Bush supporters' aftermath thread II

Reply Tue 11 Jul, 2006 12:01 pm
Blatham: Regardless of who sits on the ascending thrones around my new home, this city is deliciously liberal. And how could it not be, with its perennial ethnic and cultural mix and with its history as the precedent example for America's New Deal notions and legislation?

It is very much more difficult to foster the authoritarian frame of mind with its demands for uniformity of beliefs and values in a place like New York.

And doesn't that tell us rather a lot about the role (indeed, the necessity) of scapegoating or demonizing "the other" in authoritarian thinking?

foxfyre: How is a statement like this not 'authoritarian thinking'?

The term refers to the demand for strict obedience to a singular authority (religious, governmental, whatever). By definition, diversity is anaethma to authoritarianism. Yes? Those who are 'different' become 'unjustifiably different' or 'the unwanted other'.

blatham: And it goes a long way to helping us understand why the large port cities aren't thought of favorably by certain folks elsewhere who tend to favor one proper language,

foxfyre: You see it as a bad thing that everybody be able to reasonably communicate in a language? It is unreasonable that a country pick a common language to communicate in whether it be English, French, German, or whatever?

There is nothing bad about people speaking the same language. And there is nothing good about it either, except in some limited sense of "efficiency". Sameness is always more "efficient". As George Bush said recently, it would be easier to be a dictator.

Except in some case such as air traffic communications where safety would be jeopardized through language diversity, demands for uniformity look either simply lazy or an aspect of that authoritarian distaste or discomfort with diversity. Obviously, European cultures not only manage facility in numerous languages but are enriched by it. Most Canadians are now at least minimally bilingual and the policies which put this bilingualism in place have worked to unite french and english speakers, to diminish that sense of "the different other".

blatham: one proper faith,

foxfyre: I'll give you this one. I don't know anybody who demands that other than some radical Atheists, but I think most Americans do agree with the First Amendment.

Yes, you do know people who consider there is but one proper faith, who hold that other faiths are false, and that the only route to salvation is through Jesus.

blatham: one proper skin color,

foxfyre: Well, in truth America (as has Canada, Europe, etc.) has been guilty of that in the past. But the operative word here is past. A handful of racial bigots remain. They have little voice, no power, and no credibility with the population as a whole in America and in most other advanced countries.

Yes. But you let your nation off the hook rather too easily. In 1982, Bob Jones university argued before the SC that "God intended segregation of the races and that the scriptures forbid interracial marriage." A year later, after losing their case, they paid a million in back taxes rather than reverse that policy. It remained in place until 2000 and there is a very great liklihood that the policy was reversed out of perceived political necessity and nothing more moral or humane (or christian) than that.

I have no problem acknowledging racism (re native inhabitants) in Canada. Your nation's failings, where it does fail, does not let Canadians off the hook.

blatham: one proper attitude towards the rest of the world.

foxfyre: I honestly tried to put a positive spin on this one, but I honestly do not know what you mean with this one and can't comment.

For a radical Muslim of the sort we need to worry about, the rest of the world is "the infidel other", the west is "satanic", and other legal/social traditions are "improper" laws or codes.

For Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, 9/11 wouldn't have happened if all Americans were heterosexual and conservative christians.

For John Bolton, any and all international treaties and agreements present only a temporary and delusional appearance of benefit to America. The only proper way to regard the rest of the world is that it is "the other".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Jul, 2006 12:17 pm
Detainees to Get Protections Under Geneva Conventions

By Fred Barbash
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 11, 2006; 12:26 PM

The Bush administration, in an apparent policy reversal sparked by a recent Supreme Court ruling, said today it will extend the guarantees of humane treatment specified by the Geneva Conventions to detainees in the war-on-terror.

In a memo released by the Pentagon this morning, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, citing the Supreme Court's decision, ordered all Pentagon personnel to "adhere to these standards" and to "promptly review" all policies and practices "to ensure that they comply with the standards" of the Geneva Convention's Common Article 3.

Since 2001, the administration has argued that the Geneva Conventions would be respected as a matter of policy but that they did not apply by law. The Supreme Court, in a 5-3 decision, rejected that view.

