Bush supporters' aftermath thread II

Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 07:06 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
But, yes, I see the difference in class between "you" and "us": You think a funeral is a political rally.

I think that when a woman who invested most her life to a political cause dies, you can fairly expect her memorial to be political too. It would be kind of hypocritical to suddenly go all pious, hushed and neutral at the funeral of someone who when she was alive always was outspoken, now wouldnt it?

Ticomaya wrote:
Yes, there's the difference. There, the few families complaining (and what exactly was their complaint?) were trying to make a political point by their complaining.

As opposed to the politicians - and the politicians who are on the opposite side of the spectrum from the deceased, at that - who are complaining now, I assume.

Phooey to the "few families" of 9/11 widows who dared make a political point when it came to the political use of references and images of their own dead, loved ones.

No, the complaints of the politicians, hacks, rightwing columnists and Republican bloggers who are complaining now are obviously of higher moral calibre - their take would of course be pure of political point scoring, in comparison to those shameless 9/11 widows.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 07:08 pm
I also wanted to make Old Europe's point above, but decided I didnt want to bother.

But somehow I'm betting that Anon's riposte will get a lot more replies than OE's post ...
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old europe
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 07:13 pm
Very Happy
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Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 07:17 pm
Laughing OE, you've lowered the bar on every one of those answers.
1) Capturing Bin Laden - ? Obviously not. Anon doesn't seem to know who attacked the World Trade Center the first time either. Ridiculous.
(2) Defusing the middle east powder keg- In 1998 Dessert Fox was called off in the eleventh hour (this would have been the appropriate response to Saddam's failure to live up to the terms of ceasefire. Our intelligence on Iraq wouldn't have been so spotty had Clinton not allowed Saddam to throw out the inspectors. All that notwithstanding; the "Middle east powder keg" was far from defused. Israel and her neighbors were good buddies? Ridiculous.
(3)Making everybody in the world love America- Please. I'll grant you the world's grown considerably less fond of America, but they most certainly weren't in love with us before. And even this answer is looking past the fact that (3) refers to everybody. Ridiculous.
(4) Putting the moderates in power in Iran.- What role did Anon's we play in this? At which point did the "Supreme leader", Khamenei cede power to the moderates? Or even stop referring to us (presumably Anon's "we") as the enemy? The least ridiculous of the four, perhaps, but it's certainly NOT something "we managed" to do.

Anon's contention "JW forgets in 2000 that we had managed most of that ... before Bush took over!!" is patently absurd. "Ridiculous" was generous as "idiotic" would have been every bit as accurate.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 07:17 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Lash is like totally Goth.

OK. I have never before realized.

I have never seen a black Goth.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 07:19 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
But, yes, I see the difference in class between "you" and "us": You think a funeral is a political rally.

And again ... I think it's been asked a coupla times before ... has anyone close to the King family actually objected? Anyone who stood by her and her work when she was still alive? Whether Democrat or other? Did any of them feel that her memory was offended, at all?

Or is it really only the people who were on the other end from her when she was alive anyway who are now scandalised at the outrage of it all?

Ehmm ... >insert common sense< ... shouldnt it be up to the family and friends of the deceased to judge what is appropriate and dignified and what is not, for her funeral?

I dunno. All this strikes me as a jazz musician dying and the funeral being a celebration of swing in his spirit - and the neighbours looking over the fence and tut-tutting, how undignified! Music at a funeral! Why dont they just hold a solemn church service like its proper to do!
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Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 07:29 pm
blatham wrote:
And you, or fox, represent what exactly? Objective and inclusive bigitude?

I don't hate the opposition, nor are my views reliably one-sided, as are yours and Poobah's.

So...you: very bad.

Me: marginally bad.

This means: I win. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 07:42 pm
I've seen a black Punk tho.

But no Goths.

Lash wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
Lash is like totally Goth.

OK. I have never before realized.

I have never seen a black Goth.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 08:12 pm
So you're a liar, as much as you are stupid ... no wonder you idolize Bush, he must be your natural father!!

Laughing OE, you've lowered the bar on every one of those answers.
1) Capturing Bin Laden - ? Obviously not. Anon doesn't seem to know who attacked the World Trade Center the first time either. Ridiculous.

Lie No. One! Show me anywhere I said anything about bin Laden. I didn't say we captured him. I said we hadn't had any attacks on Continental U.S. Soil

(2) Defusing the middle east powder keg- In 1998 Dessert Fox was called off in the eleventh hour

You made my point ... Thank You!! Clinton was not so bloody stupid as to attack and create the mess that Bush has! Bushes father was also not so stupid as his son. In Iraq War One he refused to invade. Only Bush the Stupid did that!!

(this would have been the appropriate response to Saddam's failure to live up to the terms of ceasefire.

Only for the Incredibly Stupid!! All you have to do is look at Iraq today to see the evidence that this kind of action has brought on us!!

Our intelligence on Iraq wouldn't have been so spotty had Clinton not allowed Saddam to throw out the inspectors.

There were inspectors in the field while Bush banged the war drums. He made the inspectors leave. As a matter of fact, they barely got out before Bush the Stupid attacked. Bush is the one who threw out the inspectors so he could wage his stupid war!!!

