blatham wrote:Ticomaya wrote:blatham wrote:tico said
Quote:So you think there ought to be a law forcing radio stations to carry Air America, or some other leftist radio show, to balance out if they are carrying Rush or Hannity?
More properly stated, I would reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine (thanks, george). The rationale, if it isn't obvious, is to promote maximal diversity of political opinion in the community. Therefore, a consequence would be Air America including roughly equal time for your viewpoint as well.
That would have a chilling effect on talk radio, something I quite understand you would support. The consequence would be fewer talk radio programs, not greater.
Does your viewpoint extend to newspapers as well? Ought the NYT be forced to provide equal space in its editorial pages for conservative opinions?
Why would a chilling effect follow? Who or what would be chilled and why?
Because of the effect it would have on radio broadcasters, fearful of the application of the doctrine, and therefore choosing to not broadcast any political viewpoints entirely, with a net reduction in the broadcasting of any political opinion via the radio. After all, who is going to police the rule? Who is to say what is satisfactory, and what is not?
Quote:There's a substantial period of time where the FD was in place. Do you have any grasp of the situation in that period of time?
Yes. Do you have a grasp of the situation that lead to the discontinuation of the policy?
Quote:Why would there be fewer talk radio shows? How would that happen?
See above.
Quote:Does the number of talk radio shows show a correspondence with diversity of viewpoint? Would 500 air americas look good to you?
I believe the marketplace ought to drive this, not the government. If liberal talk radio cannot survive on its own, why should it survive at all? After all, you leftists still have the majority of the newspapers.
Quote:From a regulation viewpoint, is market demand the sole proper determinant of what the air waves ought to carry? What about pornography? Snuff films? What establishes the proper area or limit of government interference?
Lofty questions, blatham, well beyond the scope of the issue we're discussing -- whether a company ought to be able to determine where to spend its advertising dollar. I don't have a problem with limitations on the broadcasting of pornography or snuff films. Do you?
Quote:Ought there to be any limits on media ownership/monopolies? why?
To a very limited degree, because the broadcast market is finite. But because of the increasing number of broadcasters in the market, it isn't possible to monopolize the market today. How many channels do you have on your TV? How many stations on your radio dial?
Quote:As to the difference between broadcast media and papers...
Quote:This doctrine grew out of concern that because of the large number of applications for radio station being submitted and the limited number of frequencies available, broadcasters should make sure they did not use their stations simply as advocates with a singular perspective. Rather, they must allow all points of view. That requirement was to be enforced by FCC mandate
So you do not think newspapers (overwhelmingly liberal) ought to be fair, just radio talk shows (overwhelmingly conservative). How convenient.