You confirm what I'm claiming; his handlers wouldn't have wanted to remove those words unless they knew they weren't true. And they apologized later for including them.
It doesn't matter if the Brits admit they were forged or not; the CIA and State Dept. both found them to be innaccurate, as well as the IAEA. There is no doubt that they were forgeries; and no doubt that they
knew that they
may have been forgeries before the information was included in the SoTU address. Therefore, a lie.
Also, I take task with your Clinton 'lie' from the last page:
Quote:On Jan. 19, 1992 Bill Clinton said, "I want to make it very clear that this middle-class tax cut, in my view, is central to any attempt we're going to make to have a short-term economic strategy."
But on Jan. 14, 1993 at a press conference, Bill Clinton said, "From New Hampshire forward, for reasons that absolutely mystified me, the press thought the most important issue in the race was the middle-class tax cut. "I never did meet any voter who thought that.
There is no lie here. In the first statement, Clinton says that middle-class tax cuts are an important part of his strategy, in the second he says that the tax cuts weren't the most important part of the
race, even though the press thought so. He claims he never met any voter who thought the tax cuts were the most important part of the race.
Therefore, you are now one in the hole and need to present two lies just to catch up.
Also, you seem to use the 'belief' card a lot. Bush
believed something was true, therefore, he didn't lie about it because he thought he was telling the truth. A conveinent out for your boy, as it is easy to understand the fact that he doesn't know what the hell is going on, and therefore can't be held responsible for the things coming out of his mouth, because he
thought he was telling the truth. I don't buy it.