White House spokesman Tony Snow confirmed the new approach, according to wire service reports, saying that while detainees have been treated humanely, "we want to get it right. . . . It's not really a reversal of policy." Snow called the Supreme Court decision "complex."

But in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee today, Steven Bradbury, acting assistant attorney general, stated that the court has indeed "imposed another baseline standard . . . that we must now interpret and implement."

Jesus Christ! Do these people even have it within themselves to speak honestly?!
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Reply Tue 11 Jul, 2006 09:19 pm
pachelbel wrote:
No surprise at all coming from someone who wears a cheese on his head.
This is perhaps the best reasoned argument I've seen you make... ever. Idea

Is that right? And I've yet to see you make a reasoned argument.

pachelbel wrote:
If you can comprehend this: I said that the American Dream is DEAD because no one can afford it, whether they work their tails off or not.
Comprehended the first time... but it remains an idiotically ill informed, unsubstantiated, presumption. The kind I naturally disagree with, if only because I know better.

Now that's the type of 'argument' I would expect from you, Cheesie. "If only because I know better". No facts, no nothing, unsubstantiated, presumptuous- and might I add, idiotically ill informed. You'll have to take it up with the writer of the article, who did actually supply facts. Something you forget to include with your responses.
pachelbel wrote:
Do you get that 1% of the US population controls 95% of the wealth? Don't believe me? I don't really care. It's easy to look up, but you'd rather live in Disneyland and parade around with a cheese on your head. Typical.
Laughing I've no quibble with your statistic, while admitting I haven't recently looked it up; I simply don't care. You're talking about three million people (if you're accurate) and rather than whine and cry, I'm currently working towards becoming one of them. I was born with little, left my parents house with nothing other than the knowledge to know that regardless of my start; the only thing that stands in my way of becoming one of those 1% is my own lack of desire and/or talent and/or luck and/or effort. This is the essence of the American Dream (not that I expect you to understand). I seriously doubt I'll choose to work long enough to accomplish anything close to that goal, but have little doubt the opportunity is there. The FACT remains that every child in this Country has a fair shot at getting further than his old man got. It doesn't come easy, and the risks may not be for everyone, but the opportunity is most assuredly there. But not for the whiners who'd prefer to soak their head in the public trough... and bitch about not having what they never even tried to earn.

The point is that you'll never achieve what the 1% has achieved. It takes money to make money. If you ain't born with any you can likely figure on working until you're 75 and hoping that you have a pension as well as healthcare when you do retire. That's a real issue in America now. People like Bill Gates are few and far between. And I seem to remember Gates being involved in a lawsuit because he had a monopoly on his software. But antitrust laws don't seem to apply to huge corporations such as AT&T, Verizon, utility companies, McDonald's, Walmart, who put mom and pop operations out of business. So much for free enterprise in the U.S.

pachelbel wrote:
I supplied a copy of an article that actually gave facts and percentages. You rebut with no facts, just dithering.
Laughing I rebutted nothing, imaginative one, other than your idiotic presumptions. I offered my own opinion... as opposed to the spoon-fed cut and paste nonsense you prefer for a diet. Separate the "facts and percentages" from the inane interpretations of same you prefer and you might just be able to form your own opinion.

OH!! YOUR OWN OPINION!!??? Just your idiotic presumptions again. Why is your opinion worth more than Mr. Hoffa's? Or mine? I personally know of many Americans who work their butts off, don't use charge accounts, live well within their means, and they still have a hard time making ends meet. They either have no medical insurance or pay hefty monthly premiums. Upon retirement, they find that the company they have worked for has been quietly going about nullfying the laws that would require them to pay a retiree. This is a fact. You may not care, but I'm pretty certain many other people might.

pachelbel wrote:
I did not mention handouts; you did. If you didn't read the article I posted, then you have nothing to say that interests me. Go cut the cheese Laughing .

That's probably the second best reasoned argument I've seen you make (well done!). Read it, understood it, and vehemently disagreed with your idiotic conclusions about it. <shrugs>

Cut the patronizing, cheesie. You don't know what you're talking about.

pachelbel wrote:
Magginkat gets it.
You do not.
I can ill imagine a more false sense of security in knowing what the hell you're talking about than that. Bye now.

You can ill imagine anything because you lack imagination. Or curiosity.

