georgeob1 wrote:You are merely changing the subject. My point about population trends was accurate as I stated it. You have offered nothing to refute that.
Given that the subject was "Information control, or, How to get to Orwellian governance" I find your claim entertaining. Now if your agenda was to focus on population trends to the exclusion of all else, that's your choice not mine.
georgeob1 wrote:You evidently postulate that "environmental degradation" is an inescapable fact of modern life.
A supposition not based on facts in evidence. As such, no I do not, only as things stand.
georgeob1 wrote:and that it increases on a per capita basis with increased economic development.
Yes that a the trend, can you refute it? So far you have not been able to on a net global long term basis.
georgeob1 wrote:While there is no doubt that the industrial age involved much more rapid percapits consumption of resources than the bucolic ages that preceded it,
Even without the most recent push of the newest leg of the industrial age, the net result would be the same as we are now experiencing, it would just take a little longer.
georgeob1 wrote:the case is simply not there for continued modern development in recent decades.
Make you case as per:
Chumly wrote:As a reasonable barometer of global declining environmental living conditions I suggest you draw a parallel between the massive decline of global amphibians and the planets bio-heath. And don't give me any of that "well those damn shoe gazers as per The Club Of Rome were wrong, so nobody can be right sophistry!
georgeob1 wrote:An excellent example of this is the significant reduction in the former South Asian "Brown Cloud" of massive airborne particulate contamination as a result of massive use of primitive wood and charcoal burning for warmth, food production and energy. Modern methods have significantly reduced these emissions, even as populations have risen.
Simply a myopic minor knee jerk reaction with little net long term global efficacy, but better than doing nothing I suppose. Make your case as per:
Chumly wrote:As a reasonable barometer of global declining environmental living conditions I suggest you draw a parallel between the massive decline of global amphibians and the planets bio-heath. And don't give me any of that "well those damn shoe gazers as per The Club Of Rome were wrong, so nobody can be right sophistry!
Making argument about your perceptions about what you think is happening does not in any way change any of the underlying factual indicators such as the massive decline in amphibians world wide.
Those types of bio-indicators are the measure of global heath and survivability, not meaningless arguments such as South Asian "Brown Cloud" clean up efficacy.