All that notwithstanding; the "Middle east powder keg" was far from defused.

The Mid-East was much tamer. Palestine and Isreal were in peace talks while Bush and Sharon plotted war from the sidelines before they were even elected. Bush and Sharon impeded the peace process by interferring when it was none of their business. They were busy making phone calls to each other prior to the election. There was quite a fuss about it.

Israel and her neighbors were good buddies? Ridiculous.

Lie No. Two Show me where I said they were good buddies.

(3)Making everybody in the world love America- Please. I'll grant you the world's grown considerably less fond of America, but they most certainly weren't in love with us before. And even this answer is looking past the fact that (3) refers to everybody. Ridiculous.

JustWonders said everybody. I'm not that ignorant!

However, we had the sympathy of the world after the WTC went down. ALMOST everyone was behind us and we could have used it to great advantage! Bush and you ignorant rightwingers, instead of using it, sodomized the U.S. with your bloody war. You are the ones responsible for the state of the world today, and WE told you it would work out this way if you were this malignant.

The liberals have called every Bush f*ckup long before it happened, and it happened just like we said ... meanwhile you ignorant supporters just cheered on for the bloodletting!!

(4) Putting the moderates in power in Iran.- What role did Anon's we play in this? At which point did the "Supreme leader", Khamenei cede power to the moderates? Or even stop referring to us (presumably Anon's "we") as the enemy? The least ridiculous of the four, perhaps, but it's certainly NOT something "we managed" to do.

Your ignorance screams from the page! Start reading about a third of the way down the page.

Anon's contention "JW forgets in 2000 that we had managed most of that ... before Bush took over!!" is patently absurd. "Ridiculous" was generous as "idiotic" would have been every bit as accurate.

As usual you shoot off your mouth with insufficient information and facts! You, MM. and McG were separated at birth.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 08:43 pm
23 "escape" from Yemen--US closes waterway.

U.S. Ships Block Yemen Coast

WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House expressed ``enormous concern'' Thursday about the threat posed by 23 escaped terrorists as U.S. Navy ships patrolled the coast of Yemen in a multinational effort to recapture them.

Navy officials would not say how many or what types of ships were helping in the operation in hopes of finding the fugitives, convicted members of al-Qaida who tunneled out of a cell in a Yemeni prison.

The patrols began Thursday, nearly a week after the escape that included an al-Qaida operative sentenced to death for plotting the USS Cole bombing in 2000.

The Bush administration has spoken with Yemeni officials, through the U.S. ambassador, to express disappointment that the prisoners were housed together and that restrictions in the prison were not more stringent.

``I find the developments in Yemen not only deeply disappointing, but of enormous concern to us, especially given the capabilities and the expertise of the people who were there,'' Frances Fragos Townsend, assistant to President Bush for homeland security and counterterrorism, told reporters Thursday in a conference call following Bush's speech here on terrorism.

She said the United States also was working with Saudi Arabia because that nation had turned a number of individuals back to Yemen who have now escaped.

``Our allies in Saudi Arabia face as great, if not a greater, threat by virtue of this escape than we do,'' she said.

So...Yemen let them out, eh?

Anyone following this?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 08:49 pm
Lash wrote:

So...Yemen let them out, eh?

Anyone following this?

I think you have that right!! Osama needed some replacements for the losses he has suffered!! A few bucks and Bingo!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 09:38 pm
nimh wrote:
JustWonders wrote:
And...like Foxy...I'd turn my back on any party that behaved as shamefully as the Democrats did at Mrs. King's funeral the other day.

Except, when conservative Republicans do, you won't see it. You just won't. Automatic defence systems go up at the hint of shameful behaviour on the part of your party (which I define as the Republican Party-as-long-as-it's-run-by-conservatives).

If you'd see it, yes, you surely would turn your back on it, because you're a good person. Thats why you wont let yourself see it. I guess thats how loyalty works.

I swear I hadnt seen the fascinating article that ILZ just posted yet when I wrote the above.

It includes this fascinating bit:

Emory University psychologist Drew Westen put self-identified Democratic and Republican partisans in brain scanners and asked them to evaluate negative information about various candidates. Both groups were quick to spot inconsistency and hypocrisy -- but only in candidates they opposed.

When presented with negative information about the candidates they liked, partisans of all stripes found ways to discount it, Westen said. When the unpalatable information was rejected, furthermore, the brain scans showed that volunteers gave themselves feel-good pats -- the scans showed that "reward centers" in volunteers' brains were activated. The psychologist observed that the way these subjects dealt with unwelcome information had curious parallels with drug addiction as addicts also reward themselves for wrong-headed behavior.

Link to thread / full article
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 09:50 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
snood wrote:

1) Capturing Bin Laden
(2) Defusing the middle east powder keg
(3)Making everybody in the world love America
(4) Putting the moderates in power in Iran.

Can we take from your flippant list that the present administration has some clue of how to go about solving these?

JW forgets in 2000 that we had managed most of that ... before Bush took over!!