Cheese: fermented, coagulated curds Rolling Eyes

JTT... nah. Tico summed up your argument perfectly. Nothing to add, there.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Jul, 2006 10:18 pm
pachelbel wrote:
... I personally know of many Americans who work their butts off, don't use charge accounts, live well within their means, and they still have a hard time making ends meet. They either have no medical insurance or pay hefty monthly premiums. Upon retirement, they find that the company they have worked for has been quietly going about nullfying the laws that would require them to pay a retiree. This is a fact. You may not care, but I'm pretty certain many other people might.

What point are you trying to make? That these Americans should move to Canada?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Jul, 2006 10:34 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
pachelbel wrote:
... I personally know of many Americans who work their butts off, don't use charge accounts, live well within their means, and they still have a hard time making ends meet. They either have no medical insurance or pay hefty monthly premiums. Upon retirement, they find that the company they have worked for has been quietly going about nullfying the laws that would require them to pay a retiree. This is a fact. You may not care, but I'm pretty certain many other people might.

What point are you trying to make? That these Americans should move to Canada?

Ye gods, no.

My point is that most Americans are not aware that their pensions are quietly disappearing. Why is that? Why aren't red flags going up? No one seems to know what to do about it. The CEO's don't ever seem to take a pay cut. It doesn't bode well for the American Dream.

The word 'socialized health care' sends most Americans into a panic; they associate it with communism or some such silly thing. The rest of the world, or much of it, operates on the same health care system as does Canada. It works. It is sad that such a supposedly wealthy country such as the US purports to be, cannot take care of its own - or, in the words of the US Constitution 'provide for the general welfare'.

What happened to the good old 60's style of protests? Are you guys just going to sit and let the 1% who control the wealth in the US screw you over?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Jul, 2006 10:59 pm
And you're just worried about us? How cute.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 11 Jul, 2006 11:22 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
pachelbel wrote:
... I personally know of many Americans who work their butts off, don't use charge accounts, live well within their means, and they still have a hard time making ends meet. They either have no medical insurance or pay hefty monthly premiums. Upon retirement, they find that the company they have worked for has been quietly going about nullfying the laws that would require them to pay a retiree. This is a fact. You may not care, but I'm pretty certain many other people might.

What point are you trying to make? That these Americans should move to Canada?

How many Americans do you think pachelbel might personally know?

One thousand would be a fairly liberal estimate don't you think? For the sake of argument, though, let's assume he personally knows 10 times that amount, or 10,000 Americans.

Now of that amount, is it at all likely that 100% of these Americans pachelbel knows fit his posted description? Pachelbel knows 10,000 Americans who don't use "charge accounts"?

For the sake of argument, though, lets assume pachy does indeed personally know 10,000 Americans who never use "charge accounts," live well within their means but still find themselves in dire financial straits.

(Perhaps pachy knows 10,000 hardworking, but extremely careless Americans who keep losing their wallets)

Now let's be ridiculously generous and assume that pachy knows 10 times 10 times a liberal estimate of the number of Americans he might personally know (1,000 x 10 x 10 = 100,000) and, again, assume that each and every one of them fits pachy's very distinct definition.

This would mean that pachy is attempting to draw a conclusion about America and the American way of life based on the experiences of less than one half of one percent of the population.

If, on the other hand we make the more realistic, but still generous, estimate that pachy knows 500 Americans and that 50% fit his description, then we find that he his basing his damning contention on the experiences of 0.0001% of Americans.

How can we argue with pachy?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 03:25 am
pachelbel wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
pachelbel wrote:
... I personally know of many Americans who work their butts off, don't use charge accounts, live well within their means, and they still have a hard time making ends meet. They either have no medical insurance or pay hefty monthly premiums. Upon retirement, they find that the company they have worked for has been quietly going about nullfying the laws that would require them to pay a retiree. This is a fact. You may not care, but I'm pretty certain many other people might.

What point are you trying to make? That these Americans should move to Canada?

Ye gods, no.

