fox and tico...thanks for the links/info
OCCOM BILL wrote:Sorry Blatham, but that was pretty damn funny...

I respect your stamina, but you'd do yourself a favor to stop short of defending fools (to put it in the nicest possible term) like Kennedy.
MM, do me a favor and PM me that link so I can verify it for myself. No offense, but it's too offensive of a post to not verify. Though I can't say I'm terribly surprised.

Don't at all mind a good joke at my expense, but fox's thing was completely predictable. At Christmas, a buddy of one of my nephews nailed me with something so bright and unexpected that I was rendered utterly speechless for a good ten seconds.
I appreciate that a lot of you folks on the right really dislike Kennedy. I guess it is his rich-kid upbringing in the rooty-tooty Washington/east coast environment and his Ivy League creds but as Dubya is the same, it's all a bit confusing to me. In any case, I didn't defend him. I said that his (or anyone else's) questioning of Alito for membership in CAP and the subsequent boasting of it was completely valid for a SC nominee. And of course it was. You can hold Kennedy guilty of hypocrisy (though there appears to be no racist component to his group whereas with CAP that was a clear element) and that's valid too. But it doesn't have relevance to the Alito issue except as a PR tact to divert attention.