This is what you own, Anon. No amount of hysterical blathering will change it. The challenge was absurd when JW offered it, but you none the less took the bait and even raised the bar in claiming it was already done.

Anon wrote:
Lie No. One! Show me anywhere I said anything about bin Laden. I didn't say we captured him. I said we hadn't had any attacks on Continental U.S. Soil
Rolling Eyes A. Among the (4) points you had claimed "we managed most of" B. Who do you think was behind the first WTC bombing? Rolling Eyes No lies here.

Anon wrote:
Lie No. Two Show me where I said they were good buddies.
Rolling Eyes Show me where I claimed you did? Your inability to comprehend what you read is no excuse to call me a liar.

Your Ad Hominem attacks are tiresome and a clear violation of the TOS. If you can't handle having your weak-to-ridiculous positions attacked; tough luck.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 11:46 pm
mysteryman wrote:
blatham wrote:
Staying away from talking points is good advice, JW. But you never take it yourself. Your last post constitutes precisely what are precisely the main talking points of the RNC..."Dems have no strategy, no message, no leader". "Hating Bush isn't a policy". "Dems are weak on defence." We see it all repeated regularly by you, by others here, daily on Fox, and hourly on all the main right wing sites.

I have not heard one articulated by any Dem Leader,and I truly am curious.

Of course not, it has already been established that you are hopelessly misinformed. Have you figured out Lincoln having done electronic sureveillance yet, genius?
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Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 11:49 pm
Anon Voter wrote:
JW forgets in 2000 that we had managed most of that ... before Bush took over!!

This wasn't about what happened in 2000 or 1998 or any time in the past. We were discussing the Democrats lack of credibility on national security and the effect of that on future elections. It would be in their best interests to come up with answers to my questions if they are serious about having a leadership role in this country.
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Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 11:54 pm
Only a complete ignoramus would claim that the Democrats stand for nothing. The fact is we stand for TOO MUCH. The Republican Party stands for the wealthy and the corporations, They attract voters by appealing to fear of their weak, emotionally crippled, cowardly, mean-sprited constituents.

If you don't believe my characterization, just check out the underlying meanness of 90% of the right-wing posts here. They fear everything and have a fundamental hatred for all those who are emotionally whole.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 11:58 pm
nimh wrote:
nimh wrote:
JustWonders wrote:
And...like Foxy...I'd turn my back on any party that behaved as shamefully as the Democrats did at Mrs. King's funeral the other day.

Except, when conservative Republicans do, you won't see it. You just won't. Automatic defence systems go up at the hint of shameful behaviour on the part of your party (which I define as the Republican Party-as-long-as-it's-run-by-conservatives).

If you'd see it, yes, you surely would turn your back on it, because you're a good person. Thats why you wont let yourself see it. I guess thats how loyalty works.

I swear I hadnt seen the fascinating article that ILZ just posted yet when I wrote the above.

It includes this fascinating bit:

Emory University psychologist Drew Westen put self-identified Democratic and Republican partisans in brain scanners and asked them to evaluate negative information about various candidates. Both groups were quick to spot inconsistency and hypocrisy -- but only in candidates they opposed.

When presented with negative information about the candidates they liked, partisans of all stripes found ways to discount it, Westen said. When the unpalatable information was rejected, furthermore, the brain scans showed that volunteers gave themselves feel-good pats -- the scans showed that "reward centers" in volunteers' brains were activated. The psychologist observed that the way these subjects dealt with unwelcome information had curious parallels with drug addiction as addicts also reward themselves for wrong-headed behavior.

Link to thread / full article

Yes...there were a couple of threads on that. Goes both ways.

There's been a long tradition in this country (not a rule, just a tradition) that former presidents refrain from criticism of current presidents. Both Clinton and Carter have ignored that tradition on several occasions for political gain.

As I recall, we didn't agree on the issue of Kerry bringing the daughter of a political opponent into political debate, and I doubt we'll find common ground on the issue of politicizing Mrs. King's funeral. It's not that anyone here is trying to dictate what her family or friends should/should not condone, but rather that we feel a memorial service is not the place for that type of behavior.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2006 11:58 pm
JustWonders wrote:
Anon Voter wrote:
JW forgets in 2000 that we had managed most of that ... before Bush took over!!

This wasn't about what happened in 2000 or 1998 or any time in the past. We were discussing the Democrats lack of credibility on national security and the effect of that on future elections. It would be in their best interests to come up with answers to my questions if they are serious about having a leadership role in this country.

Huh? What is your basis for the absurd claim that the Dems lack crediblity on national security?
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 12:00 am
Ticomaya wrote:
blatham wrote:
Take a month. Quit reading and watching your present sources. I'll provide you with a modest list of things to read each day (good quality). That would help with the "enlighten" thing.

Anyone want to bet NYT is near the top of the list? :wink:

NYT Book Review :wink:

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 12:01 am
There's been a long tradition in this country (not a rule, just a tradition) that former presidents refrain from criticism of current presidents. Both Clinton and Carter have ignored that tradition on several occasions for political gain.

Really? I didn't realize either was running for anything. When we are suffering through the most incompetent adminisration in history, they are doing the American people a service by criticizing this dickhead.
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