My point is that most Americans are not aware that their pensions are quietly disappearing. Why is that? Why aren't red flags going up? No one seems to know what to do about it. The CEO's don't ever seem to take a pay cut. It doesn't bode well for the American Dream.
Shocked To all but the terminally ignorant; the CEO's you refer to are living the American Dream... frequently the hard way if they aren't founders of the Company. Success is that demonic to you? If you feel more qualified, by all means apply. I assure you there is no more such thing as a job not for hire as there is anything that isn't for sale (obviously, there's a few exception s, but few indeed).

pachelbel wrote:
The word 'socialized health care' sends most Americans into a panic; they associate it with communism or some such silly thing. The rest of the world, or much of it, operates on the same health care system as does Canada. It works. It is sad that such a supposedly wealthy country such as the US purports to be, cannot take care of its own - or, in the words of the US Constitution 'provide for the general welfare'.
Sad indeed. You're obviously barely an adult, as evidenced by the way you think... so theoretically 10 years from now you should still be around to see how many of "much of the rest of the world" goes to hell trying to burden the producers with too much social responsibility. Should my country continue to resist, you'll see she'll continue to be the most hated, envied, successful country on the globe despite all of our shortcomings. Nationally; there's no such thing as a freebie. I would agree we need a way to provide healthcare to everyone, but your system surely isn't it. Nor is any in Europe. You'll see.

Doubt it? Show me a truly rich person on Planet Earth that wouldn't usually be inclined to forego the "free healthcare" in favor of the terribly expensive healthcare available at John's Hopkins. Sometimes (usually) you get what you pay for. But again, I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

pachelbel wrote:
What happened to the good old 60's style of protests? Are you guys just going to sit and let the 1% who control the wealth in the US screw you over?
Nope. But just like then; we'll likely continue to be the most productive (per capita) citizenry on planet earth, because our citizenry will likely continue to have to produce to earn their rewards. Those, like you, who think life should be a free lunch, even when you gain control of a country, can only make short-term, short-sighted improvements in your average bloke's lot in life, because you'll never understand where the national wealth comes from. Age-wise: we're the rookies right? How many systems have the old pro's (like the French) gone through since our forefathers figured out capitalism works? Keep thinking you're racing ahead, while our leaders keep thinking. Watch as the rest of the world emulates us as they do get ahead, despite the temporary setbacks brought on by people like you.

Though no one seems to credit our supposedly (and likely) oblivious-to-politics-average-American with getting it; they actually do. This is the reason the seemingly few have so successfully outvoted the supposedly many so consistently in recent years… and will likely continue to do so. Idealism is ideal for an ideal world. Most of us in the United States remain selfish realists… and for that very reason we'll likely continue to dominate the real world. But again, I don't expect you to understand that.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 11:51 am
Biased reporting
By Thomas Sowell
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The same newspapers and television news programs that are constantly reminding us that some people under indictment "are innocent until proven guilty" are nevertheless hyping the story of American troops accused of rape in Iraq, day in and day out, even though these troops have yet to be proven guilty of anything.

What about all the civilian rapes that are charged -- and even proven -- in the United States? None of them gets this 24/7 coverage in the mainstream media.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated example of media hype of unproven charges against American troops. While military action was still raging in the early days of the Iraq war, there was media condemnation of our troops for not adequately protecting an Iraqi museum from which various items were missing.

When the smoke of battle cleared, it turned out that members of the museum staff had hidden these items for safekeeping during the fighting.

Then there was the incident when a Marine shot a terrorist who was pretending to be asleep and the media turned that into a big scandal until an investigation revealed how these and other tricks used by terrorists had cost the lives of American troops in Iraq.

None of the brutal beheadings of innocent hostages taken by terrorists in Iraq -- and videotaped for distribution throughout the Middle East -- has aroused half the outrage in the mainstream media as unsubstantiated charges made by terrorists imprisoned in Guantanamo.

Nor have most of the media become any more skeptical about charges made by these cutthroats in Guantanamo after the claim that copies of the Koran had been flushed down the toilet at that prison turned out to be a lie.

The idea of trying to flush any book down a toilet ought to have raised suspicions but much of the media treats statements by terrorists and their supporters as true and any denials of wrongdoing by American troops as false and "a coverup."

These are the same liberal media people who claim to be "honoring our troops" when they hype every casualty and make a big production of each landmark death, such as the 1000th American killed in Iraq and then the 2000th.

The multiple-page spread in the New York Times and similarly elaborate coverage of these landmark deaths on liberal television programs show that they had been preparing for these particular deaths for some time.

