver are you? I was in the west end for three decades before moving to new york, in one of the turn of the century homes still standing on Denman (above what was the Brass Monkey).