Hmmmm.... Hanson! You've got to appreciate these gems, even though he often enough gets the facts a bit wrong. A few quick annotations...
Victor Davis Hanson wrote:If the most liberal and tolerant states in Europe such as Holland and Denmark have the most problems with Islamic radicals, then what does that say about the continent as a whole?
Yes, "if". Only that Denmark has the most rigid laws of almost all European countries on immigration. You can't move Denmark without fulfilling a number of conditions, even when you're married to a Danish citizen. You must be older than 24 years. The attachment of both of the spouses or registered partners to Denmark must be greater than their attachment to another country (the so-called attachment requirement). The resident in Denmark must be a citizen of a Nordic country. And so on and so on... To call Denmark the "most liberal and tolerant" state when it comes to immigration is just a wee bit ridiculous.
(Listen to Hanson. Denmark. The most liberal nation on Earth.)
Victor Davis Hanson wrote:Why were not the calculating jihadists singling out a more unapologetic Catholic Poland that has larger contingents in Iraq and is far prouder of its Christian roots?
And why is Hanson so enamoured with Poland? Because they were blindly following America into Iraq? No. Can't be the reason.
(Follow America, and Victor will love you, too.)
Victor Davis Hanson wrote:Don't look, however, for any overt expression of alarm. It is too much to ask of the European Union for now to go on the record supporting the right of Danish free expression
Right. Even when we are trying to emulate the United States, it is not good enough:
Quote:Washington on Friday condemned caricatures in European newspapers of Islam's Prophet Mohammad, siding with Muslims who are outraged that the publications put press freedom over respect for religion.
Or was that just a mistake, siding with the Muslims?
(Either. Or. Please let us know when you've made up your mind.)
Victor Davis Hanson wrote:In point of fact, Europe has no real defenses against a 9/11-like attack. They know it. So do the terrorists.
Crash an airliner into the dome of St. Peter's or knock down the Eiffel Tower tomorrow: Europe has no mechanism to hunt down the perpetrators in the Hindu Kush, the Bekka Valley, or the wilds of Iran
Unlike the United States, of course. They have all the defenses necessary (like, wiretapping phone calls). And they have all the mechanisms in place to hunt down the guys behind those attack. Like that Osama guy, yaknow. That was splendid.
(Everything is fine. 9/11 could never again happen in the US.)
So. Weak analysis. On another note, thousands of people were protesting against the cartoons in Pakistan today. They shouted "Death to the United States".
So at least Hanson isn't the only one to get almost everything wrong....