They may well be disappointed if we don't reach the 3000th American death, since the terrorists have shifted their attacks and now target primarily Iraqi civilians.

We all need to understand the fraudulence of the claim that these media liberals who have been against the military for decades and who have missed no opportunity to smear the military in Iraq are now in the forefront of "honoring" our troops by rubbing our noses in their deaths, day in and day out.

Troops who have won medals for bravery in battle -- including one soldier who won a Congressional Medal of Honor at the cost of his life -- go unmentioned in most of the mainstream media that is focused on our troops as casualties that they can exploit.

A recent study by the Media Research Center found that the three big broadcast news networks -- CBS, ABC, and NBC -- ran 99 stories in 3 and 1/2 hours about the investigation of charges against Marines in the death of Iraqi civilians in Haditha last November.

These remain unproven charges in a country where people on the side of the terrorists include civilian women and children who set off bombs to kill American troops and who can set off lies to discredit those that they do not kill.

But the same networks that lavished 3 and 1/2 hours of coverage of these unproven charges gave less than one hour of coverage of all the American troops who have won medals for bravery under fire.

Every newspaper and every television commentator has a right to criticize any aspect of the war in Iraq or anywhere else. But when they claim to be reporting the news, that does not mean filtering out whatever goes against their editorial views and hyping unsubstantiated claims that discredit the troops.

Those troops deserve the presumption of innocence at least as much as anyone else.

Copyright © 2006 Salem Web Network. All Rights Reserved.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 11:57 am
You know as well as I do that the left considers US troops immediately guilty of any and all atrocities or crimes they are charged with.
There doesn't have to be any evidence,any investigation,or any trial.
US soldiers are automatically guilty.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 12:21 pm
Good grief, Tico. From Sowell's very first example...
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated example of media hype of unproven charges against American troops. While military action was still raging in the early days of the Iraq war, there was media condemnation of our troops for not adequately protecting an Iraqi museum from which various items were missing.

When the smoke of battle cleared, it turned out that members of the museum staff had hidden these items for safekeeping during the fighting.

Iraq Museum Database

No other museum can rival the collections of Mesopotamian artifacts in the Iraq Museum. Spanning a time from before 9,000 B.C. well into to the Islamic period, the Iraq Museum's collections includes some of the earliest tools man ever made, painted polychrome ceramics from the 6th millennium B.C., a relief-decorated cult vase from Uruk, famous gold treasures from the Royal Cemetery at Ur, Sumerian votive statues from Tell Asmar, Assyrian reliefs and bull figures from the Assyrian capitals of Nimrud, Nineveh, and Khorsabad, and Islamic pottery and coins--an unrivaled treasure not only for Iraq, but for all mankind.

In the days following the conquest of Baghdad by U.S. troops in April 2003, the Iraq Museum was looted; many pieces were stolen, others damaged or destroyed. Thanks to the foresight of the museum staff, the losses were less severe than than initially reported in the media, when a total loss of this collection was predicted. Even two years, however, a full damage assessment is still missing. A complete list of all losses can only be drawn up after a complete inventory of all remaining items has been complied, a lengthy and laborious procedure that obstructed by the fact that the museum's archive had been devastated during the looting. Some 15,000 items are now confirmed to be have been stolen. Several famous pieces, such as the Warka Vase and the Warka Head, were retrieved or returned to the museum, but many other important pieces, including the museum's collection of 4,800 cylinder seals, remains missing. Irrespective of numbers, these losses are tremendous not only to the world of archaeology but to mankind in general.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 12:29 pm
Blatham: From your article ...

Thanks to the foresight of the museum staff, the losses were less severe than than initially reported in the media, when a total loss of this collection was predicted.

Seems that was Sowell's point if you read carefully.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 01:05 pm
No, tico. He's being inexcusably careless with the truth or with his research. It took me a bit (four minutes or so) to find data from a credible source. His claim is an absolute, which serves his rhetorical goal, but truth is not served.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 01:38 pm
Time for a lesson in critical reading, it appears. You claim Sowell (whom we both know you're no fan of) is being "inexcusably careless with the truth or his research." Let's analyze.

