blatham wrote:blatham said
Quote:wouldn't the more proper alignment of things be that the first three of those Newsweek covers carry what is on the American version and the American version carry what's on the other three?
tico said
Quote:I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "proper alignment." One can expect Newsweek to do what it feels will sell the most copies. It's surprising it did not believe the first three covers would sell the most copies to target leftists in the US. They seem to be, by and large, interested in the same articles the terrorists are.
You proposed that the terrorists are more likely to read the issues with the jihadist on the cover.
No, I did not propose that. You made that assumption.
Quote:Your implication seems to be that Newsweek is irresponsible for carrying information which might embolden them.
That would be in keeping with all the other times I've made that implication.
Quote:So, my question proposed a reversal of who sees what cover...happy family goodness and victorious (American victories) propaganda for the jihadists but harsh truth for the American population. Seem better? It does to me, at least in the confines of the imaginary (and very unlikely) assumptions of readership and in the confines of either/or.
Better in what sense?
But of course if Newsweek were to do that it would not be in keeping with the implication that they are interested in conveying information that would embolden the terrorists. So, given all that, and in the confines of the assumptions you are making, you should not be surprised at the cover decisions that were made.
Quote:But I'm guessing you won't like that option either.
You seem to be doing a lot of guessing lately.
The other possibility, of course, is that I don't care too much about it one way or the other.
Quote:Bad news, re Iraq or Afghanistan, either can't be true or if it is ought not to be spoken of openly to anyone, citizen or not. Citizens ought to trust their leaders. Questioning those leaders sharply or doubting them openly or contesting their claims or revealing information which shows their claims to be false or deceitful is not the proper role of the citizenry.
The leaders are up at the top. The citizens are lesser. They ought to know their proper places and behave as supplicants or subjects.
Is that it?
Leftists have a long history of questioning or opposing their government during times of war. It's what they do.