It appears you believe Sowell's fault is you believe he claimed the media initially reported all of the museum's collection lost, when none of it was.

Sowell said:

While military action was still raging in the early days of the Iraq war, there was media condemnation of our troops for not adequately protecting an Iraqi museum from which various items were missing.

What specific "media condemnation" is Sowell referring to here? He doesn't specify. But we know from the article you linked to, that:

Thanks to the foresight of the museum staff, the losses were less severe than than initially reported in the media, when a total loss of this collection was predicted.

We know that the media "initially reported ... a total loss of this collection." It appears that what Sowell is referring to when he refers to "various items," are those items that were missing, but not actually lost. He does not specify what "various items" he is referring to. But, notably, he does not refer to the entire collection of the museum, and instead refers to "various items." Had he intended to refer to the entirety of the museum's collection, which you seem to have concluded he did, he would probably have done so.

Now, if Sowell had instead written, "While military action was still raging in the early days of the Iraq war, there was media condemnation of our troops for not adequately protecting an Iraqi museum from which its entire collection was missing," you would have a valid point.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 02:02 pm
It is kind of hilarious to see Sowell talking about biased reporting, considering that his piece drips of bias.

He says that rapes in the USA don't get all this publicity. First, not many rapes here are concluded with the murder of the victim and four in her family. I do recall hearing a lot in the media about the Duke lacrosse team, wherein the alleged victim had no discernable injuries and, in fact, probably wasn't raped.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 02:10 pm
Advocate wrote:
It is kind of hilarious to see Sowell talking about biased reporting, considering that his piece drips of bias.

You do realize Sowell's not a reporter, don't you?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 02:20 pm
I do. I gather you feel that columnists may be biased.

It is my view that those in the mass media have an obligation to be honest and unbiased. For instance, I find Krugman and Kinsley absolutely unbiased.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 02:59 pm
Advocate wrote:
I do. I gather you feel that columnists may be biased.

Of course, and they all are.

It is my view that those in the mass media have an obligation to be honest and unbiased. For instance, I find Krugman and Kinsley absolutely unbiased.


Michael Kinsley?

Paul Krugman?

You find them "absolutely unbiased"?

Shocked Wow.
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Joe Nation
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 05:47 pm
And thus far, despite the very and important issues of how many vases are missing and whether or not T. Sowell can spin anything heavier than a yoyo, no comments regarding this:

blatham wrote:
Detainees to Get Protections Under Geneva Conventions

By Fred Barbash
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 11, 2006; 12:26 PM

The Bush administration, in an apparent policy reversal sparked by a recent Supreme Court ruling, said today it will extend the guarantees of humane treatment specified by the Geneva Conventions to detainees in the war-on-terror.

In a memo released by the Pentagon this morning, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, citing the Supreme Court's decision, ordered all Pentagon personnel to "adhere to these standards" and to "promptly review" all policies and practices "to ensure that they comply with the standards" of the Geneva Convention's Common Article 3.

Since 2001, the administration has argued that the Geneva Conventions would be respected as a matter of policy but that they did not apply by law. The Supreme Court, in a 5-3 decision, rejected that view.

White House spokesman Tony Snow confirmed the new approach, according to wire service reports, saying that while detainees have been treated humanely, "we want to get it right. . . . It's not really a reversal of policy." Snow called the Supreme Court decision "complex."

But in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee today, Steven Bradbury, acting assistant attorney general, stated that the court has indeed "imposed another baseline standard . . . that we must now interpret and implement."

Jesus Christ! Do these people even have it within themselves to speak honestly?!

The answer, b, is no. Probably not even when alone, facing their mirrors.

Joe(At least Nixon, well...never mind)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 07:04 pm
What comments are required, Joe? Treating the prisoners humanely is not a change in US policy, and that is repeated in the Pentagon memo from Gordon England:

It is my understanding that, aside from the military commission procedures, existing DoD orders, policies, directives, execute orders, and doctrine comply with the standards of Common Article 3 and, therefore, actions by DoD personnel that comply with such issuances would comply with the standards of Common Article 3. ... In addition, you will recall the President's prior directive that "the United States Armed Forces shall continue to treat detainees humanely," humane treatment being the overreaching requirement of Common Article 3.

Here's a replication of the memo:

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